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Status Updates posted by traction

  1. New Shoulders needed, had better news that's for sure!

    1. Mallard60022


      bones or ballast?

    2. traction


      Unfortunately bones, left shoulder OA, no cartilage left.

      So live with and manage pain as best I can or new shoulder and have to completely change job.

      I can sit at a desk and do no physical work is about all I would be able to do, if I want the shoulder to last more than 3 years.

      A bit tricky for a service engineer and the thought of sitting at a desk all day!!!!!!!!!!!

      Oh what fun

  2. Replacement shoulders needed at only 45!!!

  3. Replacement shoulders needed at only 45!!!

  4. Replacement shoulders needed at only 45!!! I've had better news that's for sure

  5. Replacement shoulders needed at only 45!!! I've had better news that's for sure

    1. ess1uk


      Ouch! Good luck and speedy recovery

  6. Camera stuck down my throat tomorrow morning, oh joy!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. traction


      Well its all done, no sedation just the spray. Not great but not too bad

    3. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      The spray made me choke, by the time the camera was introduced, I was off with the fairies.

    4. Mallard60022


      .....and, reeeeelaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxx. Well done buddy.

  7. Not looking forward to having a camera stuck down my throat tomorrow morning!

  8. Not looking forward to having a camera stuck down my throat tomorrow morning!

  9. not looking forward to having a camera stuck down my throat tomorrow morning!

  10. Solar Panels are now generating!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Nth Degree

      The Nth Degree

      Definitely still worth doing, even with the slightly lower FIT. We're moving shortly so this installation will be a priority. Good luck. What monitoring do you have?

    3. traction


      Just the sunnybeam bluetooth unit that connects to the main Sunnyboy inverter.

    4. gridwatcher


      So are ours at the high rate. Today we seemed to turn a corner in terms of day length and generation.....Sunnyboy and phone app

  11. Just finished reading Twinkle little star, the follow up to BHTS by Jenny, what a cracking follow up!! Both books are well worth reading!

  12. Happy New Year to all! Hope you all have a great 2012

  13. 8 hours to defrag hard drive....15gb gained!!!

    1. beast66606


      IF you gained space when defragging I would be worried ...

    2. RedgateModels


      hope your backups are in order ... time for a new HDD methinks

    3. traction


      While defragging it was using loads, but when finished gained space. At the minute everything is working fine and very fast!

  14. Yes! back online, Yesterday RMweb failed to load for me all day!

  15. Just had wood burner fitted and it looks fantastic....ok yes I'm going to light it got to have a play!

    1. gridwatcher


      The best thing we ever did.....now have 2.

  16. is fed up, the company is now going to fit trackers in our cars to monitor times and locations

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. big jim

      big jim

      can bea bonus too, overslept one night with fastline and they could see the van on my drive so called me to get me up!!

    3. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      if they are tracking personal use I'd suggest the union beats them up article 8 of the ECHR.



    4. traction


      Problem is, there are only 12 people in the company, 7 of us have a company car 8 including the MD.

      He has said that the system will monitor between certain times, don't know how this will work as I leave and get back at all sorts of different times.

      Anything outside of these times will be classed as private mileage which we pay for.

      No discussion, just a memo today saying the system will be fitted in May.

      Charming way to get the best out of your staff!

  17. just watched Katie and her beautiful friends, inspirational is understatement of the year. Katie is simply stunning. Just donated.

  18. Finished until next year! The snow has missed us this time round Bonus! although it is mighty cold.

  19. Don't you just wish you had the money to buy a G.A.M. A4 as reviewed in Hornby Mag!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Timara


      No, I'd buy the Hornby one! Saying that, I wouldn't buy an A4 anyway!

    3. RedgateModels


      Metropolitan already has!

    4. Horsetan


      I wonder if such a model can be regauged to P4/S4, and would it be tax-deductible?

  20. Just finished reading Jenny Emily's new book "Bringing home the stars" brilliant!!!

    1. Jenny Emily

      Jenny Emily

      Gosh! You must have romped through that! I'm glad that you enjoyed it - it's made my day :)

    2. traction


      Certainly did!

      Couldn't put it down, got it yesterday, and managed to put it down at 2am, just as the doors were being closed around Dezza so he had to go back up the stairs.

      Excellent, more please.

  21. Nothing quite like having a day off on your 40th...now where's my pressies!

    1. ceejaydee


      Had my 40th earlier in the year so I hope you have a good day.

    2. traction



      Going out for a cury tonight, best pressie you can have....food!

  22. Is making sure Thomas TrakMat layout is ready for Trains4u tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Andy Y
    3. RedgateModels


      I've got noisy things too!

    4. traction


      The Class 24 with sound will be there.

      As will the Duchess but shes having a nightmare!

  23. is anybody else having trouble getting on here tonight?

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