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Everything posted by halfwit

  1. This is the room, the start of it all....

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Where will it end?

    2. new puritan

      new puritan

      I hope it's the Fall after you've finished with Joy Division!

    3. halfwit


      Oven gloves.

  2. 60052 seen in Buxton today.

  3. Domestic Duck! Genius!

    1. Horsetan


      We all have affectionate pet names for the publisher which, as we write, has just made it into the second half of the 20th century!:-D

  4. Deep in thought.

    1. ceejaydee


      About what Paul?

    2. halfwit


      Motor shaft cutting.

  5. has just destroyed a Mashima motor. Not happy.

  6. Just back from the dentist. Don't need to go again for another 6 months : )

  7. An envelope came addressed to 'Halwit Esq.'. I like that!

  8. Excellent work Will. They compare well with the photo that you've linked too. Paul.
  9. Dum Dum Girls and lunch.

  10. Thanks for the advice James, one day I'll get to the point of needing transfers!
  11. James, I'm not sure about chain, I'll know what I'm looking for when I see it. Thanks for the offer, I might just get some in stock anyway!
  12. 6music and filing away w-irons.

  13. Better look busy. The wife'll be home soon....

    1. Horsetan


      Reminds me of the old car sticker: "Jesus is Coming: Look Busy!"

  14. Thanks! Although I wouldn't say that I know much about painting at all, there's still a great deal to learn. I'm thinking of getting a few more Knightwing containers just to practice on and try out different ideas. They are, I think, ideal for practicing airbrushing and weathering with, being inexpensive and having a large flat area.
  15. You strip paint with India Pale Ale? Rather than strip the paint of a coat of matt varnish might have toned down the gloss.
  16. Just bulk uploaded some images into the gallery. These will be captioned and have a description added.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. halfwit


      Thanks Andy. I hope Roger can use them...

    3. halfwit


      One of these would look good shunting a salt works you know...

    4. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      Wouldn't it just. K2yhaven's plan is under review to include a bit more siding space. :)

  17. Thanks Chris. It would have been finished earlier but I put off doing the safe load indicater for too long... Here's a link to the crane on the old rmweb; http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=45799&start=25#p754421 Back to the Husky soon.....
  18. Finally finished off my Coles Crane tonight, 14 months after starting it. It didn't really need a lot of work to finish, a coat of varnish, some couplings and rigging. The 3 links were supplied with the kit although I lost one hook, easily replaced as it was supplied with Exactoscale hooks, which are excellent. The hooks and links were treated with Birchwood Casey 'Super Blue' before fitting. Rigging, with black cotton (supplied) is fiddly. The cotton is held in place under the rear of the body by a keeper plate and both the jib height and hook are seperately adjustable. A couple of pics; The 48DS chassis, seen on here previously, will be used with the crane, possibly with a cement mixer on. One job that needed doing was to apply some markings to the safe load/angle indicater (the crescent-shaped object on the jib). These were applied with a bow pen and compass. Its a small detail but to me quite important to have some kind of representation of. Shown here; Quite pleased with it. I will get some suitable chain to make up some tackle to hang off the hook (and help tension the cotton). The crane still needs weathering but that can wait untill I build a layout (there are plans afoot.....). Paul.
  19. Finished something tonight. Celebrating with Fruit and Nut.

  20. Compensation and Smoke Fairies.

  21. Hi James, The varnish is Phoenix Precision PAV82 Matt Varnish (ready thinned for airbrushing). As I said excellent stuff, just make sure that its thoroughly mixed (2 minutes with a Badger battery powered paint stirrer does the job). The only problem that I've had with it was when I put rather a thick coat on my Hudswell Clarke which made the varnish turn white, but that would happen with any varnish. They also make ready thinned gloss (PAV62) and satin (PAV72). The container is great for experimenting as it doesn't really matter if I mess up. I might even get a couple more... One day the Steelman will be finished! Paul.
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