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Bob Reid

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Everything posted by Bob Reid

  1. The Micro Entity Accounts are now posted on the Companies House website - maybe it's time to move on? Bob
  2. Well in the first instance you should logout, clear you x-files (cache) and log back in (book an early NHS check for random probing)...
  3. Yes, for those Intercity models released so far but not for the ScotRail liveried models that have yet to be released. So it’s 60+ pages of warranted criticism.
  4. No, quite the opposite if you read back through the topic - however not going over old ground in the case of the ScotRail stock the difference is a step too far and not very prototypical....
  5. I doubt very much OR got it wrong deliberately in the first place Legend. The Rail Express article is clearly not the scoop it first appeared, only repeating what can be read on here and we are no further forward as to what OR will produce at the end of the day. Having found themselves in this position any business would balance the cost of any change to the agreed spec. / or re-work against the likelihood and quantity of lost sales - bear in mind they'll already know just how many have been sold with the incorrect colours. It's easy to sit here and criticise their decisions when we are buying them in penny numbers and not fronting the cash for getting 000's onto the shelves. Am I disappointed? I certainly am, but worse things happen at sea (providing they get the blue & grey versions right) and I've yet to see the ScotRail liveried one's in the flesh.
  6. I do wonder if the painted shells are already complete and have been so for some time (i.e. at the time of the Mk3a's first release)...? Re-work obviously has a cost and this may well be a too big an effect on the profitability balanced against the potential for lost sales.
  7. Perhaps the more obvious and some of the less so steam locomotives are available in RTR but there is still a long way to go for some of the rarer types that are not likely to be produced by the manufacturers any time soon. If for example, you take the LNER C15 & C16 (ex-NBR) locomotives these are only available in kit form and unlikely to be produced in RTR any time soon. UK outline diesels are another matter such is the choice in RTR however that's not to say in both steam and diesel there isn't room for "improvement" kits where the modeller wants to say, change gauge or as mentioned before add an improved chassis. As far as cost goes, the elevating price of RTR locomotives can't but help the kit manufacturers however all of this is dependant on what people will want to model in the future and if they are prepared to take up and learn the necessary skills.
  8. They are late build Air Con 2d/e or f's on the set Tiddles (as to what particular one's I need Graham (Flood to come to the rescue)... Though in the first year of operation we did have residual ex-E&G early Mk2's for a spell on the Edinburgh / Dundee's with one of the spare DBSO's and then much later with some that returned from the Eastern. As far as the Mk3's were concerned in the blue & grey era at least, there were only sufficient to operate the E&G diagrams and were rarely available for anything else though the diagrammed Maintenance Set got used on occasion.
  9. I don't think it's up to the 'usual suspects' Dave - a statement from you is what was required and should be enough to restore confidence that any money they might invest is (within the rules and reason) secure. I've no doubt anyone investing in this has had an elevated heart rate this morning.
  10. This is rapidly turning into a Monty Python sketch or in the case of the comments about Glaswegian's a scene from Friday night at the Glasgow Metropole circa 1954. I'm sure none of those commenting would have a problem understanding any version of Scots or English with whatever the "regional" dialect when being offered money or a drink for that matter. Thank goodness we are all different!
  11. Only HST’s have Mk3 trailers.... getting the first blue & grey standard one’s out is an issue - now put back to July-September.....
  12. And thankfully a first and a last?. They were equipped with good old caravan-style Elsan Blue bogs and retention tanks - leaving the freshly flushed bog a fetching shade of dark blue and that awful Elsan Blue smell. We had no amount of bother as the sets required "unique" for APT use only bog paper or the system blocked up which it did when used with the standard BR weapons grade bog paper - needless to say there was never enough of the special APT bog paper for the service when you needed it. At the depots we had bowsers for disposing of the effluent and replenishing the Elsan Blue. Thank goodness BR was by this time building stock with ordinary CET tanks and depots equipped with full length CET/flushing aprons.
  13. It is therefore classified as "other foreign Mumbo-Jumbo"
  14. Not any different from the answer you got 12 days ago....
  15. I'd no bother with the last two orders I placed not that long ago. You should, if the order was successful, have received an automatic reply with a unique Order No. from sales@phoenix-paints.co.uk ​Did you create an account to place the order? If you have an account set up you can go in and view the status of any orders that have been placed including any that are outstanding. ​I have to say the service I got from them was excellent and the orders promptly delivered within a few days. ​[Edit] Sorry, I hadn't spotted that you had an account set up - if it's not there, it's not been placed, I'd try again after checking / changing your details.
  16. No amount of radar speed checks and scientific services checking the dilution solved it (perhaps the measure of four bags of Exmover to a tank of water - and one for the pot helped)
  17. Exmover, the same as everyone else... Problem was that unlike the other regions the Western at some wash plants were not permitted by the local water/drainage authorities to neutralise it (I think it was dilute bicarbonate of soda ours used) before the rinse section and although it was rinsed off by plain water it still left a fair bit of the extremely caustic Exmover in place. You can guess the rest... I forget which but one depots Wash Plant was particularly worse than others.
  18. Obviously the racehorse owner and Tony. There's no doubting the pedigree of that loco however.
  19. ‘L’ the old spelling and ‘LL’ the modern. Either that or the horse was named after a single malt....
  20. None of which are the principle operators of the East Coast services as created under privatisation from ICEC nor operate identical services or stations on the route. The only change is likely to be the management company they may have to deal with - Arup.
  21. As Orwell said - Craftmaster http://www.craftmasterpaints.co.uk/ they do 500ml tins of coach enamel (for brushing) at £15.95...
  22. RMweb Prime Now apparently (Andy Y is just being coy about it's launch as a replacement for buy and sell), Delivery from the nearest supplier in two hours and from the manufacturer, overnight from announcement.
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