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Everything posted by LNERandBR

  1. Went to the Talyllyn today. Can fully recommend the Vintage Train Experence. :)

  2. Has visited the Corris, Vale of Rhiedol and Welshpool thus far. Talyllyn tomorrow :)

    1. devonseasider


      Are you driving out each day from a central base or touring round & staying in different places?

    2. LNERandBR


      We're staying in a holiday Cottage. So driving out from a central base.

    3. devonseasider


      We did that last week, staying in Machynlleth.

  3. On Holiday in Wales. Visited the Corris Railway today.

    1. devonseasider


      I was also at Corris on Sunday afternoon. Small world!

      Just got back home from our holiday this evening.

  4. Rest assured Deeping Lane hasn't been forgotton or anything like that. In fact it's set up in my room right now. I've been slowly building a Knightwing fueling point kit for it. Unfortunatly other distractions have gotten in the way somewhat so progress has been slow. The layout is booked to make a repeat appearence at the Boston MRS show this September so I'll have to get my finger out and post some pics won't I
  5. Ah New England Corner I know where you mean. Meanwhile I used to bike to my Nan's during the school holidays and went passed St Mary's church to get there. I used to bike round the block as well which took me past the Pinford.
  6. Hello As I live in the same Parish area as the Pinfold I've just been out and measured our grey wheelie bin and it's 43in high which is nearly 110cm. I hope this doesn't mess up the work you've already done. Should hopefully get along to the church and get some reference pics for you soon as I'm off work this week. Every time I've gone past it I've not had time to stop as I've been on my way somewhere.
  7. If you need any photos of the Church, Signal Box or Station Building let me know. I only live around a mile from the station so it would be no bother to get some pics if needed.
  8. Time to do something to Deeping Lane Fueling point is on order.

  9. Time to do something to Deeping Lane at last. Fueling point on order!

  10. Overall today has been a very successfull day for myself and Deeping Lane. Dispite plans to put the layout up before this show unfortunatly work and other things meant this did not happen. Therefore nothing has changed on the layout since it appared at the Boston Show last September. Dispite this the layout preformed flawlessly thoughout the day. I had to break out the track cleaner once or twice but that's to be expected for a layout which hasn't done anything for a while. The following snaps were taken before the doors opened. Some overall views of the layout. Including adverts for this years Boston Show (28th & 29th September at Stickney Village Hall ) Some of the rest are unfortunatly a little blurred in the background. Also after taking these pics I noticed how dusty the shed windows were so gave them a brush down. (I always have a paint brush handy at a show for this sort of thing.) Class 31, 08 and 60 at rest. The 08 ran a little too poorly for my linking. A strip down and a good clean may be in order for that one. And finally hiding on the rail bridge was 47475 the Model Rail Transpennine Class 47. This has yet to get a decoder hence it's positioning on the bridge. Next weekend my other layout Bostcroft (See http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/62396-bostcroft/) will be appering at the Mansfield Exhibition. However after that Deeping is definatly going up as I want to do something with the fiddle yard. I found having only one track a little too restrictive.
  11. If your in the area around Boston tomorrow. Deeping Lane wil be appearing in a Model Show at the village hall in Hubberts Bridge.
  12. Not thinking about upgrading the line. More like nearly finished The setrack is the old stuff waiting to be taken away. I don't use the regular service but there are about two railtours a year which start out from Skegness and I regually go on these. Loco's were banned a while back due to the poor track but once the worst bits were redone they allowed loco's back again with a 25mph speed restriction. The pictures look really good. It's really starting to come together.
  13. I regually go past Wainfleet Station and I'm watching with great intrest. The road definatly dips down towards the railway from both directions. Unfortunatly I'm too young to remember the goods yard when in use. All I do remember of it is the end of the goods shed had a large fan in the gable end faceing the road. I don't know if this was a later addition after the yard closed or if it was always there.
  14. Just so you are all aware Deeping attended the Boston Model Railway Exhibition last weekend. Unfortunatly I also had my other layout Bostcroft (see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/62396-bostcroft/) at the show and therefore had to leave the operating to a fellow member of the Boston club. Also to my annoyance I forgot my cameras on Saturday and Sunday went so quickley that I never had much time away from Bostcroft. Currently Bostcroft is up in my room as running it for a few days has reignited my intrest in doing a few bits to it. However Deeping is going to go up next as it's been provisionally booked for the Kirton Model Show next February. It's a general model show though so not just railways. Once it's been confirmed I'll let you all know.
  15. Spent all afternoon cleaning Wheels ready for next weeks Boston MRS Exhibition

