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Graham Kendall

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Everything posted by Graham Kendall

  1. Good Morning All! Good luck in your driving test and you've done a brill job with Calshot Jam! Mike - that's an amazing sight! I *never* ever thought I'd see the Clyde Frozen! Morning everyone else! Things down here seem to be a little warmer today, potentially only becasue the wind appears to have dropped! Pavements in the locality here are still lethal to walk on though, so I had an entertaining time getting in to work this morning! Still, only half a day to go....
  2. Wow! I never ever thought that would happen!!
  3. Hello Jam! Brockenhurst was very enjoyable! You've nice a fantastic job on Calshot too, at Fareham John made mention of Calshot 2 too??? I hope it warms up a little! It's positively horrendous when I get outside the front door at 6:15 am! I trust that everyone else is well? Chin up folks, tomorrow's Friday!
  4. How long haven't I been on here??!!?? Hello Everyone! Planning a wedding too now!

  5. Morning All! It's been a while I know - I'm still an ER and life has changed a little! I've seen JohnDMJ a couple of times during my LOA from RMWeb, and saw SouthernRegionSteam exhibiting at Brockenhurst a couple of weeks ago too? How is everyone fairing the chill? Best Wishes to All! Graham
  6. Morning Everyone! It's freezing here as others have mentioned, and still pitch black in this southern extremity of Hampshire! It was 4c below when I cycled in, and I guess it's not changed much since! I'm not entirely sure whether cycling in was brave or stupid, I did however take it carefully.... Please be careful everyone, take care of yourselves going about your day and stay safe!
  7. Morning Jam! Hehe! Most of them were! A couple of my servers crashed and then e-mailed us to tell us - except not once per server but each of them every 15 minutes from Boxing Day!! ho hum, it's all good fun! I did have to double-take my screen though yesterday morning!! Many Thanks, I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year!
  8. Hello Everyone! I'm back!! Sorry about my rather extended LOA (Leave of Absence), I haven't really been near a computer this holiday, and I've just come back to find there's 20 - odd pages of ER's to catch up on! Well, I hope everyone had a great festive season! I've come back a year older, and day 1 back at work yielded 76,200 unread emails!!!
  9. has new year on my mind :O)

  10. Morning All! Wow! Snow! Not as half as much here in Southest Hampshire as I had last Christmas up in Westest Glasgow... But still... I got into the office safely - deciding that it would be better to walk than cycle today! It's the last day of "term" for me today so bring on the let-your-hair-down attitude in the office! Happy Friday Everyone, Have a good day, take care in the snow and have a good weekend!
  11. Morning All! Definitely a mild one this morning, plenty of Oktas here and they've only gone and leaked everywhere! I can cofirm that I'm still, definitely Graham Kendall by name, and my Birthday is Christmas Eve - no visits to Deed Poll to report yet!! I don't know about Christmas coming round at the same speed as always, it *definitely* seems to have been faster this year y'know John... Best Wishes All, Have a good Day
  12. Hello Folks, Just by way of a quick update, I've got all three boards now cut and prepared, I've covered them in a couple of coats of PVA to seal the MDF tops and edges, and I've marked out the fiddle yard "barrier" line. And i've dared to join two of the 3 boards together! Now, in conjunction with the post about Carlisle station in the Prototyping thread, time to start squeezing it all in
  13. Good Morning All, Well - a chilly one here this morning cycling in to the office, a brisk ride on the Gosport Ferry too! I hope everyone is getting towards final preparations for Christmas, I can't beleive how fast it has approached this year! I hope everyone had a good weekend, mine was good but quiet, wholly uneventful. Only a week and a half until I reach the completely new gravitas that is 27 years of age... I'm thrilled...!
  14. Good Monring All, I'm up early too for a trip out with the Scouts. Have a good one everybody and see you all alter! Graham
  15. Loosing the Ashes! (Sorry, temptation got the better of me!)
  16. Good Morning all! POETS day here again on the "sunny" south coast as I'm on yet another 'overseas' business trip on the other side of Portsmouth Harbour. A blowout on the bike means I'm on the bus/foot too, how inconvenient - I'd forgotten just how much rip-off Gosport's bus fares are! Still, hopefully fix the blowout Sunday ready for the new week. Plans for this afternoon include spraying my 3 2010 boards with PVA/Water mix to seal them as they're MDF topped. Have a good one everyone, work for HMS seems to be getting in the way at the moment of my RMWeb access, shocking!
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