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Everything posted by landscapes

  1. Hi There is nothing wrong or boring about RTR railway photography
  2. Superb work Eric, Look forward to seeing the finished model running. I do hope one day this class becomes available in RTR. Regards David
  3. Hi Totally agree with your comments. Although in my trainspotting days we always referred to them a the Peak Class. I thought class 44 & 45 classification came in when they were all given silly numbers I could not understand and painted them blue. Spent many days at St Pancras Station hoping to see one of the first 10 but never did, finally saw them all at Totton MPD in the mid 1960’s on a midlands railway trip with a trainspotters club I use to belong to. Regards David
  4. Hi The snow has cleared and the MPD is back to normal operations again. Gresley A3 Pacific No 60100 Spearmint has arrived at the MPD and is about to be turned on the turntable. Regards David
  5. Good morning I would be very interested in seeing any other members photos in a snow scene on their layout. If anyone has done this please feel free to post any photos they have taken here. Regards David
  6. Hi Thank you, If you look at the five photos I have just put on the thread there is no snow on any of the model locomotives. In real time if the locomotives had been in the shed building with an overnight snow fall then brought out there would be no snow on them. And to be honest I would not have wanted to dust the locomotives in the material I used. Like you I always wanted to photograph the models in a snow scene, it was very easy to apply and pretty easy to remove as well. For what it’s worth my advice is have a go, I only applied the snow material to a small part of the layout for photographing purposes only, running models in that environment could possible cause problems with the motors or other moving parts gumming up. For the snow material I used Cream of Tartar a baking product, it was a method used by and recommended by Chris Nevard. It works very well and is a fraction of the cost of model snow materials you can buy from retailers. You just dust it on using a small fine wired tea strainer and hoover it off the layout when you have finished with it. Good luck if you do it. Regards David
  7. Hi A few more snow scene photos before it all melts away. Regards David
  8. Hi We have had a light snow fall over Haymarket MPD. The snow is not photoshopped in any way. Regards David
  9. Hi Robbie Two very nice photos, and yes you are correct reading how you achieve your photos it is very similar to my methods but using different camera’s and photo editing software. Tony’s photos are superb and I must be honest it was visiting him at his home to see Little Bytham is where I learnt so much about model railway photography seeing how he set up a photo opportunity. Tony uses a Nikon SLR, I did initially try using my Canon5D Mk11 SLR but found it just to big to place it on my Haymarket Baseboards. As I no longer did any full size steam locomotive photography on both heritage and main lines I traded it in for a smaller more compact Canon G1X which was much easier to use on the model layout than the SLR. Then on RMWeb I started reading comments from both Andy York and Gilbert of Peterborough North fame on how good and effective the Canon G12 was so I purchased a second hand one on EBay and this model as I have ready stated can focus down to but 50mm of 2 inches which is ideal for my purposes and photos. The only issue with it is, it’s maximum aperture setting is only f8 but I overcome the lack of depth of field by photo stacking. If you are going to mount the camera on a tripod and photograph models on a plinth or photo plank then an SLR will probably be ideal with its very high maximum aperture setting and full frame. Good luck with what ever camera you choose to buy and use. Regards David
  10. Hi Robbie Thank you for you kind comment. I use a Canon G12 it has a built in lens but you can focus down to a few inches. Andy York and other RMWeb members always had positive comments about the model. I purchased mine second hand on EBay as Canon no longer make this model. I set the camera to the manual setting and fit it to a sturdy tripod or set the camera directly onto the baseboard which was the case in the last photo. I always use a shutter release cable as well. I take about 10 photos in the exact same position with the camera set on the maximum aperture setting increasing the focal length after each photo. As I use an Apple Mac I don’t use a photo stacking programme as I have not been able to find one suitable for an Apple product. I load all the photos onto my computer and use Photoshop Element's 12 for editing. Using layers in Photoshop Element’s I over lay each photo in turn and just brush in each layer so the photo is generally in focus from front to the very back. I do hope that’s explains my method and is of help to you. I do also gave a Canon G1X which is more expensive than the G12 and I believe is full frame as well but the focusing depth of field is nowhere near as good as the G12. I would thoroughly recommend the G12 to anyone it’s superb for model railway photography. Regards David
