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NGT6 1315

RMweb Premium
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Status Replies posted by NGT6 1315

  1. gets married in 7 and bit weeks

  2. Highway to the danger zone / gonna take a ride into the danger zone...

  3. is surrounded by steam - in the bedroom, stripping wallpaper, doh !!

  4. always remember - less is more

  5. thoroughly gutted. :(

  6. I am become Night, the Destroyer of Daylight.

  7. now has two ProtoDeltic bodies (one Bachmann) after they mysteriously turned up in the post....

  8. I shall now voice my exact feelings on the News of the world, &*@### (*)/// :* ?'#';';;;][]

  9. You know that tea bag advert? The one with the fat git and the knitted monkey having a picnic? And you know the fat git's huge rucksack? I want that rucksack. To take to exhibitions with me.

  10. is wondering if he should put passenger figures inside his Trenitalia double deck coaches...

  11. Dinner tonight: Gumbo :-)

  12. Dinner tonight: Gumbo :-)

  13. mmmmmm.....banana!

  14. Typing away whilst watching ICE trains and DB and DB regios rumble past hotel window on way into Koeln

  15. what does it mean when you see a gravity train running uphill?

  16. spnt last night cutting a sheet of Slaters corrugated into 153 pieces and started glueing them to the shell of a building. Rock and Roll!

  17. is engaged \o/

  18. O tempora, o mores!

  19. Where can I find a replacement spine?

  20. In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill

  21. Dear Month End. Go away. Cheers, Pix

  22. loves hybrid modelling. The ProtoDeltic project has been joined by bits for two Thompson B1s :-P

  23. loves hybrid modelling. The ProtoDeltic project has been joined by bits for two Thompson B1s :-P

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