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Steve K

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Everything posted by Steve K

  1. As I mentioned, though, it does have a prototype, just not a UK one. Google "Plymouth MDT" and you'll find several references, including other models. No reason, of course, why one couldn't have been imported for use by a private company, and painted in a UK-style livery...
  2. It's a Lima model, from their "British HO" range, although in fact it's based on a US prototype. See the "locomotives" section on limabritishho.co.uk for more details.
  3. Some sort of bizarre placeholder entry - maybe for an item which doesn't exist yet? Sorry, I'm as baffled as you...
  4. OK, so the price is a bit "Wha...?", but I'm also baffled by this: I'm guessing he probably means "exceptions", but he seems to be saying "Don't get your hopes up"!
  5. No. I think you'll find that those sites are also populated almost entirely by muppets. Ebay certainly doesn't have a monopoly on idiots - you find them everywhere!
  6. Can't you read? Clearly, neither of you know what you're talking about!
  7. The more I look at those two pics, the more I can believe that the model was based on a real prototype. Great imagination, and very convincingly executed!
  8. I konw you're not asking me specifically, but I'll give you my own take on that: The behaviour seen at and around the match was, as usual, nasty, ugly, and moreover utterly pathetic. The likes of Alan Brazil (and he did it again on Talksport only this morning) can bang on all they like about "passion", but when said passion turns into ugly hatred and violence, then eventually, someone has to stick their heads above the parapet to cry "enough's enough". It's great that the Police and the SFA have finally woken up to this, even going so far as to call the Old Firm match a "national embarrassment". It is embarrasing, an not just to Scotland, but by extension to the whole UK. At the end of the day, what the heck is such extreme sectarian hatred all about? Disagreement over a King or Pope who died hundreds of years ago? For Goodness' sake, children - grow up and act like adults! And before anyone suggests I'm anti-Scottish, I'm not. I'm anti-thuggery, wherever it occurs. This week it's Celtic/Rangers, next week, who knows? And yes, to the pedants, you are correct - I actually put money on 1-5 last night, not 5-1. That said, I was quite happy at a 1-3 win for my team!
  9. Apart from that alleged incident, I can only see positives in Beckham's behaviour in the last few years. OK, so maybe that's because he's not playing in England any more, and he does remain the only man to have been sent off twice while on England duty, but still... On a more up-to-date note, it was a great weekend for my lot (Chelsea), and they haven't even played yet. As it happens, though, I've got money on a 5-1 win tonight. Wish me luck (or not, as you prefer) - I may need it!
  10. As a Chelsea fan to a Man U fan, I can confidently predict that... I don't have a clue what will happen on Tuesday. Both our teams won on their last outings, but can either of us claim that our lot are actually playing well ? Funny old game, but even if the quality's not been there this season, the Premiership has at least been unpredictable.
  11. Blimey - I thought that there'd be a flurry of response after today's games, but nothing. In that case, may I be the first RMwebber to congratulate Birmingham City on their fine (and thoroughly deserved) win today? They were the better team for long periods, and were unlucky that the Lino mistakenly gave an offside after less than a minute. If that call had gone their way, it could easily have been a bigger margin of victory. I'd also like to give a big cheer for West Ham - I had a funny feeling that they'd win today, but I thought that 1-0 was the likely score. Clearly, as a Chelsea fan, I'm not supposed to have any time for other teams, particularly London ones, but I still retain some sympathy for Avram Grant after the way he was unceremoniously dumped by the Blues, with only a multi-million pound payoff to console him...
  12. Blimey - you didn't stop for breath in that review, did you? Not even for a comma! As a Brummie (well, ish), it was nice to see comprehensive wins for Aston Villa and Wolves today. Who knows? It might be a sign that Birmigham can snatch something tomorrow - I'm sure they'd settle for Villa's 4-1 at this stage! Frustrating that my favoured team (Chelsea) don't have a game at all this weekend. Very disappointing after a good CL result in th week, where my main man Nic showed that he's still got the touch. I know it's League Cup final weekend, but who comes up with the fixtures*? 5 games on a Saturday is pathetic. *I don't know for certain, but I'm guessing that the answer involves the letters K, S and Y, though not necessarily in that order.
