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Status Replies posted by coachmann

  1. So Fred said "Let's 'ave another cup 'o tea" and we said "Right-o".

  2. will now attack a bag of crisps in force.

  3. is intrigued to see how his status updates have been mysteriously disappearing. Must be Coachmann's invisible internet ink ;-)

  4. I can see for miles and miles and.... didn't go to Specsavers.

  5. is intrigued to see how his status updates have been mysteriously disappearing. Must be Coachmann's invisible internet ink ;-)

  6. Is "Golant-esque" a word? And if not, why not? ;)

  7. Senior moment in the post office when I tried to send a parcel to Fozzie. "Are you sending this to te invisible man?" asked the nice post mistress........."Its got no address on it!"

  8. Do it yourself sponge.......

  9. says, Happy 40TH birthday Horsetan, downhill all the way from now on! Have a nice VEG curry to celebrate.....

  10. what's all this 'gotten' bit?

  11. is getting hold of an old A3 boiler to graft into the remains of a Bachmann V2....

  12. I just moved a mountain!

  13. SWMBO has a cold and has lost her voice. Should I celebrate or not?

  14. HELP...I've just lost my toolbars at top screen..!

  15. hates soldering brass kits. Why can't they all be nickel silver - it's so much better.

  16. stripping wallpaper for the first ever time, not very amusing though, but then the fun begins i can design the room how i want :D

  17. Is quite happy to try and answer folks questions, but some folks are making it hard and thankless lately!

  18. I feel an etched brass Fowler 0-8-0 coming on.....

  19. feels like a quality cull. :)

  20. the new canon 1D X is defiantly my next new camera

  21. 3 days to go for the big day my wedding the best bit will be the evening meal on the GCR with a spam can hauling us for 2 trips !!

  22. Wootton and East Hunsbury 1 - 0 Tesco. Our store is big enough thank-you! The Borough Council has the balls to stand up to corporate giants.

  23. what is it about paint and telephones ? How come the mere act of beginning to paint something gets you two calls in five minutes

  24. Been looking at some imgaes of new Hornby items like the Gresley Full Brake with correct tublehome and beading. also D49. Yumshious!

  25. Been looking at some imgaes of new Hornby items like the Gresley Full Brake with correct tublehome and beading. also D49. Yumshious!

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