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Everything posted by shortliner

  1. Ray - take care with the back, old son - the pain killers mask the pain, and it is easy to do something and make it worse - ask me how I know! I take it that you don't expect to be at Glasgow? Nice job on the layout
  2. I'm glad that is not a directive - sounds distinctly un-appetizing!
  3. Ask them what they understand the words "PROGRESSIVE" ...... & "DEGENERATIVE"..... to Mean? If needed take a dictionary
  4. Glad we got it identified - those Scottish trucks get everywhere ! (tho' a couple of days too late for Burns Night)
  5. I think you are right about the truck being a White - I bet those window pillars made life difficult ! I have a vague feeling that something similar was made in HO by Ulrich EDIT - A surprising number still available on Ebay.com if you type in HO scale Ulrich trucks
  6. Can I offer you another one like this? I was RCO (Range Control Officer) at an Air Weapons Range in NE Scotland, and as You can imagine we used to get noise and low flying phone compaints from all over Scotland North of Glasgow. The phone rang one afternoon with a lady making what I thought was a low flying complaint from the Black Isle. Rather than go through the whole thing she told me that their son had been killed (passenger)in a car crash two days short of his 18th birthday and it had been his dearest wish to join the Royal Air Force. The funeral had been held that morning, and, just as the coffin was being lowered into the grave, A Tornado flew over at low level and turned, right overhead, dipping his wings, She was phoning -not to complain - but to say "Thank You" for the tribute. She knew it was a complete co-incidence, but felt that it was necessary to thank someone. - I had a bit of grit in my eye. Co-incidence is a very odd thing at times.
  7. 2 minutes ago Don't know if it is good or not- but it is not bad for here
  8. Wot - "Free Kardashians"? - Oh Lord! Please NO!
  9. JAMO - try joining the MTI forum http://forum.mtimag.co.uk/index.php - I'm the moderator - You will find a huge amount of photos of Benson, Arkansas on there, in the Layout Tours section there is a 22 page thread currently running for example
  10. I know we have some Geetar Pickers on here - but how about this elderly gentleman - an awesome player https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CAuLeSmcR8
  11. I note from a couple of pages back that both Pete (trisonic) and Ian (able)commented on Racoons, so thought I'd include these that arrived this morning http://www.youtube.com/embed/2a1QISYNGHs?rel=0
  12. In Mexico City I had "Pollo Bollo" which is deep fried Chicken Balls and very good they were - but find them to be like rocking horse manure to obtain in UK - a lack of cockerels or maybe we export them all to Mexico!
  13. Ah,Yes! The Patch! An excellent plan incorporating street-running and switching and concrete canyons - much fun and great for experienced modellers, but not one that I would choose for a beginner - although fine for inspiration
  14. No problem Mick - everyone has to learn and asking questions is far and away the best way. Ian - thanks for posting the link - I have now added it in "Favorites", where it should have been. Jordan - You might be interested to know that Portway Terminal in HO, is leaning against the wall about 3 feet from my right shoulder, on two 66" x 8" boards - awaiting the spring warm up, for some backscene boards to be added. I'm still awaiting my Plymouth switcher.
  15. Mick - if you want a concrete canyon - it might be worth a PM to Ian Holmes (post#469) - a good while back he did a rather nice design in one of his small layout blogs but I can't find it. His was, I think, based on a similar plan to John Allens Timesaver , with several short sidings. I had thoughts about doing it with see-thru' buildings on the front using Perspex( or similar) and car window-tint film to have them see-through but dark enough to indicate that they were there. I have a thought that your loop is very large for very small industrial sidings - I'd shorten the loop and lengthen the sidings - but rule one applies
  16. This was featured in CM or RM, a long time ago, possibly around the turn of the century, and I had great temptation, but couldn't squash it down enough to suit my available space. AFAIR their version fitted into an L shape
  17. Mick - I'd very seriously suggest swapping that right-hand turnout top left, for a left hand one - you have currently a horrible dog-leg through there. TBH it wouldn't hold my interest long enough to build it
  18. At Last it's solved... The Aisle, The Altar, The Hymn Through the ages, men have been trying to unlock this mystery: Why do their wives, who accept them just as they are before they get married, begin the quest to change their behavior and life-style once their vows are exchanged? Finally, the riddle is solved. A social-scientist has arrived at this simple and logical explanation. When the bride, accompanied by her father, starts to walk slowly down the long aisle, she sees the altar at the end and hears the choir singing a hymn. Walking down the aisle, the conditioning process starts where the brain absorbs these three stimuli: Aisle, altar, and hymn. She becomes mesmerized as she continually reinforces these perceptions: Aisle, altar, hymn... Aisle, altar, hymn... Aisle, altar, hymn. And finally, as she stops beside the groom, the conditioning process is complete. She looks up at him smiling sweetly and keeps saying to herself: "I'll alter him!" HERE ENDETH THE LESSON
  19. I have to say I'm amazed that nobody has mentioned the very best TV program of all ( which really should have had, but didn't, an adult version) VISION ON! Tony Hart was a man with incredible vision and imagination and probably inspired more kids to draw and paint than anyone else I can think of. Take Hart was good, but never achieved the heights of VO
  20. Fortunately they rarely hide in Aussie dunnys!
  21. Like "she made me rock 'n'roll again" - good redneck rock! Thanks for the introduction!
  22. one for NGT6 1315 https://www.facebook.com/woodworkingcrazy/videos/vb.1718931084994983/1753669278187830/?type=2&theater
  23. Tony Re your earlier post about trying to sort out MILs visa - Radio 4 Lunchtime today says there are BIG problems with the website with attempts being made to allow people to apply on line and then pay on arrival - a listen may be of use to you Best Jack
  24. "There was a nasty little biting thing here in my mud wallow a moment ago - now where's the little bu99er gone?"
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