  13. Since you asked... ! I've not got the stats, but as a Chelsea fan who's followed the team's ups and downs this season, I'd say that McEachran has had a reasonable crack of the whip across all types of football - at least as much as Kakuta (who's gone to Fulham on loan - incredible that he's gone anywhere, after Chelsea receiving a transfer ban for signing him, but never mind), and almost as much as Sturridge. Sadly for both of them, perhaps, Kalou has found his scoring boots (well, as much as he ever does) this year, so the youngsters are seen as a risk, I guess. Whilst on Chelsea, it's be rude not to mention Torres, of course. I'm actually quite ambivalent about his signing, and am still trying to decide whether £50M for him is better or worse value than £35M for Andy Carroll... still, whether he scores 20 goals this season or not (ah, who am I kidding? Of course he won't*), what Fernando represents is an asset which could, if need be, be used to offset any future signings and stay within the upcoming rules. Naughty, you might say, but all clubs will doubtless be looking to bend the rules. Anyway, what about England friendlies? Me, I can't see the point, but I'll watch anyway. It's a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours on a Wednesday night! *Still, Drogba and Torres up front, Anelka** in the hole... so crazy, it might just work... **Can I just take this opportunity to say that I love Nicolas Anelka's feet? No, not in that way... seriously, next time Chelsea are playing, watch him as he distributes the ball around. Such ecomony and precision, tiny little flicks to send the pass on its way. Just lovely!
  14. There was recently a thread on here with the same word misspelt the same way (Daplo), both in the title and the thread body. A quick search just now failed to locate it, so maybe the member (possibly the same person as the Ebay seller?) spotted and corrected the error. At the time it was posted, I'd initially read it as "Duplo", which led to thoughts of a totally different kind of modelling...
  15. His lack of punctuation is disturbing, too - he says he works nights, so maybe insomnia has led to a phobia of capitalisation... Does Ebay really throw sellers out if they dip below 99.3% approval? Has the rating system really been that devalued? What's the point of a star system if a seller demands top marks? Twonk.
  16. Later also named Octavius Atkinson, and now resplendent in Loadhaul livery on the DVLR! Their website suggests that this is the only 88DS fitted for passenger use.
  17. Mehano did a bit in TT (including a class 66 and a bombardier "Blue Tiger", if I recall), but their website seems to have changed recently, and I couldn't - at first glance - see anything other than HO on there just now.
  18. Don't worry - normal service was resumed against West Brom!
  19. It'd be nice to see Michael Owen playing somewhere. Even if his best days are probably behind him, he must surely still have something to offer in the Premiership. I never quite understood how he fitted into Man U's plans - he's some way down the striking pecking order at Old Trafford, and unlikely to play more than a bit part in the league. I'm not sure I'd be keen on a swap with Ashley Young, though. Villa would be getting the rough end of that deal.
  20. Oh dear - my lot have just effectively given up the league title, I fear. Time to concentrate on... something else... Amazing drop in form - after 5 PL games, Chelsea were +20 goal difference, and I was wondering if they'd score 100 again. After 18 games, they're +17, and have only just doubled their points tally. Time to support a cricket team for a while! On an entirely unrelated note, there's been a lot of talk recently about certain wealthy parties from Qatar looking to invest in a slice of Manchester real estate. Is this a cunning ploy so that the 2022 World Cup can be held in Lancashire, where there are already several world-class stadia, and where the weather in July is ideal for football?
  21. Note to self: if I don't want to know the football scores, I shan't click on any thread with "football" in the title... As a neutral(ish!), I have to say that the West Ham win evens up the bottom of the table nicely. Also (speaking now as a Chelsea fan!), it's nice that Avram Grant retains his job - for a while, at least - because I'd love to see what he can actually do. He got little or no credit at Chelsea, and was doomed from the start at Portsmouth, so it would be nice to see him have at least one season at a club where the manager can affect the team's league position.
  22. Funny how the weather wasn't bad enough to call off the Heineken Cup rugby matches this weekend! Can't wait for MOTD 2 tonight - it should be an absolute corker...
  23. They seem to be referring to "surrounding roads", rather than any part of the grounds themselves. If it's that dangerous to be out and about, why don't all the shops shut? Do we postpone Xmas until it warms up? I'm not angry, despite my mild rantings - just mightily baffled and, if it is a fear of compensation claims that's to blame, rather saddened and disappointed, too.
  24. It's incredible that a Premier League game is ever called off for the weather.Barring a flooded pitch, or a foot of snow, I don't see why they shouldn't always go ahead. Even this weekend, it's not the pitches themselves, but the surrounding areas that are supposedly the problem. I don't get it. OK, so some away fans might decide not to travel, or will have to set off early, but if the game itself can go ahead, why shouldn't it? Don't misunderstand me - I understand that in lower league where heated pitches are not the norm, frosty conditions will make the game dangerous, so I have no issue with the Scottish Div.3 programme, for example, being affected by the weather. But I can't for the life of me see why Arsenal/Stoke or Chelsea/Man U can't go ahead. That second one has already been postponed, and it wasn't even supposed to be played untl tomorrow!
  25. hasn't had a crash so far this winter, unlike the last one...

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