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Bob Reid

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Everything posted by Bob Reid

  1. Hatton's have updated the expected delivery times now for the other liveries (give or take a few months)! ​Blue & Grey - April 2018 to june 2018 ScotRail - July 2018 to September 2018....
  2. It was just brushed on Pete and left a short while - works okay on the numbers/coach letters.... traditional Dot3? non-synthetic brake fluid is quite aggressive and will probably soften the plastic never mind the paint!
  3. Have you got a photograph of the BR WSP set up - I thought there was little change to the external appearance? Either way it's not Girling.
  4. The trick if your only removing the lettering as opposed to stripping the whole vehicle was (apart from using Dot4 brake fluid) to brush it only over the transfer and you should find it'll lift just the number and not the underlying finish. The bristle of the brush were enough to disintegrate it. Don't forget the cleaning bit after.
  5. It's just the version they used for the paint/decoration sample Robert - 398-685DC is being sold as the "as preserved" version c/w the CDL equipment, yellow edge stepboards and the (hard to see) orange washing line....
  6. Any update on the release of the blue & grey versions? I 've been presuming these'll arrive before the "ScotRail" liveried one's...
  7. One or two sets had it - on the Mk3's as well - it was with the impending ScotRail livery very short lived, thank goodness, as some seem to have been applied rather err drunkenly....
  8. The fictional novel The Necropolis Railway by Andrew Martin is certain to inspire someone to build a layout based on the real line in London. I would have thought....
  9. I'll just leave this here for anyone that thinks its okay... https://www.inbrief.co.uk/types-of-claim/defamation/
  10. Of course you're more than welcome to post whatever you like Arran however what you posted served absolutely no purpose. It was no longer of any use to those who were potentially owed money, the date for any claims having expired if you had taken time to read it. Those with a beef (and your not the only one) resort amongst other things to the use of sarcasm in some way to justify their point. How would you feel if someone posted a sarcastic "Good Old Arran" in a topic about the cost of your containers? ​Have you some problem with Pete Waterman?, does he owe you money or goods or are you just jumping on the bandwagon of kicking someone in the nuts because they are a well known personality and you just happen not to like them? Aside from your own comments, none of these conspiracy theories serve any purpose and do nothing to help the one member of Rmweb so far who is due money or goods. The rest are just resorting to "sour grapes".
  11. Some - like yourself? Don't worry the bandwagon operates a half-hourly service specially for those who seem to have some beef against Pete Waterman.
  12. Is it really necessary to dig up this old ground? This isn't fresh news Arran, this was covered over a month ago in this thread and is common knowledge. The correct legal approaches were made by those who may be creditors back then. Does this need to turn into a witch hunt by those who have nothing owing and by others who seem only interested in picking from the corpse.
  13. Imaginations played a big part in this topic. Out of interest Osgood why do you need to know how many are owed money?
  14. You are right enough Darius - just it's almost a scale 6" too wide....
  15. The problem Sean may well be that they did take the correct measurement but by the time they came out the factory something had gone awry in the translation between the tape measure, the notepad, the CAD drawings and the factory toolmakers and perhaps it just wasn't picked up by OR in the UK after the first EP...,
  16. No Sean, your pretty well spot on with your dimensions - having got access to the profile drawings and spurred on by your measurements, I've finally tried to get my head round where OR went wrong and listed them in comparison with the prototype dimension and the other Mk3 models. just as thought the width over the bottom of the modules is a good 2.7mm too wide, giving that visible lack of slope in - It's compounded though by the super-skinny bogies! ​As many people have said already, neither Jouef or Hornby got the Mk3 / Mk3a's that wrong the first time round (with apologies to Hornby "shorty" owners).
