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NGT6 1315

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Everything posted by NGT6 1315

  1. Weather update from around here: Persistent light snow till about late morning tomorrow, and cold. Battening down the hatches would appear to be sensible!
  2. Morning all... Close to -5°C and windy outside, so I'll definitely see to staying indoors! Except for the usual round to the supermarket, that is. Have a good day, everyone!
  3. Oh my gosh, sure is a lot of wind chill outside. Glad the train is well heated, though...
  4. Don't think I can either... Morning. Much too early, but now that I'm up... TGIF!
  5. Sun is shining on and off indeed, but it's quite nippy, too. Got an appointment at the eye specialist's in the afternoon for a routine check. I'm still undecided about whether I should have them write a prescription for a new set of glasses. I mainly use contact lenses, so haven't had my glasses updated in a while. But, first of all I'm going to fix a snack...
  6. Morning all – feeling knackered, so will keep this brief. Wishing you all a good day...
  7. Thought for the afternoon: Having seen a car with licence plates from Darmstadt with "MN" as the second group of letters, I did wonder whether the owner would be well-received if they were vacationing in Britain...
  8. I'd also like to add that there is nothing wrong about opting for a shift to a different career track, as even with having collected sufficient information beforehand, you can still end up acquiring a different perspective on a choice initially made. I myself could have opted for a teacher training curriculum in the first place, but at the time, I couldn't quite see myself in this job. So far, I but have not regretted my decision to acquire a teaching degree on top of my M.A. - demanding as teaching can be, as I keep finding out in my side job. Which, tellingly, does give me a lot more in the way of insight than most uni courses have done, but that's a different story.
  9. Is it leaving a plume on those pictures?
  10. Well, that's the way things go on the Web.
  11. Morning all... Good to see you, Jam – or would that have to be "read you"? I'm sure I speak for everyone on here when I say we're happy to give you advice, considering that you gave the impression of possibly needing some of that... Will be running some errands at uni again, though with some breaks in between – so, depending on how the weather may turn out, I might put in some spotting. However, the forecast doesn't sound too encouraging...
  12. Afternoon all – snowing around here and I'll be getting me a cup of coffee in a moment. Classrooms today were far overheated for my taste, so I'll also have a shower. Was quite pleased with a 5th year Ethics course, but far less so with the other two I had.
  13. I think that is putting it very well indeed... Morning – nippy outside and a snow cell has been predicted to pass across the land in the morning. School yesterday went fairly well, but both me and SWMBO had to catch a nap upon returning home in the afternoon. Later...
  14. I guess railfans who thoughtlessly trespass would do that for me if I were a locomotive!
  15. Morning. Tired... Have a look here for my recently completed modding project with a class 143 loco: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/599/entry-11147-trabbi-with-a-twist-a-slightly-modded-deutsche-bahn-class-143-from-roco/
  16. I'm sure your credit card will have screamed bloody murder after that trip!
  17. Those photos of yours remind me of that vacation to Tenerife, where at the time there had not been any kind of rail transport, but where we went up the Teide. It was quite amazing how temperatures up there would be around freezing when down on the plains, it must have been approaching 30°C. There even were some patches of snow left. The view from up there, about 11,600 ft after all, was spectacular, but breathing tended to be difficult!
  18. Yeah, the Schiefe Ebene and the Neuenmarkt railway museum are well worth a visit!
  19. Sounds like a good plan to me, Dave – keeping fingers crossed! And to all ERs, do remember that sometimes, it's just good to be LEWd:
  20. Same thing both for the birds and the recent weather forecast which mentioned at least a remote chance of the sun making it through. Sure would be nice...
  21. Second that! Edited to say that I don't envy you for cleaning up that mess, Trev. Just what you didn't need, especially not on a Sunday, no?
  22. Morning all... Slept till just shy of 8 am and will be taking things slow today. Though some tidying up will be done in between, as usual. Weather's looking dull, too, so no particular reason for being outside. Cheers!
  23. I won't tell anyone that you're the advance scout for the imminent British re-taking of the long-lost colonies in the New World!
  24. That's pretty much how it's been for me as well, Mick.
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