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Etched Pixels

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Everything posted by Etched Pixels

  1. Even beyond language issues Wales has a few. Builth Road is nowhere near Builth as the 'Road' implies - but over time created its own village of that name. Westminster incompetence produced entire misnamed railways as the acts of parliament helpfully 'corrected' spellings - thus the FFestiniog and Burry Port & Gwendreath Valley, both of which are wrong (but stuck in law) and nothing to do with English v Welsh spelling. Outside of Wales one that is really taking the mick is Sandwell & Dudley It's in Oldbury, okay its vaguely near Sandwell but it miles from Dudley, Oldbury and West Bromwich would be a more honest name !
  2. I think I'd describe Gimp as 'easy to use but hard to learn' Any drawing program which allows you to set a scale or will show you the mm sizes of what you are drawing can be used. Gimp just happens to be my preferred tool for the job. Alan
  3. Having built a test body I've been assembling the second revision of the coach. Some end detail left to add and then it needs the sides and roof fitting. The main structure is a piece of H shaped plastruct beam with extra material over the top sides to provide a key to shape for the body sides and then everything else glued onto it..
  4. After the bogie coach I thought I'd try something a bit smaller and more complex. The main problem with T scale wheels is that they are designed to be held in bogies and the bogies have points that go into the wheels not pinpoints on wheels. They are also of course very small. For this wagon I drilled 0.4mm holes into the centre of each wheel (down the existing dip) and superglued fine wire. The next problem was bearings. After about five failed experiments I hit upon the answer- N gauge handrail knobs, with the loop for the wire acting as the bearing. It runs, although its a bit rough. I got slightly too much glue on the rods into the wheels seems to be the reason so I know next time what is needed to get smoother running. Then again after the number of obscenities emitted I might build a bogie wagon instead ! Needs more paint and weathering but it'll pass with a bit of dirt.
  5. With a bit of paint and a few people in it's looking a bit better. Probably wants a gratuitious decal or two to liven it up a bit.
  6. has the main parts of the second attempt at a C.80 coach assembled, all plasticard so far - now can I make the battery boxes that way

  7. One pair of bogies an some plasticard later... The first coach for the 18" N scale branch line awaits the paint shop. The vehicle behind it for scale is a N gauge class 121
  8. "The internet is very very good"

  9. watches the rain, seems to be trying to make up for the driest April on record, the road outside is about an inch deep

    1. scots region

      scots region

      deppressing ait it?

  10. is going slowly mad lining kettles

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      I think lining look better on locos

    3. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      I think lining look better on locos

    4. ozzyo


      I find a beer or two helps!

  11. has the body of the GWR C.80 cut out and assembled.

  12. Similar idea to the previous, this also fits the 10ft chassis 1.tiff
  13. Swansea we have a busway. Now it is not guided as the busses come with a steering wheel and driver to operate it. Its a piece of tarmac on spare land, it works really well, and about the only thing they had to spend extra money on is the magic gates to stop idiots trying to use it. In future it can be cheaply converted into a road or similar as well. Alan (doesn't get guided busways)
  14. 1306 partly lined, think I'll skip trying to wrap lining around the cab corner and the very tender edge though

  15. Zm track and wheels (4.5mm) are available which are better for welsh two footers but the supplies are a bit limited and tricky to get hold of. In some ways narrow gauge lines here and there (plus a few standard gauge spots) fossilized older loading gauges from the early days that were lost elsewhere. Even up to the 1870s there were lots of horse drawn wagons and small wagons being handled to a fundamentally smaller loading gauge than the 'usual' standard gauge. This is why quite a few early locos have four buffers front and back, the lower closer two are for handling old style horse wagons, chaldrons and the like, the higher wider two represent what we think of as "normal" today. Be warned though .. it starts with a little four wheel coach or a peco tank, and then you end up scratchbuilding a few other bits, and then you start to wonder if you could model an L&B line or similar and then you find yourself covered in old oil under a Corris railway coach fixing bogies.
  16. tender lining.. corners or straight bits first ?

    1. SeanNeedham


      I'd go for the straights first, just to get the levels right.

  17. The diesel is a fairly typical industrial sort of loading gauge. The GVT is quite small, the Ffestiniog is positively pokey and the VoR is enormous (its pretty much standard gauge except for the track width) Put together they really can look funny. Seeing Ffestiniong gauge locos on the WHR next to one of the Beyer Garratts really looks like someone bought the wrong scale.
  18. has been reading about the history of S&D (The Stockton one) locomotives and found it very funny that they first painted numbers on the locos so the public could identify trains and drivers when reporting bad behaviour. Also that the main problems were drink, speeding and unauthorised passengers on locos - particularly girls!

    1. Mallard60022


      Sounds like Poland to me.

  19. is still working down the gloat box. Three coach roofs needing ventilators and detail bits next up, about my most hated job

  20. The metal is fairly soft but can be gently coaxed back into shape if need be (or slip in some thin packing shims of paper)
  21. is at work today. I don't see the point in using a day of holiday when the shops are shut and the tv is terrible

    1. Horsetan


      The terrible thing is that only the radio broadcast was technically live. The TV sound was a couple of seconds behind it! It was like this mad weird echo!

    2. Sailor Charon

      Sailor Charon

      Why does it need to be on BBC1 and ITV1 as well?

      Mind you, it's not as if Daytime TV's that good anyway... :)

  22. finishes assembling a bit of history - one Skytrex N gauge Beyer Garratt ready for the paintshop

  23. More madness with Hornby buildings http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180657561928&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Bet a few people are wishing they hadn't glued theirs down right now !
  24. watche the rain start. over the beach barbecues

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trebor



      excuse No1 - Its raining...

      Excuse No2 - I don't like you..

    3. Trebor


      did they work ?

    4. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      "sorry I have to floss the cat" was a friends favourite 'excuse' when he wanted people to know he didn't wish to attend


  25. Last night I realised that it would be a lot stronger if the ends had tabs that folded round and could be glued down the middle of the sides (as a sort of 3 layer sandwich). The goings on in the corners will be hidden by the overlay bits anyway. So here is rev 2. I've also added an explicit creative commons license to it so people know it can be reused and how The previous one will work on thin card, this one won't as the thickness is only going to work for paper. If you are using thin card you don't need the extra tabs so you can cut them off ! Fold up the ends and glue them, then fold up the sides. the light grey tabs each end go into the middle of the respective side to hold it all together firmly. 1.tiff and have fun fiddling - if someone wants to make a pro wedding one feel free (please though don't make it the Peco purple as a matter of taste !) You can actually get very good quality off a modern printer and a bit of judicious use of painting tools. This is one I did a while ago as a bit of fun for a ferry van conversion (sides fit the Mill Lane Sidings ferry van) 2.tiff
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