  17. Ploughs always seemed to be in short supply. One chap I worked alongside spent a lot of time at the start of the winterisation period (October-) driving between Motherwell, Eastfield and Inverness with van loads of the ploughs for the depots to fit - usually it was the wing ploughs that were taken off. The maintenance controllers had a job for a while recording what loco's had them missing and from what position to get them replaced. As Regularity says - they were considered lethal by the Driver's Assistant's and Secondmen trying to couple up / uncouple the loco's.
  18. How appropriate; Like a tunnel that you follow to a tunnel of its own Down a hollow to a cavern where the sun has never shone Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream Like the ripples from a pebble someone tosses in a stream Like a clock whose hands are sweeping past the minutes on its face And the world is like an apple whirling silently in space Like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind
  19. Is this topic sponsored by the Daily Mail? Why let facts get in the way of a good story. There's been but one chap who I have every sympathy for in his plight whose admitted to having lost money here but no shortage of folk who just want to stick the boot in, not because they've lost money, but just because they can.
  20. Why is it necessary to find out how many people are in Keith's position and who, by name, exactly want's this information and for what purpose? Whether we like it or not the only legitimate way to recover any personal debt, is to make an official claim. Having started the insolvency process, it's now got to the stage where it's very much out of his hands and payment of the creditors has to follow due process in a strict order. Trying to embarrass the guy into forking up isn't I'd suggest very helpful. Of course £400 is a large sum for anyone to let go, but how do you imagine all the others who might be owed rather larger sums of money feel - I'm sure they'll be equally aggrieved. Are you personally out of pocket?
  21. I'm really not sure ramping this up against the former owner is going to achieve anything - I certainly wouldn't be encouraging anyone to go onto another forum and add your name to a list of so called aggrieved parties. If as many folk that seem to know how to fix it, or who'll allege they've been done over had actually bought the kits over the years then perhaps the owner would not have found himself in this position and nor would the employees have found themselves being made redundant as a result. ​The best course of action is to explore all and as many legal avenues as possible first as Keith has done. Let the system which is designed to resolve any outstanding claims (but not unfortunately to everyone's satisfaction) from all legitimate creditors to take place. ​Keith you may well have already done this however you would be best placed to send the full information of your claim (including photocopies of the proof of payment / withdrawal of funds) that you have for items outstanding by Royal Mail 1st Class signed for delivery and ask them to provide acknowledgement of the claim by return.
  22. Chris's last attempt to keep the independence of the British Rail (Scottish Region) Board and out of the hands of that sector that wasn't to be mentioned - "Provincial" - You're right Andy it was Rail Blue - though I don't wonder if wasn't let down with a bit of black. He'd a couple of trips up to the works to see 12019 being painted and I'd heard that it got "tweaked" before they took (I'm certain it was two) different liveried vehicles and displayed them for the Board Members on Platform 6 at Queen St. Whatever happened they were there for all of 45" before they settled on the light blue and without that old "Executive" livery add on up to the weld line....
  23. Could be you were spot on Dave - I found the picture (not mine to publish) of one of the two Mk3a TSO's in the works for Chris Green's livery "experiments" and dated 2 September 1984 - it's shown during ETH & flash testing so it couldn't have been far off release. After he viewed them with the Scottish Region Board members at Queen Street the vehicles were outshopped in ScotRail livery from then on.
  24. I think you'll be hard pressed to find any in Blue & Grey with the obstacle deflector fitted. If I'm not mistaken we didn't get the design from Derby and the first one done until February 1985 by which time they were in full flow with the ScotRail repaints. I can't remember the first dates for repainting the sets into ScotRail livery however certainly by October 1984 there were a couple of the repainted DBSO's without the obstacle deflector fitted. Both sets involved with the Polmont derailment were entirely blue & grey in July 1984 and I'm certain the first vehicles were repainted into ScotRail not long after. Either way it's to be a user fit part as far as I believe. I'd question the date of that photo that shows a DBSO in March 1984 in ScotRail livery - seems a tad early. Is it maybe March 1985? [Edit to Add ; the DM&EE didn't issue the livery diagram / paint schedule till 10/84]
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