  11. Hi Away from the main shed A3 60043 Brown Jack is now on the turntable awaiting its next duty. The turntable is a converted Peco PL-55 fitted with replacement brass handrails Vacuum housing and other detailing items. Regards David
  12. Hi A couple of photos this evening showing a more close up view of the main shed entrance. Close ups of this magnification can sometime be a little cruel on the eye. And thank god they do not show up so much on the layout itself Regards David
  13. Great photo, and a great locomotive
  14. Hi Two view today of locomotives arriving on Haymarket MPD, the building in the background just behind the locomotives in both photo is the Offices/Stores. This is where the lamps and headboards would be removed before the locos are turned then make their way to the Ash Pits if required then water and coaling. Regards David
  15. Hi I agree with the other comments, remove existing double chimney and refit. If by chance it does get damaged due to removal there are various suppliers where you can obtain a replacement in both white metal or resin options. Good luck. Regards David
  16. Thank you. Its. Been similar for me and railway modelling has had to take a bit of a back seat mainly due to family commitments. Wish you all the best with your house move. Regards David
  17. Hi Another view of the two A4's, this time 60027 Merlin is standing on the turntable all ready to leave for Waverley Station to take over the Queen Of Scotts Pullman. Regards David
  18. Hi possibly in the corridor of the tenders in the case of the A4’s. They seem to store most things in there. Regards David
  19. Hi Gilbert Sorry to hear about your problem, I have been in the same position for many years having various BCC’s removed as well. I wish you a speedy recovery as soon as possible, and all credit to your friend and fellow member for his kind gesture in helping out in obviously a very difficult time for you. All the very best. David
  20. Hi Today we have two A4's waiting by the Water Tower, one visitor and one home based locomotive both ready to work expresses south. Regards David
  21. Hi Robbie Thats one very nice looking model, I must admit I have wanted to get the W1 for some time now long before Hornby decided to bring it out in RTR. But unfortunately as far as I know 60700 never got up to Haymarket MPD. Thank you for posting it. Regards David
  22. Hi Todays photo shows Thompson A2/3 60521 Watling Street coming on shed and in the background A3 60100 Spearmint about to leave. Regards David
  23. Hi Dylan As Richard has already said the Thompson A2/1 was a PDK kit and it was Paul Hill who built it for me and a superb job he did as well. When I first contacted PDK to place my order about eight years ago I originally ordered a A2/2 No 60506 Wolf of Badenoch, but then changed my mind as I realised that Haymarket had three out of the four A2/1's on their books during my modelling period of 1958/59. I am pleased I did change the order because as you know Hornby recently produced a RTR A2/2, but the A2/1 along with the A1/1 are still the only LNER Pacific's not available in RTR form to date? I have carried out a few alterations to the model over the years, I was built as No 60509 Waverley, I then changed it to No 60510 Robert the Bruce. I did weather the loco and tender and replaced the front bogie wheel splashers and the super heater covers as well, both of these on the original model in my opinion were undersized. As I said Paul Hill did a superb job my only complain was there was about a 2mm wide gap between the boiler and running plate, I did question it with PDK and was told the gap was unavoidable due to the motor and gear size. I did infill the gap on each side with a thin strip of plasticard painted Brunswick Green and the weathering did the rest. I enclose a photo I took of the model just after it arrived so you can now compare it to the photos I recently published. Regards David
  24. Hi My last photo for today is again A2/1 60510 Robert The Bruce but taken from a different angle showing a more detailed look of the turntable as well. I have said it before and say it again I do like the look of the Thompson Pacific's. This is the only metal Kit build model locomotive I have on the entire layout, it's not my work but what a beauty it is. Regards David
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