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NGT6 1315

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Status Replies posted by NGT6 1315

  1. at least today i don't have last nights pounding headache, although i have QOTSA on BBC3/Sky+

  2. Is there anything kittens don't try and eat?

  3. Is there anything kittens don't try and eat?

  4. ow, pounding headache do not want...

  5. is trying to resist the temptation of Hornby's NSE VEP. Perhaps this effort may be in vain.

  6. I've melted.......

  7. is duelling Zimo chips, the're winning, sob!

  8. wonders if Andy Y is up for an arm wrestle at the members days for his clowns comment?

  9. has just made some hummus.

  10. Cor, I survived the Devon earthquake this afternoon.

  11. Said he'd never buy a Sat Nav. Has just bought a Sat Nav.

  12. Said he'd never buy a Sat Nav. Has just bought a Sat Nav.

  13. Said he'd never buy a Sat Nav. Has just bought a Sat Nav.

  14. Upgraded to Firefox 5 - let's see ...

  15. Has it been raining heavily in the rest of the country? Or just in Buxton?

  16. Thunderstorm ahoy!

  17. is back from a couple of days in the Lakes. Sunburnt yesterday, soggy today.

  18. Four and twenty virgins came down from Inverness, when they went back up again there were four and twenty less!!!

  19. i hate having serious tonsilitus, really annoying as i can hardly swallow any food :(

  20. Das ilhas as mais belas e livres.

  21. Das ilhas as mais belas e livres.

  22. Half a pound of sausages........................ so how much unseen salt does that equate to, then?

  23. V-hangers and bananas

  24. CA fumes. Wheeeeeeee...

  25. Gardening or weathering....hmmmmm?

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