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Everything posted by backofanenvelope

  1. That is an impressive view of the layout and as others have said its coming along nicely and the fact that you can have a train running is also a milestone. Good progress. Tom.
  2. Just seen the news and +1 Yay.. Thanks for guys and Jens for finding a way forward for TouchCab and looking forward to a bright future.
  3. Starting to come along nicely Paul. Are you going to use etched windows?
  4. Knowing your propensity for a 'new' layout I was somewhat enigmatic about seeing it
  5. Shame I am going to miss this show Paul as was looking forward to seeing LC.. maybe next time and hope all goes well. T.
  6. There's probably an app for that Alan. Good update and also like the techie stuff but will never probably have the need for such a large system for the acreage that you have.
  7. Hoorrarr Now that's working to deadlines. I am assuming you might show locally as smaller setup? Anyway I am just going to enjoy 'the' journey.
  8. Coming along nicely Alan and like you I am not a fan of straight line and the chances of such things in the hills is are pretty low..
  9. I guessed as much but knowing how fast you work I wouldn't bet on it taking that long.. I am looking forward to seeing this at some point if I get south of Sheffield.
  10. I definitely like the operational railway idea Paul and the modular approach your taking with your modelling. Keep us posted
  11. Yes I heard that.. experts shmeksperts. Well we all playing with our toy trains right?
  12. This WEEK, I'll mainly be pandering to man flu.

  13. Yes my experience is either torrential rain or scolding sun! But the rain does make the racing fun and we go adequately equipped to enjoy.
  14. Another vote for BTCC with my yearly trip to Croft and occasional trips to other circuits over the years. Got to meet one of my heroes last year when I met John Clelland and as Paul says it has improved no end but I have always like the TV coverage.
  15. Dave and Paul, Keep on with the conversions as when your finished Kato is bound to bring them out! In seriousness I have always struggled with accurate dimensions for RhB stock as have a S&W book but not JM books as a bit out of my reach. Tom
  16. Day release and a visit to Monk Bar MS

    1. Metr0Land


      How long before your Parole Board hearing?

    2. waggy


      Excellent shop and good prices, and good for a bit of banter with Martin

    3. backofanenvelope


      Long time since I have been in but made a pre chrimbo purchase to complete whilst I am away.

  17. Thanks for the explanation Alan and I am sure it will be very relaxing watching trains go by in your railway room
  18. Hi Alan, just come across your thread and how very impressive. I wondered if you are planning on just watching the trains go by or will there be a certain amount of operation? The automation is very impressive and I took like the way of the future. Looking forward to seeing this progress. Regards Tom
  19. Not sure if I am going to need skies or a kayak for Saturday

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Surely you still need the sky when kayaking?...

    2. trainmaster247
    3. backofanenvelope


      Yes satan's the good ol auto correct strikes again and TM I plan to

  20. Its a bit breezy up ere but no beans were harmed in the making of this update!

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Bloody hell Tom we're getting battered down here, hate to think how bad it is up your neck of the woods.

    2. backofanenvelope


      We survived the night but was kept awake with loud bangs and wheelie bins hurtling all over the place.. :)

  21. Seen elsewhere on the interweb the RhB is getting some new transits for the Albula. Would fit nicely in Kato's range.
  22. If it wasn't at the other end of the country for me, would love to see LC up close n personal
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