  16. Going on Holiday Tomorrow.

  17. I'm definatly open to invetations to show's. The next possible outing will be this years Boston Exhibition. Thanks Andy. I'll definatly try to keep this thread up to date on all new developments at Deeping. I've got one or two ideas already.
  18. All three 37's you see in the photo's are fitted with sound. The RfD pair both have Howes Decoders and Coedbach is SWD/Bachmann with a modified speeker setup. The 47 should gain sound in the future as and when funds allow.
  19. Well as you've seen above I'm the proud new owner of Deeping Lane. It made it's move from South Lincs to near the sea air of Skegness this morning and after the F1 was fitted for it's new legs: I have two standard sets of layout legs which are used under my other two layouts. I did find however that Deeping required new holes to be drilled into the legs as it's framework is smaller then what I normally use. However Deeping has thick chipboard tops to it's boards where I usially use thinner plywood. After getting the layout set up I decided to have a little running session. First to arrive on Depot was 47975 'The Institution of Cival Engineers'. After reciving attention it moved out to be stabled. 37698 'Coedbach' then arrived closely followed by 37670 and 37671 'Tre Pol and Pen'. 47975 then left the depot allowing 37698 to be restabled to allow 37670 and 37671 to move out of the Depot Building. Deeping is now packed away as I currently haven't the space to set it up indoors. My brother's N gauge layout 'Littlemore' is set up as it and my other layout 'Bostcroft' are booked to appear at the Boston Model Railway exhibition and both need some work doing to them.
  20. I use a simular method for baseboard joints. With the track laid you hammer in a small brass nail directly next to the rails at the joints. (The closer the better.) The rails are then soldered to the nails I find it a neat method on scenic sections as you can file down one side of the nail and hammer it in with that side away from the rail.
  21. It's not so much the look of them it's the fact he took some of Gresley's finest designs and rebuilt them. This makes people belive he had a vendetta against Gresley. To help explain it all let's say for example that Hawksworth had a dislike of some parts of Collett's designs. So he decides to take some of Collet's finest locomotives and rebuild them. There will be some people who'd be horrified at this and others which prefer the later designs. Which is what we have within the LNER fanbase.
  22. Basically when Thompson took over from Gresley as the LNER's CME there were a number of A1 Pacific's which had yet to be rebuilt as A3's. ( I believe Flying Scotsman was one of them) Thompson wanted to create his own Pacific design but due to the wartime austerity measures he wasn't alloud to build brand new express passenger locomotives. So he decied to rebuild instead. He used Great Northern (The first Gresley Pacific) as the prototype for this rebuiding. Cock o' the North suffered the same fate. The P2's were rebuilt by Thompson into the A2/2 Pacifics. (There was a whole class of P2 2-8-2's by the way) The overall issue with Thompson's Pacific designs was to save materials he insisted on all three connecting rods being the same length. This pulled the outside Cylenders back creating an odd look. See http://www.lner.info/locos/A/a1_1.shtml and http://www.lner.info/locos/A/a2_2.shtml
  23. Right said fred, Both of us together, One each end and steady as we go.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shanks522


      uuuuppppp aaaahhhhh....

      tried to lift it couldn't even shift it we were going nowhere..............

    3. beast66606


      Took the wall down, even took it all down, we wuz going nowhere


    4. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      So Fred said, "Let's have another cuppa tea."

      And we said, "right-o."

  24. Looking forward to the weekend and next week off work.

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