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Graham Kendall

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Everything posted by Graham Kendall

  1. Morning All, Terribly Wintery here this morning! Low laying mist around and only 5 deg C with one of those biting winds to boot! It made cycling in thos morning a "Character Building" excercise - So Jam, you have been warned! Weekend was good, I had a fab day at Lancing catching up with John, and yesterday for the most part was uneventful. Paraded the Scout Uniform at a rememberance parade yesterday morning. Thankfully it wasn't as cold as it is outside there now!! Ah well, Monday again folks! Just got to survive the barrage today and then MRC tonight! Have a good day everyone! Roll on this evening....
  2. Good Morning everyone! I hope that everyone has a good day wherever they are going! I'm presently writing this sat on the train as I go down to the West Sussex N Gauge Society Group's Exhibition at Lancing. Where here is Very sunny, no Oktas, and "The next station is Emsworth, this is coach 1 of 4" !
  3. Good Monring All, I'm soooooo glad it's Friday, I looked further into going to Wycrail but have decided not too. It's somewhere in the region of 3 1/2 hourse from portsmouth - I have to ask myself why any journey I take from Portsmouth that involves going through London takes at least 3 hours - the tube basically costs/adds an hour! I hope everyone has a good weekend!
  4. Baugelais (sp?) Nouveau, France's...
  5. Morning All, Sun just rising here, looks like somewhere in the region of 6 Oktas, and the voice on the radio informs me of showers before the day is done. Only 1 1/2 days until the weekend, I can't wait! ) Have a good day everyone!
  6. Good Morning All, It's Dry and completely clear here at the moment, I don't know what the longer forecast is but I hope it's good as I've got to go from one side of Portsmouth harbour to the other later this afternoon! I'm just going to see how far / long It would take to get to Wycrail on the train - the adverts have made me curious.... Jam, I hope your day is going well, I was made to study General Studies in my second year, and I too found it completely pointless! I got an 'E' or somesuch grade in it, but thats more becasue I can't write long wordy discursive wordy answers to questions! have a good day everyone!
  7. Good Morning All, I've never seen or even heard of a paternoster before! I hope everyone has a good Tuesday. It's 8/8 here in this most Southerly part of Hampshire this morning, and both looks like it has been raining, and is going to rain more still! Thanks John for pointing out the Fleetwood Mac program - I sat down last night and watched it back - it was a great program, and very revealing too. It's funny you know, how comes most song lyrics either come from someone's life story, or sheer randomness when the writer was as high as a kite?? Have a good one All!
  8. Good Afternoon Folks, there are times when you forget how much of a community this forum - and hobby too, just is! Thank you all for your kind words and support. There are parts of the last 22 months or so that have been very hard, and some harder! But things are looking up. I'm quite humoured by the suggestion of Fleetwood Mac! I love them and their music! and whils I'd not thought about "Don't Stop" - for which you're quite right John, is very lifting, I have found quite a lot of Solace in their record "Go your own way" I don't know for how - or even why, but thats the one for me (except on a Sunday Afternoon on the Beeb when it's the Chain all the way! ) That Russell Watson track is wonderful, I've never heard it before but have just pulled it up on a very well known internet video viewing service.... Thanks Again everyone, I hope you all have a good evening! I'm about to Settle in front of "Air Crash Investigations" on the gogglebox - and then off to the MRC tonight!
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