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Everything posted by pitbull1845

  1. Cheers Rob, I'm pleased with it, and yes anything goes, even the gwr 158 can pop in, and yes, I wont mix the fuel orders up! Fingers crossed on the job front, its like a BA graveyard at EGHH..
  2. The next stage being the weathering, the hose reel and pipes and finally signage and staff. ! I went for a bit heavier weathering than the real fuel farm, I wanted a more unloved look. All in all I'm quite pleased with the result, although I'm not a fan of the close up images. Not bad for a mornings work though. Thanks for looking, happy modelling.. Scott
  3. PART 2 Once all the bits were stuck in place, it was sprayed with cheap poundland white gloss automative paint, it's all I had! It took a couple of goes but I was reasonably happy with the finished result, at least it hid the poor workmanship. As its such a nice day today it didnt take long to dry, so was able to move onto the next stage.
  4. PART 1 Hi, I hope you're all coping with the current situation. I'm still working, but inbetween shifts I've been managing to find time to spend in the garage. Now I've been wondering what to do with the 2 sidings at the front of the layout for a while now, and yesterday I came up with an idea whilst at work. Because of the steady stream of freight in and out of the docks at Bocott, I wanted somewhere for the locos to go to, to stable up and /or refuel. I didn't want a depot as such, becasue I'm modelling the modern scene and they are few and far between nowadays. But also i'll be having various TOC's in and out so would need to accomodate the varying locos. My solution is this: Arlington Fleet Services has taken over the lease of ther yard and is providing fuelling, stabling and very light maintenance for any company that wishes to use its services. At my own workplace we have a fuel farm and is topped up by a tanker as and when required. So I thought that this method would be suitable for refuelling locos, so I took a few pictures and this morning I started on the project. I chose a suitable container from my collection and then hunted through my scrap box for suitable bits and pieces to make my version of the prototype. I should add that I have only used stuff that I already had, and haven't been shopping for items. So it was never going to be an exact copy, just a representation. The logos were rubbed off using T-cut and white spirit, they came off ok but took a while. The end doors were removed, to be replaced with a rollerdoor, and was to be modelled open. Next was to sort out the bits and then start adding to the container.
  5. I agree, I must admit I've been tempted a few times. Maybe I could give it a go, instead of the steel industry. Yes I expect all course will be cancelled, shame as its a lovely place to do it..
  6. Morning.. Just finished my night shift but as its such a beautiful morning I thought I'dgo for a walk before bed. Ended up taking a few pictures of the Hamworthy branch for some inspiration for part 2 of the layout. Such a shame nothing leaves the docks anymore. Maybe one day it will resume??
  7. I thought I'd add a very child like plan of the layout to give a better idea of what im trying to achieve. The bottom part is already laid, the top board hasnt been started and can and probably will change at a moments notice! Basically the freight arrives in the purple line and runs round. It then travels to the dock/steel area, by running back along the lower red line as far as the crossover and then onto the blue line. On its return it arrives on the blue line by the dmu sidings and then runs round. When it leaves it goes via the blue and then crosses onto the red line prior to the lift out section. A DMU shuttle will also operate to the docks, probably a 153. Hope this makes sense and clarifies a few things. Happy to hear any other suggestions or ideas Thanks for looking Scott
  8. I was there at the weekend, a lot of buildings have been demolished at the main entrance to the works, where the security hut "used" to be. Should give a clearer view into the works, but its still a work in progress..
  9. Hi. Just a quick update.. You'll never guess what but ideas have changed again, although not by too much. The plan was to have a roundy roundy, but I've decided to change it to an end to end to suit my operational interests, rather than watching trains go by. So the station is now a terminus, with most of it off scene. At the moment it will just be Served by DMU's, however additional services are looking possible, provided by a 37 and Mk2's. The line with the 66 is now the release for a run round loop. The idea being that freight services arrive and run round to then take the branch to the dock/Industrial area. Ive also started on a bit of the scenics and track weathering, with the plan to work from right to left, to eventually complete the rest of the layout. Apologies for showing the same bit, but thats the only bit with progress so far. Thanks for looking..
  10. The steel works look really good Nigel. Initially you said it was going to be a disused railway siding, is it now going to see regular traffic?
  11. Morning Kevin, I knew you were thinking about axing Leaford when I saw you last, all good things come to an end I suppose. Thanks for allowing me to operate it and visit over the years, I have fond memories, in fact its what brought our little RMweb gang together! Good luck with Millway dock, but I'm sure you'll realise at some point that there is room in that room for another layout too... Cheers Scott
  12. Welcome back David, Im sure this will be another masterpiece in a small space.
  13. Hi, Just a little update on progress.. Ive completed some more ballasting and laid a whole load of cable trunking. Ive also put in some drains, and have been trying out some of the scale model scenery yellow station lines and "Mind the gap" stickers. So it is progress, just not very exciting progress.
  14. Coming along nicely Rhys, I especially like the sliding doors, nice detail.
  15. Visited Stafford today, really liked this layout, nicely executed and its given me some ideas.. I think PaulRhb has ideas too!
  16. Hi Leon, Well that's bad timing! But at least you'll have your own room in the warmth.. Good luck with the move, and good luck with the new SWF. Cheers Scott
  17. Good to chat with you this morning Mick, before the crowds arrived... I love the layout and the stock, well worth the 100+ mile trip. For your info we saw a few red hoppers at Bescot on the way home with various Tags! Cheers Scott
  18. Making great progress mate, it will be epic! I agree with Rhys, we need a running session! Enjoy your day out with the gang.
  19. Evening, After the wet school run this morning I decided to have a modelling morning. I've been daydreaming about the sidings, and a recent trip over Westbury made me think about a possible use for a pikestuff building I had. I thought it would also add to some interesting movement's and varied wagons.. A bit more ballasting was also done today and a shopping list started.. Not a lot else to report at the moment. Cheers Scott
  20. Its looking good Nigel, no doubt a lot cheaper than the ten commandment trunking im using!
  21. Last night I started on the sidings, by laying foam sheets down. These will be painted in an attempt to create a reasonable looking hard standing. The Night track gang were seen earlier this morning, packing up; ready to head back to their digs. Just as the fitter turned up to check over the 37. No time for the railway this weekend, so work re-commences next week.
  22. Its a good idea, would be quite nice just making various scenes. Would certainly keep the interest, coming up with various ideas.. I know PaulRhb has suggested I do something similar too, on several occasions. Maybe now is the time..
  23. I was never going to add more sidings, it was purely what scenario to put on the flat bit adjacent to the sidings already present.
  24. Thanks for the ideas and suggestions guys.. I think the plain run down hardstanding will be the option I go with, and as suggested I can change the scene to suit. Andy I'm even going to look for a S.Wales fire engine to cater for the very rare steam visit!
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