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Status Updates posted by Sandhills

  1. There's a rumour going round that a chap matching my description might just have walked out of a model shop in Leicestershire having purchased a Bachmann 32-953DC ?! :-/

    1. Jon020


      Ahha... when it's done, milk, no sugar please...

  2. 7 different snow depth estimates in 'centimetres' from 7 different weather forecasts on the tele in the last hour ! Why cant they just be honest and say ''we really hav'nt got a clue'' ?!!

    1. Jon020


      I was chatting with a colleague earlier today who said he doubts he'll get home this weekend as his wife was already having to clear the 50cm of snow off the cover of their pool... in Vienna. However, apart from the airport, everything else still works... unlike here!

    2. Horsetan


      I've been told that some schools in Dorset have already announced they will be closed tomorrow....before even a flake of snow has fallen!

    3. andyram


      Now that is shocking. We are made of sterner stuff here in Derbyshire despite what Mr Gove and his Ofsted lap dogs think!

  3. Time for modelling.....fat chance :-( Happy New Year anyway and hopefully the next update won't be in 2014 !

    1. Tase


      You too buddy! Hope 2013 brings much happiness to you and your family! Looking forward to many more updates and tutorials from you!

  4. Time for modelling.....fat chance :-( Happy New Year anyway and hopefully the next update won't be in 2014 !

  5. Time for modelling.....fat chance :-( Happy New Year anyway and hopefully the next update won't be in 2014 !

  6. Warley - To go or not to go, that is the question ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. class"66"


      Ile be going this year!! wil be my first big show,i no ile be skint after it...

    3. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      Out of the country....again, so it's a No!!,

    4. Andy C

      Andy C

      No actually, spending my weekend filling a skip full of rubbish from our bathroom rebuild and the loft. Far more profitable!

  7. Sunday morning spent watching the hour long 37 compilation video thats been posted on the WNXX news page. Hellfire !

  8. After hours trawling the Internet, I've just found the perfect loco pairing to model next. BR Blue and the 2 class numbers add upto 100 ?! And it's not a pair of 50's !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sandhills


      So so close !

    3. will5210
    4. Sandhills


      Well done will5210, I'll post the inspiring photo on my thread shortly.

  9. Up, fed and fighting fit, ready for a trip to the Derby show.

    1. andyram


      Hope you enjoyed it. I did yesterday.

  10. Found a bottle of Johnsons Klear and im ballasting away ! Must have the best smelling layout on RMweb right now !!

  11. Postmans just been but no sign of the Viagra I ordered via RMweb ?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Boris


      Did you know they are giving army officers Viagra every week? Dissolve one tablet in the mouth to help preserve the stiff upper lip.

    3. SHMD
    4. Coldgunner


      If it got stuck in your throat, would you get a stiff neck?

  12. Where is that sunshine I ordered ?!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jon020


      You found it for long enough for that shot though... looks like it's in Carlisle!

    3. Chris116


      On back order!

    4. Mikkel


      Sorry Sir, we don't serve your kind here ;-)

  13. ....has a bee in his bonnet about the bat in his belfry.

  14. ...and the final nail in the coffin goes in. Hornby NR 31 average price £120, resprayed DB red 60 NON dcc £170, someones having a laugh !

  15. ....is now a 'stacking' fan !

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Good man :) I've just been for a look and can see there's a positive difference. Time to get adventurous as the most I've had to do for one snap is 26 ... lol

  16. Note To Self : Must use search function more ! Cheers Mod 5 !

    1. Mod5


      Don't beat yourself up. We use it far more than most so get used to it's vagaries!

  17. Why cant I find a ModelRail Live thread in the exhibitions section ? Come on, who's going ?!

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Me with a following tail wind

    2. Sandhills


      I'll start a thread Terry and maybe we can organise a 'faces to names' meet ?!

    3. Mod5


      Because you didn't look hard enough! I have now merged both threads.

  18. is off in search of 60007 somewhere on the MML !

    1. Timara


      Wasn't particularly great when it passed me, but it was nice to see it!

  19. Money cannot buy happiness......but its more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.

    1. halfwit


      I'd rather have a bicycle than a Mercedes...

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Best not to get tears on the leather seats?!...

    3. NickL2008


      Could cry on the bike, then get in the Mercedes

  20. ....is looking forward to getting his lad back tonight after a long weekend away with the anti-train ex ! He will need a large dose of 'Carry on Clagging' before bedtime !

    1. ozzyo


      Now that sounds good to me.

  21. ....sleep, lots of it !

  22. ....is bashing together a class 89 using nothing more than a block of seasoned oak and a small aubergine !!

    1. Redkiterail


      shouldn't it be a parsnip

    2. Sandhills


      Yep, more pointy, good idea !

  23. ....is back on track ! (excuse the pun)

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      very much so...love the snaps!

    2. mason


      bout time matey


  24. Has 48 x 18 inches of blank (baseboard) canvas, hmmmm !!

    1. lordhinton


      thats too much blank space, built a tmd or a plan that i wanted to do, why not build a minature railway, if your modelling oo build an "n" miniture railway :)

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