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Status Updates posted by RedgateModels

  1. whohoo! WD Austerity sound chip has arrived!

  2. really hopes his WD Austerity sound chip has arrived today

    1. beast66606


      You'll hear the clank, clank, clank when it's on it's way

    2. RedgateModels


      flippin eck! no delivery today, what's postman pat playing at?


  3. tiling, tiling and more tiling ....

  4. Currently trying to drown a cold with Teachers & coke ...

  5. ordered a WD Austerity sound chip today :)

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      clank clank clank clank :)

    2. RedgateModels


      Yes, but not as bad as the Howes one!

    3. beast66606
  6. Ha! everything works on Win7 apart from the one application I use every day, the DCS database on Access - current plan, to install XP Mode and run it from there ....

    1. Grafarman


      yep, same with us with another bit of software...

    2. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      what is windows? Do I really need seven of them?

  7. Will be greated by a new Dell Inspiron laptop with Win7 (but IE8) tomorrow - will anything work?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      It'll work.

    3. keefer


      win7 + IE8 here and it's A-OK

    4. beast66606


      Put chrome on it ...



  8. We should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the most time's carcass

    1. RedgateModels


      I don't normally see eye to eye with Marx, but today ....


    2. beast66606


      My hours are considerably more important than yows (said in a Brummie accent, sorry can't format the text for that)

    3. john flann

      john flann

      You appear to have time to spare.

  9. Can't wait for the next Model Rail

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andy Y
    3. RedgateModels


      I'm only in 182, I can't wait for 181 for entirely different reasons ;)

    4. Pete Harvey

      Pete Harvey

      181 should be interesting so I have been told.

  10. Has found a speaker at Maplins that's a perfect fit for the O1 tender recess :)

    1. Mallard60022


      Hi de hi......sorry mate,couldn't resist!

    2. RedgateModels
  11. is being upgraded to Win7 at work next week, so no work done next week methinks!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grafarman


      We had Win7 forced on us to give ICT 'greater control' - all it's done is cut off the software permissions we need for our work...grrr!

    3. RedgateModels


      If it does not work, I'll still get paid ;)

    4. Coldgunner


      If your IT have done a proper job, it should be seamless. Would never go back to XP now.

  12. Class 20 now has a noisy chip installed, will test tonight :)

    1. RedgateModels


      it's very nice :) ....

  13. Will be tackling that nice Zimo/Paul Chetter Class 20 decoder at lunchtime, will document the fitting to my 8 pin bach 20 on my blog

  14. Has forgotten his Tamiya Semi-gloss black paint - no futher work on the NP numberplate today then :(

  15. Making up for not too much to eat over the weekend (too busy operating Fourgig!) with a battered sausage and chips - need a nap now .....

  16. is annoyed that his 10 year old son is vastly better at using 3-link couplings then him!

    1. halfwit


      I used to compete in kayak slalom - where geating beaten by 12 year olds was a common occurance...

      Anyway, sounds like your relief operator is doing just fine.

  17. Having a cuppa before heading off to the Mansfield Show :)

  18. Has an insame thought in a dark corner of his brain - O gauge Crosti 9F .......

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Horsetan


      You're beginning to sound like Jeff trying to find a reason not to build his Peppercorn LOL

    3. skipepsi


      Just NO and keep saying NO otherwise you will be building Tyne dock next.

    4. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      No crosti's at Tyne Dock!

  19. Is very pleased with Deluxe Materials Glue 'n' Glaze, that's the second of their products I've tried and liked .....

    1. Jon020


      Good isn't it. I like their card glue too

    2. halfwit


      The card glue is good stuff - sticks card to plastic no problem.

  20. Has some good news at work this morning, it will please a few on here too methinks ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. andyram


      A man of mystery!

    3. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      is this what we have chatted about

    4. andyram


      Me thinks some people take things too seriously!

  21. Started a Peco "wonderful Wagon Kit" last night, on a whim!

  22. Going for a valet for the Scooby at lunchtime :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedgateModels
    3. Stubby47


      You could let Barry O do some weathering on it...

    4. RedgateModels


      I'd done enough of that myself LOL!

  23. is getting better with the Methfix

    1. DonB


      Didn't know it was medicinal.

  24. Tried Methfix over the weekend, can't see what the fussis about - a lot of extra faff for no discernable difference in finish

    1. devondynosoar118


      I tried a fix of Meth and missed the entire weekend......

    2. RedgateModels


      I've got to use them anyway - can't get sheet 14 in pressfix anywhere. Doing a trade with Tim at the weekend his "0"s for my "4"s LOL

    3. Metr0Land


      I like Methfix but discovered that they seem to work ok with Micro Set which I now use for all decals. Faff no more.

  25. hmmmm, MERG area group meeting or 7mm NGS show tomorrow? - nope, got to strip tiles off the bathroom walls ....

    1. RedgateModels


      love the new site logo though :)

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