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Status Updates posted by RedgateModels

  1. Split chassis A4 ran for the first time with Mr Chetter's sound scheme on an MX645 - nice :)

  2. Day off today, currently cutting out scalescenes concrete floor for the engine shed :)

  3. what to do tonight? do some more planning etc for the engine shed area on the fiddle yard or go up the ERS and take some snaps of my Sentinel ......

    1. Hippo


      Sentinel it is then LOL


    2. RedgateModels


      Fraid not, SWMBO went round her mother's so fiddle yard it was - spilled half a bottle of flux over it too!

  4. Day off today - assult on Fourgig East's fiddle yard planned!

    1. RedgateModels


      bacon sarnie first though :)

    2. RedgateModels


      Ball catches fitted to the traverser and a coat of blackboard paint applied to the top surfaces - will take an age to dry this weather - on to wiring the main baords this afternoon!

  5. Has a Paul Chetter sound chip for SNG on the way :)

  6. Just been D&A tested at work, blew a zero for alcohol - must remember I can drink more at night LOL

    1. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      When the breathalysers started appearing the late 90s we used to have morning after competitions to see who could score highest! Changed days now of course, all very serious!

  7. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ....

    1. Ramblin Rich

      Ramblin Rich

      Here I am, stuck at work!

    2. RedgateModels


      at least you don't work for Harsco ....

    3. Boris


      stuck in the middle with you!!!


  8. 8:15 and Summat Colliery is packed away in the study after a brillaint day at the Weston show - now where's that curry???

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Have you got Horsetan hiding in your kitchen, awaiting your every (curry) command?!

    2. Horsetan


      *frrrrpp* Did someone call? *frrrrpp*

    3. andyram


      Thanks again for all of your support with the Weston show.

  9. Sausage sarnie whilst getting ready to leave for the Weston-on-Trent show - hope to see some RMwebber there :)

    1. 69843


      With onion? You can't have a snag sandwich without onion!

  10. Opened up a Bachmann K3 to fit a decoder last night - it already had a Bachmann 2 function installed - that was an easy job - just send it back to the owner LOL

  11. Just won a Hornby loco drive 8F chassis on eBay - just need a motor for it now and the Standard Eight will be revisited!

    1. 69843


      *facepalm* Just how much of the class are you planning to build?

    2. RedgateModels


      The plan is to trash the tender drive and MK1 8F chassis keeping the body etc, it was always more detailed than the chassis LOL

    3. 69843


      Well, sounds like a plan to me!

  12. More work on the MERG DC06 this lunchtime - lets hope it works tonight on test :)

  13. Sat at work willing the clock to go round to 2pm when I hit the road for High Wycombe!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      You'll be on your way then, already...!

    3. Tony_S


      Are you there yet?

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Are you on your way home yet?! :-p

  14. Satin varnish on Hornby Ivatt class 2 - job done!

    1. 46444


      Are you going to do a blog entry? Love to see it ;)

  15. It is thus tolerance that is the source of peace, and intolerance that is the source of disorder and squabbling. ~ Pierre Bayle

    1. halfwit


      Should one tolerate intolerence?

    2. Jan


      Without adequate version control, tolerance can be claimed as indifference.

    3. RedgateModels


      I can accept that (did you see what I did there....)

  16. Is mainly printing off directions to places in High Wycombe :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedgateModels


      nah, prefer to navigate myself. I do use streetview though to fly the last 1/4 mile ;) Smartphone has google maps should I get lost LOL

    3. 69843


      Well, you've lost me!

    4. Metr0Land


      Don't bother on my account, I'm already here.

  17. Project #4 added to the list - quick refurb of the Hornby Ivatt Class 2 that I got running at the P'boro show ......

  18. mmmmmmmm bacon and sausage roll with brown sauce :)

    1. Horsetan


      I had that for lunch yesterday....

    2. RedgateModels


      That was breakfast - burger's about to go in the microwave for lunch ;)

    3. halfwit


      Daddies or HP?

  19. Oh goody - an Ivatt 2-6-2 split chassis to chip!

  20. is still attacking a RR 9F chassis with files ......

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mike G

      Mike G

      Will there be a blog entry for this?

    3. RedgateModels


      maybe, it is a bit different to the original Crosti 9F that I did in HM after all...

    4. RedgateModels
  21. has a RR Evening Star chassis in bits - curse you Mr Chetter ;)

  22. last scotch before bed and then an early start over to P'boro in the morning :)

  23. Has just realised he has 3 projects on the go plus the O gauge layout! Must focus ....

    1. bcnPete


      Join the club...that's why I keep the O gauge hidden in boxes at present...

    2. TomE


      Focus is overrated...

    3. RedgateModels


      One is a commission job to be fair, must get that done before xmas ...

  24. hmmmm stock 9F sounds in a Crosti 9F - best option?

    1. skipepsi


      only option?

    2. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      if its an ex crosti yeah

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