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Everything posted by pitbull1845

  1. Having done a search it would appear that the answer is possibly that my NCE Power cab isn't powerful enough.
  2. Hi.. I have purchased some gaugemaster DCC80 frog polarity switches. I've wired and fitted 3, but don't seem to be switching polarity. It's only 3 wires, what can I have possibly done wrong? I've modified the points as advised on many sites. Should I have left them unmodified? I hate electrics!
  3. Looking good, hope the show goes well.
  4. Evening all, Thanks Andy, for the information regarding the DCC80's, they do sound very useful. Brian, I'll give you a shout soon to arrange a visit to view these in action and also to have a look at the layout change. Hi Peter, and thanks for popping by with your words of encouragement, I think its the design stage and initial work on the layout that I seem to enjoy the most. But I do look forward to the day when I can sit back and watch the trains go by on my fully scenic layout. There has been no real progress on the layout, just painting the rail sides and other bits of niff naff and trivia.. Funding is the main issue at the moment, so I can only do the little jobs for the time being, plus lots of staring blankly at the boards trying to come up with scenic ideas and now, trying to shoe horn some additional scenic areas in and around the fiddle yard!
  5. No progress on the layout due r9nwork commitments, but I have done a very basic track plan to give a better view than the pictures. *Clearly NOT to scale!
  6. Thanks Nigel, It's your track plan that has inspired me to try something different.
  7. I haven't seen those before Andy, but I'm not sure if the same amount of Seep PM1 motors would be a similar price? I'll call on he help of "the gang" when it comes to fitting them.
  8. Afternoon, Thanks to everyone for the ideas on the FY.. I haven't managed to get to that side of the layout yet as I've been busy wiring up the main side. All seems to be going ok, although I've modified my points for the more reliability, but don't have any point motors yet, so can't switch the polarity of the frog at the moment so the trains just stop when they reach it. Hopefully next pay day I'll get some. I've taken sone pictures, so hopefully you'll get a rough idea of how it will work. The off scene station is to the right of the layout as you view it (last photo). The top two lines are the down lines, the idea being that the top one will be used for holding freight traffic or slower traffic on the approach tonthe station. 2nd line has the crossover leading to the inside track which gives access to the network rail siding and also off scene to the yard/docks. it also leads to the station bay platform and is used by local services. The concrete siding above the network rail yard will be for stabling units in between duties or locos that have come from the yard/dock and awaiting their next duty. I'm not sure how I'm going to disguise the two entrance/exits for the scenic part. I'd like to have a town scene to the left side and not sure about the right, obviously a bridge is an option but I'd like to explore other options. All ideas are appreciated. I'll post some ground level photos later, but as you can see it's all a bit sparse at the moment. Thanks for looking. Scott
  9. Hi Graham, I did think about loops, but I was trying to get the longest sidings and try not to spend a fortune on points. I'm still looking at all ideas so when I return to the garage tomorrow I'll assess the space.
  10. Thanks Andy, I prefer the top option.. I'll have a play tomorrow. I look forward to seeing your new project! It's going to have to be portable for the move.
  11. Please note that as usual the ideas change as the story continues, so enjoy the journey but don't expect the opening post to resemble the last page! Hi, Yes it's me again with another idea. I wasn't going to bother starting a new thread, but it was suggested that even if it doesn't get finished (like all the others) people may get some ideas and tips.. So here it is: The layout itself will be a tail chaser, I normally go for layouts that consist of lots of freight movements and shunting, so this will be a bit different for me. The idea is that the layout represents the approach to a station, location is not finalised yet, but I'm airing on somewhere between Newport and Cardiff, I could call it Carport or Newdiff station?? I'm afraid i don't have any pictures to post yet, but to date all track is laid on the main board, however it's not fully wired yet. I've also started on the scenics, which to be honest isn't my favourite bit and don't feel I have the artistic flare like others on here. So I'll be keeping it simple and try to represent the built up town area. I do have a bit of a quandary at the moment in relation to the fiddle yard. I've steered away from tail chasers because I don't like the limited operation of the same freight train going around in the same direction every time. In the real world there's usually a return working, so I'm trying to design a FY that will basically have one or two through lines for the up and down lines (so I can just let trains run of i choose to) and the others dead ends, representing their final destination The idea being that the train will have to come back out and onto the opposite line for the return journey. The problem then is changing ends. The option I could use is to attach another loco onto it for a bit of variety and light engine movements.. I'm rambling now, so I'll quit while I'm ahead, my next post will include pictures to give you a bit more of an idea of the latest venture. Thanks for looking, especially if you're one of the die hard followers who's witnessed all my previous attempts. Scott
  12. Andy, When you move down south you'll have to join our occasional meet ups at EH followed by a feast at the wagon works. We* also keep talking about doing modules each and meeting up to join them all together. We really must do less talking and more building. (* The usual suspects)
  13. Fair points made in relation to sharing of ideas etc... I may well start a thread, but once I'm a bit further on with the layout. My usual style of layout is based on lots of shunting, however I've opted for the watching trains go by (ish) layout. Which will be different for me, especially as I have no stock to watch pass by now! I'll keep you posted.. Thanks Scott
  14. No, I haven't bothered. I'm sure people get fed up with them, wishing me well, offering advice and then I have another idea.
  15. The layout is no more. Ripped up and in the bin. Fear not, I've started another one!
  16. Its looking great Kevin, the Port authority shunters look the business.. Shame I won't get to see it next weekend, but I hope it goes well.
  17. Its looking really good Ian, sorry I cant make it to yours later..
  18. I definitely need to go when you go if thats the calibre of passenger. Never Like that normally!
  19. Morning Andy, Just checking up on the thread and see the news about moving down to the South coast. Does that mean I'll be seeing you at Eastleigh a bit more? Can't help but think that your next modelling project will be based around that area.. Good luck with the move and hope to bump in to you on platform 2/3 in the near future.
  20. It was a great day, thanks for arranging it all. I'm still craving 66152!
  21. Hi Leon, Good idea of getting your fleet up together in one go.. But will you really be able to resist buying more????
  22. Shame I'm at work today Andy, I would've popped along to say Hi. The Wagon Works is a favourite stopping point before heading over to the platform. Sorry about the weather, its normally sunny down here!
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