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Everything posted by pitbull1845

  1. Yes Kevin. named "Astolat" I can't post the picture here but I'll send it to you.
  2. We're obviously on the same wavelength Ian, I had been lookingh at that concept but I won't have enough room in the ear marked area. Its only 4'x2'. Enough for a small end of line station and thats it. The depot could go the opposites side of the garage but locos would have to enter the station first to access the depot. Although operationally interesting not sure how realistic that would be?
  3. It won't be anything like your plans, just trying to make use of some dead space, thinking of adding a small terminus served by dmu's. I was considering a depot, but the simple station is winning at the moment.
  4. Hi Andy, Thanks and a good idea. I'll look into it soon. Got carried away with the other boards today and planning the FY and inclines..
  5. I think the rails will be put back on, when I find the required patience!
  6. Morning, Since the change around I had to come up with a new scenic break, I had several ideas but went for the predictable one of putting a building there. It's nothing special and I have no idea of its function within the works, but it hides the exit/entry, so I've achieved my target. It's not quite finished yet, it wont be long. There is also a new arrival on the ptivate shunter front. "Big Daddy" arrived last week, thanks to PaulRhB. That's it for now, next will be the debate about the FY.
  7. The Janus at Poole docks was loaned from Allied steel & Co, Cardiff between May and November 1992. (Rails to Poole Harbour - Colin Stone)
  8. Great to see the layout on here Kevin, looks good and I love that picture of 33029. Nice little find by Nigel too..
  9. Afternoon, Right where do I start? Yesterday I had a few more hours, so I decided it was time for a change. The main board which had the station and part of a steel complex has been completely removed and destroyed. It was boring me and also the boards had warped slightly (my fault for using mdf) which gave a bit of hump back bridge effect. Whilst I was in the mood for destruction I also closed down Redbrook stabling point. But all is not lost, The main Bocott Steel works is still alive. I've spun it 180 degrees and put it in the place of the station board, but here's the clever bit. I've also spun what was Redbrook, 180 and attached it to the front of Bocott Steel. It's no longer a SP, it's now a couple of sidings for the works and also a through line, which will complete a loop of the garage. It's still work in progress but I'm going in the right direction. I've had to try and disguise the exit for the sidings, I'm still in the process of doing that but is an inprovement in my eyes I've attached a picture so you can try and see the changes. Once the facia board is back on I'll post some more. Thanks for looking.
  10. Afternoon, Managed to get an hour in the garage today. I've just been potteting about on the Bocott Steel part of the layout. Nothing exciting just tidying up bits and finishing off one of the buildings. I still need to get a suitable chip for the Janus, so it's just posing for pictures at the moment. Seen here with the empties.
  11. Thanks Andy, I've got a good bunch behind me and have been a great help with listening to my woes but also taking my mind off of things.. I'm just frustrated at the moment as there is no point doing anything else to the layout until I know my future, I think building a portable one is the way to go next time!
  12. Afternoon, No progress as such due to the ongoing uncertainties in my normal life. However the depot has just received a fuel delivery, with a trip working from Wyvern Road. So wheels are still turning on the layout. Grateful to Nigel for the loan of the TTA's. I Have to say I have a good network of modelling friends and I'm very grateful for their support and also the loaning of rolling stock to keep me motivated.
  13. Just in time Neil, the track fairies have been in over the weekend! Something to do with rationalisation and the closure of part of the steel industry.
  14. I've got another 15'x2' of bare badeboards to use.. It won't be cluttered. But I get your point.. less is more..
  15. Thanks Rob, I've been trying to plan the next phase tonight, trying to keep it simple but plenty of operation.
  16. Thanks Rich, It's all coming together slowly. My plan is to continue with YouTube research and make a note of bits and pieces I see within depots, and go from there.
  17. Oh thats a relief The way I look at it, is if there's a photo of it within my time frame then it's game on. it is a bit of a minefield and I normally get something wrong, normally the wrong grills or similar!
  18. it is a Bachmann 37 yes, I've rebranded it to mainline livery. 37042 I'm guessing this is where you tell me it's all wrong?
  19. Thanks for info Paul's,on the orange kit. I plan to get some more staff, when I can afford their wages, so I'll leave him as is for the time being. I do have a tin of orange on standby. Today I decided to test the trackwork in the depot, it worked fine when it was just sidings, so no reason for it not to work, so I guess you could call it an excuse to have a quick play. Pleased to say all was fine. The video certainly highlights the need for more clutter, and I especially want to get some Taps and hoses. (for some unknown reason) https://youtu.be/LXrJ5-PVlAI
  20. Good to see you back Arnie, when's 046 working the Arnash Lane - Bocott engineers? By the way I'm still getting my head around the new look site, it's like a voyage of discovery!
  21. No need Andy, I'm modelling mid 90's to early 2000's. So they're almost the right time period. But I am going to see if they're my pictures you've borrowed.
  22. I did think that, and tried a quick Google search for dates, but failed.. So the back story is that he's part of the uniform evaluation team and is trying out the new gear. Redbrook the home of trend setters. Edit.. I've just painted his trousers!
  23. Afternoon, I've managed to do the oil stained track, and generally tidy up around the depot. Ideally I need to start on the depot clutter, my bits box didn't have as much as I thought in it, so I'll have to do a bit of internet research and see what I can find. Have a great BH weekend.
  24. Thanks for the additional photos of Newport, it was certainly the best era, I do have quite a few in my archives too. Fond memories. Interesting info about the timber operations, maybe I'll add a Res 47 to my wish list; and looking at those pictures, a fleet of Dutch 37's.
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