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Blog Comments posted by SouthernRegionSteam

  1. Hi Stu, thanks for your advice, I will look into it and amend accordingly. I should really look at some prototype photos as well.


    Hi Matt, as I have told John, everything is removable (literally!) to take allowance of the fact that it may all need to come off should I need to adjust the trackwork. Plus, being removable it is also easier to work on.

    By the way, how is the On30 layout going?

  2. Ideally the layout will be controlled from the fiddle yard. However, if it makes more work for you (i.e. removable control panel and sockets etc) than I'll happily operate it on the front of the layout between where the slipway is and the fiddle yard exit.


    Correct - I don't need LED indication


    Thanks for explaining the method of laying the motorised points.

    Should I start permanent tracklaying, or just temporarily lay it down to fix the point motors? (Obviously I wouldn't be able to fix the points in place until I've completed the point motor installation!)


    Thanks John. smile.gif

  3. Indeed. Do you need any to be enlarged?

    The one closest to the camera looks too small but it depends how much room you will need. The subframe can go on after you have finished wiring if it makes it easier.


    Edit: Forgot to mention one of the narrow gauge points has been moved since you would have last seen it so it is not at the rear of the board.

  4. Thanks James. smile.gif

    I'm tired of accepting second best (which is probably why the other layout wasn't such high quality!) so now I realise if I am to progress I will have to raise mine and everyone else's expectations so that people like you can tell me how to improve.


    I will have a look at the stonework and see which bits need adjusting. I should have really used the metal rule to scribe the horizontal lines but I didn't. Mind you I'm sure there is a prototype wall somewhere!


    Speaking of next steps, that is exactly what I will be building next - steps!




    Also, I have just found a cable tie right in front of me and actually it looks like it might be the perfect width after all. Thanks Paul!

  5. Not at all - everyone has said the same thing.

    I might just have had an idea - some were raised by a rack and pinion type arrangement - I am having trouble finding anything small enough for the cylindrical threaded rod, but what I could do is use some thin plastic to make a rack and then fashion a little gear or some such. I'll try and rustle up a prototype now.

  6. Yes they are, but a lot of people aren't convinced that they look right so I may use something else.

    The boat is a mystery - it came with a layout I was given by a friend who moved house. There is no makers name anywhere on it and a lot of people have asked me about it but I simply do not know where it came from. The only thing I can think of is that it came from a model ship of some sort...


    Just painting a first layer of rust on the sluice paddles which has given it a slightly better look. I will need to buy some weathering powders at some stage though.

  7. Firstly, thank you all for your contributions - it's one of these great things that make this hobby so enjoyable and worthwhile. smile.gif


    Hello Missy,


    Many thanks for the compliment. I have enjoyed following Highclere and your outstanding modelling in 2mm! I like your idea of a floor standing backscene - that could work really well - particularly if it is ultra portable. I hope the layout lives up to your expectations.




    I have had some advice from modellers at various exhibitions which I have written down somewhere. (Must dig it out!)

    I'll bear in mind those colours though, I'm hoping to put together a 'weathering box' with all the paints, brushes and powders etc. Good tip about powder cosmetics too, thank you.




    I aim to have it complete by early August, hence why I am being careful, but trying to make it a quick build - plus that way you don't lose interest. It's a shame that so many loft layouts are abandoned due to the committments involved and a lack of sustained interest.




    I appreciate your comments and have taken them on board. I can't stand layouts without a decent background - but then again, from pictures I have seen of one layout in particular that has no backscene, it can be made to be quite effective. I quite like Missy's idea above - of course, the backscene doesn't have to be immediately behind the layout. This means people can walk around the layout if they wish but the backscene is there should they want to take some photos - also, if the backscene can be wheeled around, people can get their ideal photo. I have also had many favourable comments with the backscene (it is homemade).

  8. Absolutely John, certainly won't be glued until it's all finished. It would make it so much harder doing the scenery before the electrics, not to mention silly as it is much more likely to be damaged, especially if wiring is not as straightforward as expected!


    I wouldn't even dream of doing it any other way. The quay walls I'm only doing now as more of an experiment than anything else. Everything except the trackbed is loose for exactly this purpose. Hope this reassures you!


    The new points and PM-1 motor have arrived - I think it was on Thursday smile.gif

  9. Thanks for the continued support James.

    I've certainly missed not being able to have time for modelling since Calshot's first exhibition a year ago - it's been great to make visible progress at last.


    The fiddle yard exit will be on the right going from bottom to about half way up (just above the top red (NG) line) - the area above that track will be the space for the Duty Offices or something else to act as view blocker.


    The viewing side is likely to be from the top of the plan, although I'm considering having viewing access to all sides (minus the FY side of course), hence my plan for a movable backscene (which I'm still not 100% sure about).

  10. Thanks guys smile.gif



    I will be using Peco Crazy track for this project mainly because from what I can understand the railway wasn't built to great standards. laugh.gif


    I'm debating what to use for the scenic base - I'll be using DAS modelling clay for the infilled sections (i.e. most of the layout) but I'm not sure about the rest. I've never actually tried plaster cloth, would you reccomend it?

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