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Everything posted by 2ManySpams

  1. Small layouts that have to have one of every traffic generating feature crammed into an unfeasible track plan and special trains serving each one. A dairy for the milk train. A coal merchant for the coals. A cattle dock for the cows. A clay dries for the clay train. A harbour for the fish Tain. A coal mine or merchant for the coal train. A fuel depot for the tanker train. Etc... Bridges where the supporting beams sit between the abutments not on them. Girder bridges where two beams join mid span and have no form of support. And I'm totally with Andy on the tunnels that have only the thickness of a thin sheet of ply above them upon which sit features that in real life would penetrate into or collapse the tunnel.
  2. Value dear boy, value. All the more money to spend on plasticard and MEK. Sniff.
  3. Will still be wet. No question about it. Really looking forward to the event. (And the trip on the WSR, and the chips and cider, and the beers the night before, and the Sunday morning fry up)
  4. Really enjoyed myself doing green stuff today. Was good to do a return favour for you Mark, you helped me loads with the Polsarrett clay wagons.
  5. Tina! For those that don't know she's a refugee from Black Country Blues and the very excellent work of @Worsdell forever. Nice to see the old girl again.
  6. Hairspray today thank you. Mark's house smells lovely.
  7. Far too subtle for Lima wheels Mike
  8. Not sure my Lima stock will fit through that crossing. Will bring the multi-tool with me on Saturday.
  9. Are you still having the disco lights? Loved them.
  10. It's only 5 miles down the road from me and on my way to work. Despite this I hadn't heard of it until about 5 years ago when the site went from invitation only to publicly advertised events. Hard to miss the entrance now with a great lump of loco (Cadbury livery) sat on a plinth, plus all the lights and adverts. I have to say it's one of the best managed and maintained steam railways. Must have invested millions in building it up, and every time you go there's something new. Unlike a lot of railways, just about everything looks like it could be picked up an run - no long lines of stock rusting away and piles of junk everywhere. The mix of events run also does a lot to bring in 'normal' families too - saw lots of kids enjoying being able to ride in the open right next to the loco. Didn't see anyone that was bothered by the smoke and steam. The exhibition itself was in clean, well lit and well ventilated halls - no dirt or smoke. There was no rule that you had to ride on the trains and it was possible to avoid the steam trains at the event if you so wished. For me a big attraction to this event is the mix of model railways and live steam engines and the museums. Great stuff.
  11. No, you had to go outside for the really objectionable filth... Loved it. £14 (advance ticket), free parking, model railway exhibition, beer, food, narrow gauge trains - what's not to love?
  12. Indeed, part of one of the sheds seen below, very clean and tidy.
  13. I assume Sheep Towers is using this sort of tech?: Or perhaps this?:
  14. I think Kadees would work nicely on the ferry van. Will bring some over...
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