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Everything posted by boxbrownie

  1. Although funny, the new seats in the 800 are hard enough to stop us using the train and use the car to get from Cornwall to just about anywhere. Oh for the HST First Class seats
  2. I presume 97xx meant yours was a review Model sent direct from Dapol rather than a shop bought model by yourself?
  3. Well one fact I can add is Mum’s ward at the hospital is now cleared of the Covid isolation, all’s well……as can be.
  4. Didn’t they have to “fiddle” with the internals layout because of the U.K. loading gauge being substantially smaller than the German gauge?
  5. If you doing (or going to be) a lot of work on your car there are special “pliers” for those clips which make the job easier and safer…….if you can get the pliers in the gaps!
  6. Exactly that, with the calibre of most drivers nowadays a warning that disappears after a few seconds would be forgotten in just as many seconds
  7. The EOS really has only the drivetrain and platform in common with the Golf, almost every other panel is unique, it needed to be for the price premium over the Golf. But yes it is Golf segment and replaced the Golf Conny.
  8. You wouldn’t even have to say “Land Rover” in that sentence
  9. I can understand the “ding ” being transient, but would have thought the actual warning symbol (whatever it may be) stayed on while below the triggering temperature?
  10. When we tested in Arjeplog temperature went down to below -40 (which was the point of going there, later spoiled by having an environmental chamber built which could do much the same…..damnit!) some mornings it was so cold the fan belt slipped, not because it was icey but because it was frozen solid and would not go around the pulleys That is quite cold, and the beer cost a fortune!
  11. I bought a pair back in the 70’s when I bought my 2002tii……dogs danglies I was, until I gave one of the (female) journo a lift home…..she kept looking at my sporty gloves and smiling…….then she couldn’t stop laughing….. I never wore another pair……ever!
  12. NO…..you can’t use a bucket of water
  13. I wonder what the answer from Dapol would be with a question of “what is the rate of the springs on the new Prairie and the preload if any please?” hmmm Heaven help us when they start fitting dampers and we need to change the rebound and compression rates
  14. You gotta love Heljan for traction power, I think their chassis are made from depleted Uranium
  15. If anyone thinks model Loco manufacturers put thought into designing and producing a Loco which will or only will match its prototype rating is sorely deluded……they make a chassis, it pulls half a dozen coaches, it’s fine, that’ll work, whether it’s a 0-6-0 Pannier or a Deltic is irrelevant to them, I have an old Thomas the Tank which will pull seven or eight coaches with ease and a Flying Scotsman that struggles with that same load. Nah….sorry….to much faith in the Blue, Dark Blue and Red boxes.
  16. And a visual warning…..your fingers turn blue!
  17. Has nobody under 65 died from Covid then? Sorry I missed that little gem of information……
  18. I wasn’t suggesting they were, hopefully they aren’t compensating for the balance of the model those springs “should” be there just to keep the pony wheels firmly on the track, does the pony sub chassis actually bear upon the main chassis when it’s running? That would sort of explain the springs…..but obviously not at the rate they are set, they need to be just firm enough to keep the pony wheels on the track, most models seem to do fine with just the weight of the truck but then they are usually metal.
  19. Actually thinking about the solution he came up with, I assume the rear coupling is attached the the pony truck? Surely then if he flattened the grooves and removes the springs which effectively lowers the truck the coupling would be a bit low as well?
  20. I noticed that also, I think the better solution might be just to “adjust” if possible the spring tension until it’s a balance between the two extremes.
  21. Probably not if it stopped them contracting a disease in the office which could easily end up in the HDW of the local hospital….or worse. I was really thinking of the care worker sector and allied trades and the risk to their patients. Which also makes sense, at least to me.
  22. During the recent Hornby television series their “test track” consisted it appeared of nothing but set track, and they have a torturous (their words) through several reverse curve small radius points, hopefully Dapol would do the same level of testing.
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