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Status Updates posted by Buckjumper

  1. And there was light, and it was good. And there was power too. My new man-cave workshop is all-systems go! Just got to fill it with some new toys...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Buckjumper


      Cheers Mikkel. There are also some emeralds in the pipeline ;)

    3. N15class


      Glad to hear you will be back in business looking forward to seeing more fine models.

    4. Buckjumper


      Thanks Peter.

  2. 32 yards filled, 12 more arrive Monday. See if this one lasts more than 2 hours.

  3. Throwing the soggy house away in a succession of skips.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. beast66606


      ouch - bad news.

    3. yorkie_pudd


      Hope you dry out well and get back to normal soon.

    4. Sylvian Tennant

      Sylvian Tennant

      Hope all get's back together soon man.


  4. Throwing the soggy house away in a succession of skips.

  5. Railex today, curry tonight...happy days.

  6. Why, when there is the technology to make nice thin carrier film for waterslide transfers, do some manufacturers continue to supply their wares backed with something resembling cling wrap?

    1. Horsetan


      Maybe they are cling-ons.

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      They're on the starboard bow, Jim

    3. Poggy1165


      Don't you think manufacturers are often a bit conservative. One might ask why so many continue to supply solid whitemetal 'axleguards' when the etched alternative is so superior.

  7. Rise of Glory: Addictive, but I'm a bit rubbish at it.

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Whatever it is, Adrian, it is clearly not a euphamism for railway modelling!...

    2. Buckjumper
  8. New modem working fine, but now BT broadband in London and the S.E. has gone for a Burton.

  9. Gyppy modem; no internet is so 1980s. Hooray for smartphones.

  10. Trying to see the blue sky above the rain.

  11. Is still too hot :-(

  12. I have a smiley, happy finger; I sliced the tip of it with a knife and now it gives a toothless grin whenever I move it. Hurts like billy-o too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. wenlock


      Nasty! +1 for the strips, wouldn't be with out them. Abit of lint and a few more strips to hold it in place and you should be fine again. If you miss the "smiley face" you can always draw one on the bandage, hours of fun!

    3. Jon Fitness
    4. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      @Jon - hurts like a b****** but it works!

  13. Details, mere details.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baby Deltic

      Baby Deltic

      Hore do you get the details for a mere?

    3. Horsetan


      I hope you're not Jean-Marie LePen.

    4. Buckjumper
  14. Has exited his fourth decade by falling up he stairs carrying a tray of drinks while as sober as a judge.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Horsetan


      Defying gravity in the cause of levity? LOL

    3. Buckjumper


      40th Oz & Phil. Please don't put another decade on me :-)

    4. Horsetan


      Yeah, there'll be time enough for that. LOL

  15. For the time being I've given up being a rivet counter; I'm now a brick counter.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      Can you fit a model brick with a small electric mortar?

    3. Buckjumper


      Post-nationalisation bricks had intricate red/cream/grey liming.

    4. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Didn't Andy Y do that for RMWeb? Oh you said Brick!

  16. I have one end of a stable wormhole in my workshop and a flywheel just got sucked in; one minute it was on my bench, the next it was gone. If anyone finds it please return asap. Ta.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I also have one around my desk, but its effect would appear to be limited by the absence of carpets in my office. Don't ask me about the physics of it, though.

    3. petethemole


      I believe the pixies control the wormholes.

    4. Trebor


      I heard it was the pikey's that had it along with most of the copper wire

  17. Goodbye avatar, hello Gravatar!

  18. I love the smell of enamels in the morning...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pennine MC

      Pennine MC

      I've not tried weathering with bacon

    3. Buckjumper


      Would probably make a pig of it...

    4. Steamin down the tracks

      Steamin down the tracks

      nothing can beat the smell of an english breakfast

  19. The light at the end of a long tunnel

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mikkel


      It is indeed.

    3. Buckjumper


      @Horsetan :-) Someone called Alan, perhaps...


      @Jamie & Mikkel - thank you!



    4. Buckjumper


      @PMC Sure is!

  20. 7.4 miles, 5.25 hours...

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