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Wizard of the Moor

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Everything posted by Wizard of the Moor

  1. ObFatherTed: "Ah, go on Ted. Can we not have a go on the Crane of Death?" "Why do they call it that, Dougal?" "Well, last year they dropped a 16 ton mineral wagon on some poor guys head and killed him."
  2. The Ebor Group show was a really nice weekend. It was great to spend some time just playing trains without many of the usual distractions of a bigger exhibition. First up, a new addition to the fleet. D3211 is a Hornby model, renumbered with Cambridge Custom Transfers and Shawplan builder's plates. Laserglaze has also been fitted. Still a bit to be done on the weathering and detailing, but she's getting there. The strange silver projection above the cab is my pointblade gapping gauge, being used to try and fine tune a turnout. A little later in the day and D5366 waits by the Tarry Brig for a return working back to Kittybrewster yard. There's a nice view of the real Tarry Brig here for anyone unfamiliar with the Waterloo branch. At the end of the day, a rake of empty minerals have been left by the scrap loading dock. Finally, a small milestone in that the last bit of temporary senic work done 5 years ago(!) for the layout's first showing has been replaced with something marginally better. The real Tarry Brig on Castle Terrace, Aberdeen seems to have been realigned some time around WWI. In doing so, a flight of stairs was put in to preserve the public access to this end of Bannermill Street. I've now put in a representation of this feature, with some walls and railings to keep deter the local loons from trespassing on the tracks. Security gates for the nameless industrial works are still needed. Don't hold your breath for another 5 years... Many thanks to Paul Bartlett for operating and sticking strictly to the 4 engines in steam rule, and to Jim Whitehead for the pictures.
  3. Does anyone else have machine gun fire in the background whilst modelling?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. John B

      John B

      Regular heavy artillery and machine gun fire coming from USMC Camp Pendleton, some 5+ miles distant across the valley! Glad I'm not closer..

    3. JCL


      That wouldn't help me at all. We have avalanche bombs here, but at least they're done by 7:30am, well before I need to pick up a scalpel or glue stick.

    4. JCL


      That wouldn't help me at all. We have avalanche bombs here, but at least they're done by 7:30am, well before I need to pick up a scalpel or glue stick.

  4. Does anyone else have machine gun fire in the background whilst modelling?

  5. Waterloo Street is heading back out on the road in 2013. First up is the Ebor Group of Railway Modellers show in York on February 23rd and 24th. Then there will be Scalefour North in Wakefield on April 20th and 21st. I'll admit to a conflict of interest here, as I am now (more!) involved in the organisation of this show. Finally for this year, you can catch up with me at the Cleveland MRC exhibition in Redcar on August 3rd and 4th. There's not a lot to report on the modelling front. Hopefully posting these deadlines will give me a bit of a shove to finish that rake of Covhops that was meant to be ready for Manchester last year...
  6. Another stripe into the top corner here on a very fesh paint job. http://www.flickr.com/photos/71592768@N08/8162009694/ Thanks to Metr0land for the link!
  7. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/6681-boxenby-depot/?p=166630 Works for me every time. It's surprisingly quick to do and is a good basis for further weathering. Take time to get you base mortar colour sorted first, as it's hard to change that later.
  8. until
    See http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/62945-scalefour-north-2013/?p=937626 for details
  9. Looking forward to seeing your progress in the flesh at Scalefour North in April
  10. Excellent work! I'm very impressed with the subtle gradients that run through all the scenes. It really shows how attention to angles and levels makes for a believable setting.
  11. The days of housekeepers making tea are over. We can't live in the Dark Ages!

    1. Horsetan


      "Ye've made your last cup of tea in this house....!"

  12. http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/kits_modelling/plastic_dmu_emu_coaching_stock_kits_from_dc_kits_incudes_locomotives_/non_southern_electric_multiple_units/class_303_scottish_region_25kv_multiple_unit_3_car_unit_.php Good luck!
  13. Thanks, Dave. It's back to the reference books then.
  14. Only photo of a Class 05 bonnet top that I've ever seen. Nice!
  15. Dave, I know about the clacks, but what's with the firebox? Still researching the options for one of Bradwell's Beauties
  16. Barry Norman did a cameo trackplan of Macduff in MRJ 97. This had an 11'6" senic section.
  17. If ever there was a handy little etch to have it would be for those solebar brackets. I also chopped dozens of similar bits for my Grampus rake recently and swore that I would learn Autocad as a result. Still waiting
  18. Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing. Still sounds fantastic 30 years on

  19. Exciting landing at LBA last night. Not good when people are screaming and bracing for impact 5 miles out! Still, put me in the right frame of mind for Warley

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Had few exciting ones there with Manx2. I hate being able to see thru the windscreen...but always look!

    3. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Had few exciting ones there with Manx2. I hate being able to see thru the windscreen...but always look!

    4. steam-driven boy

      steam-driven boy

      and that was just the crew...

  20. Headline in local paper: Fight Breaks Out at Boxing Match

  21. MRJ and MEW delivered on the same day. Decisions, decisions...

  22. The key thing is to get the dropper wire to the switch blades extending under the stock rails. This prevents the blades lifting. See http://www.clag.org.uk/tou.html for one way to do this.
  23. Are the plank edges on the L&Y van raised rather than engraved? Either that or the light reflects in a strange way...
  24. If the river was whiskey and I was a diving duck

    1. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      I'd swim to the bottom and drink myself back up .. hic


  25. Still waiting for a couple of confirmations for 2013, Martin. The next firm date is Scalefour North in Wakefield next April, and a trip north of the border is a possibility
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