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Etched Pixels

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Status Replies posted by Etched Pixels

  1. GNR day in the 'build all the old kits in the acquisitions box', today an N2 and a J52 mostly assembled, not that I actually have a chassis for either currently!

  2. Had my day off ruined by a client calling and saying they had accidentally deleted 6GB of photos and could I make new copies for them by lunchtime...

  3. Langley N2 assembled. How I love white metal kits where the inside of the body is fractionall smaller than the chassis

  4. has spent two hours in semi-darkness painstakingly grooming a moulting horse....

  5. Why do Tesco delivery virtually every item in a seperate bag?

  6. My laptop has had a catastophic failure.

  7. has been blinded by a 153! Do such little trains need such bright lights?!

  8. is fed up, the company is now going to fit trackers in our cars to monitor times and locations

  9. is fed up, the company is now going to fit trackers in our cars to monitor times and locations

  10. Starting three weeks hols - have to use up what I carried over from previous years.

  11. wonders why everybody seems to be talking about curry.

  12. is catching up with the present day by installing Microshaft Orifice 2010

  13. Is wondering whether to purchase a Bach/Farish Western or wait for Dapol to release theirs?...

  14. has been watching Π, awesome film

  15. is having a spring clean, what an amazing amount of junk

  16. always knew meerkats were part of the 2mm finescale movement...

  17. Massive freight donkeys.

  18. Massive freight donkeys.

  19. 323 sound finally fitted, only been on the workbench since November

  20. Just had his first Magnum of the year.

  21. sun, sea sand and the tourists yet to arrive, some days its good to live by the sea

  22. Must be spring - Whitby's full of Goths.

  23. currenl.tly has no internet at home - may be a quiet weekend

  24. is doing the Len Ganley Stance.

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