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Everything posted by landscapes

  1. Hi Richard Thank you, it’s great that RMWeb is back up and running again. And all credit to Andy and the team, quite a few photos have been lost or miss placed so it’s an opportunity to insert some new photos and hopefully showing other parts of the layout not usually seen. At present I am abroad but will return this Tuesday so hopefully any time from Wednesday onwards I will be able to insert some new photos. And more important push on with the next phase of works which includes the purchase of a new digital controller, and the fitting of digital decoders to the model locomotives and yard lighting installation. Once that’s all complete and up and running I have more scenic works to the yard track work. Very nice to hear from you again. Regards David
  2. A couple of locomotives are seen passing the MPD on their way to Waverley Station, both will be south bound workings. Regards David
  3. Hi A couple of missing photos, there were taken in such a position that if the layout was completely finished they would not look very different. Regards David
  4. Hi Thank you, yes it’s very strange that most photos have gone but there are still pockets of photos still visible on various pages through the thread. I not sure if I want to go back through the thread and try to reinstate them as many of my early photos I no longer have. I think instead I will concentrate on inserting new images which show the layout progress from now on. Regards David
  5. Hi just a test to see if I can download a photo. Regards David
  6. Hi its great to have RMWeb back again and thank you to Andy and the team for all the hard work recovering all that data. Can I please ask one question, I know Andy said all photos from this year will be lost but I cannot see any photos what so ever it that the same with all other members. I ask this as I am currently abroad and don’t know if that may be the reason I cannot see any previous photos. Regards David
  7. Hi Tony A great selection of model locomotives, and all superbly weathered as well. Thank you David
  8. Hi Tony I would have liked the opportunity to have a go myself but cannot as I am at present in Sunny Spain awaiting a sand storm. Looks more like Mars than Spain. Regards David
  9. Hi Tony In your defence and in my own opinion trying to create smoke effects on a locomotive at high speed and to make it look right is very a very difficult task. Having said that I think your attempts are not bad at all. I know Robbie (robmcg) produces some very effective images and I am still none the wiser how he does it. I occasionally try to achieve the dark art of photoshopped smoke, two examples enclosed but I would never attempt to the same effect on an express at high speed I think it’s much easier to try to attempt a smoke effect on a stationary or very slow moving locomotive. Regards David
  10. Hi Gilbert I Do not for one moment want to try to tell you how to do any aspects of railway modelling. But I do find the two part rapid Araldite is the best glue I have used for brass nameplates, works plates etc just a vey thin line applied with a cocktail stick, the best part is any overspill can just be removed easily when fully dry again with the point of a cocktail stick. Regards David
  11. Hi Gilbert Tims produced two Fabulous looking locomotives, I saw 60025 Falcon many times and use to curse it when it came through Finsbury Park Station time and time again. How I would love to see it again now. Thanks for posting the photos. Regards David
  12. Hi Robbie Thank you, I have occasionally taken photos on the plank indoors with the LED lighting I have in the same room as Haymarket layout and get good results but not quite as good as natural sunlight. Only problem is when taking a series of the same photos outside for stacking purposes you just hope the sun does not go behind any clouds while taking them or it a long wait. Good luck with what ever option you choose Regards David
  13. Hi TrevorP1 Thank you for your kind comments. I am sure it’s being able to photograph in natural sunlight is the main reason it gives the photo an element of realism. Regards David
  14. Thanks Richard The advantage of using a photo plank for model railway photography is you can take it outside in nice sunny weather, which was the case with this photo. Regards David
  15. Hi Richard I do not have any photos of my A2/1 as 60509 Waverley on the Haymarket layout but I do have a photo of it on a photo plank I built some years ago with a photoshopped background added. Regards David
  16. Hi Richard Your welcome, I enclose a photo of 60510 which I posted a few pages back. I don’t think I have any photos of the model as 60509 as I renamed it some time before the layout got to where it is now. Regards David
  17. Hi Richard I have a PDK A2/1 which they built for me. it arrived as 60509 Waverley but I changed its identity a few years ago to 60510 Robert the Bruce, it was the only option I had as the third member of the class based at Haymarket was 60507 Highland Chieftain which had a non riveted tender it acquired from an A4 destroyed in a WW2 bombing raid at York Station. Regards David
  18. Hi A busier Scene in the East Yard showing a collection of mainly home based locomotives. We also follow Haymarket A4 60027 and as she is fitted with lamps and the Queen of Scots Headboard my only excuse for this is she was ready to leave for Waverley and went back down to the coaling stage to top up. Regards David
  19. Hi Was that nearly 10 years ago when I first started the main shed building, it was just going to be a small retirement project and nothing more. To think they probably built the real item in one tenth of that time. Regards David
  20. Hi polybear Thank you, I do have many of photos showing different views of the layout and have a few more I intend to show hopefully later today. The layout is still work in progress and there is quite a bit of work to be completed. I do not want to flood lots of my photos onto Tony’s thread but you can see many more on my own thread, Haymarket 64B in the layout topics section. At present I’m on about page 5 or 6 but that will chance with the next addition. Regards David
  21. Hi Headstock Thank you, I was only trying to make the point that in my option RTR models can still produce a nice photo. Thank you for your kind reply. Regards David
  22. Hi Tony Good morning to you as well. I apologise I do not want to get into discussions on different matters of opinion regarding RTR locomotives your thread is too good for that. Thank you for your kind comments but I know my limitations and believe me when I say building metal locomotive kits and soldering is definitely not one of my strong points. But I am more than happy to continue admiring the work that you and other Railway Modellers on this website produce, building superb kit built model locomotives. Regards David
  23. Hi I enclose a photo from my Haymarket layout. can I ask you in your opinion is this boring? I do not have the skills as the likes of Tony and other modellers on this website to build locomotive kits, I am the first to admit that. The two locomotives in this photo are both RTR models, but everything else you see including all structures and buildings I have scratch built from archive photographs, and to a point as well that includes the trackwork which is C&L Finescale and had to be made up. Regards David
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