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NGT6 1315

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Status Replies posted by NGT6 1315

  1. Philosophy on a Wednesday afternoon: Is there a hypernymic relationship between hypertext and text?

  2. My book has arrived on Southampton's quayside railways - thoroughly reccomend it

  3. has had a veg curry before going to Court :-P

  4. I just love it when lecturers just do not turn up without any notice...

  5. Has been scribing a few vertical lines on the Kitmaster ProtoDeltic, followed by piercing saw cuts along those lines.....

  6. I've finally set my computer up so it dosn't come up with that annoying XP start up noise anymore :) Now its a 37s horn!!

  7. has tidied up the subforums to give a reasonable balance between clarity and space.

  8. is less than amused that the hired in van struggles to exceed 65mph.

  9. 30 deg C...is having an effect on the mojo...

  10. Sneezing again!

  11. Is reasonably tempted to have a go at the challenge but doesn't know what I should do... hmm...

  12. Is reasonably tempted to have a go at the challenge but doesn't know what I should do... hmm...

  13. is not the walrus. Or the 'egg man'.

  14. looks forward to another day of sticking needles in his eyeballs tomorrow.

  15. is covered in dust after upgrading his very old PC to run on an Athlon 3200...

  16. has just bought a new jigsaw (wood cutting type, not one-piece-missing puzzle type). Bye bye fingers!

  17. Just had a snooze, has the apocalypse started yet?

  18. Zombies and snowblowers.

  19. at IKEA...have another cunning plan...

  20. must get round to having a veg curry at some point....

  21. Is liking the shirtbutton on his brown stock

  22. How many railcars is too many?

  23. Right, the first of 15 GCSE exams over the next couple weeks starts on Monday, so I won't be on much from now on. Wish me luck!

  24. Suprised to see a car on my side of the road whilst cycling round a semi-blind bend, only to realise it was an old granny! They say teenagers are bad...

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