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Status Replies posted by coachmann

  1. Wants a new digital camera but which one. Cannon looks nice.

  2. I feel like a kid at Christmas, all excited about getting up in the morning. Come on Wales

  3. Nameplate fell off the wall - never happened in the four years it's hung here. Is it an omen? O_O

  4. Just read what must be the most pretentious post he has ever seen on this forum - and he didn't write it! D:

  5. Just had a phone call from someone in India? telling me my puter is at risk. Due to them having had some error mess. over the last couple of weeks. When I asked who they were she said sorry I dont understand and the line whend dead. Strange!!!!!

  6. There's nowt as queer as folk!

  7. Just been reminded of the 'fun' of photing trains. Signal pulled off and the mother & father of all storms blew in almost immedietly

  8. I am thinking of changing my work bench to floor level as that's where most of the bits I am working on end up.

  9. You've got to be kidding. When was the Midland Compound last in the museum? Oh well, back to working on the Bachmann Emily conversion...

  10. has just had a monumentally ignorant and rude email. From a senior scientist working for Camridge Uni with a PhD who seems to have trouble with a basic registration process. He won't need a mass spectrometer to work out he won't be here long.

  11. Bad news. One of the grandchildren has been charged with sniffing battery acid. I asked if she was okay. She’s been put in a cell and will be charged in the morning.

  12. According to weatherwoman it's a hot Indan summer. I think we must be expecting a typhoon then....It's spittin'...

  13. Hottest day....In Wales! Phew!

  14. Amazing AMAZON. Canon 600D camera arrived today. Super servic all round. I will be back!

  15. 1st October is drawing nearer and no-one's guessed yet (apart from those I've needed to tell).

  16. 1st October is drawing nearer and no-one's guessed yet (apart from those I've needed to tell).

  17. was given a pair of NCB Y-fronts today. Ewwwwww!

  18. not one but TWO brand new lawnmowers...

  19. not one but TWO brand new lawnmowers...

  20. O what a day, disciplinary was terrible, find out next week what outcome is, not hopefull! Thanks for the messages a good weekedn on the workbench is needed, now to invent a time machines to 1978!

  21. Just got a delivery of Adobe Photoshop / Premiere elements 10

  22. Is it just my puter of is RMweb going a bit slow today.

  23. need to get on with some work but has a Banging Head

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