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Everything posted by RBE

  1. Hi, if you drop us an email at cavalexmodels@gmail.com we will see what we can do to solve the issue for you. Regards Cav
  2. Hi there, yes I remember speaking to you. As I said at the time Fastline livery is not part of our first run, we don't feel that releasing every livery at once makes good business sense and Fastline was one of the liveries that is a little less popular than the others and thus was left out this time. However, it will be something that we will look at for future runs for sure, we will also look at the potential for a debranded version also.
  3. We are currently working on a completed production run prior to Chinese New year 2023. Delivery thus around April/May. As for sound loco prices we are still to finalise the costs based on added equipment, sound recording and the custom sound project etc, however we are expecting a sound fitted prrice of around £100 on top of the DCC ready price of £189.95.
  4. It'll be interesting to see what it's capacity is for sure, however as long as it pulls what the prototype would in OO then we'll still be good I think! 😀
  5. That loco actually had a sound chip in but it was a generic German diesel as we don't have the correct files to test yet. Yes we are chuffed to bits with how those grilles came out, amazing what can be achieved when you encourage the factory to push their processes.
  6. The first run of our eagerly awaited class 56 at DEMU showcase. The locomotive was put through it's paces by Mike Buick of the fantastic Oak Road. Stress testing included a very long MoD train and a typical rake of 20 Redland PGA hoppers which it handled without incident. The 20 wagon hopper train was treated to Mikes self admitted problem crossovers both hauling and propelling the rake. Despite every wagon on the train having kinematic couplers it passed over the trackwork with zero incident both fast and slow in both directions. We are more than pleased so far.
  7. .....and rather expensive for us to tool for one loco. Which is a shame.
  8. I would hope so. I think having it fail every other duty might be taking accuracy one step too far! 🤣
  9. That sample is yes, however we have tioled every version including ones with odd cabs.
  10. Yes agreed, people often think that red stripe railfreight locos had a redder red than railfreight red however it was all the same in reality.
  11. The real wagons 'red' cradles were painted in the standard Railfreight Red/Orange as is ours.
  12. All direct orders have been packed for or dispatched to those who confirmed their delivery address as requested. There were several customers who had not confirmed their address so those orders are still to be dealt with once confirmation has been received. Did you confirm your delivery address to us Roy?
  13. Stock should be delivered to all retailers over the weekend or early next week.
  14. Hi Bob, We are aware of this issue however all of the boxes contain the correct wagons and is just a single box issue on one in the three of the triple packs. We have personally QC checked all wagons prior to dispatch so there should be no issues with anyone getting incorrect models even though the box on one is labelled incorrectly. However if there are any issues discovered with the wrong models being in the box then please get in touch and we will send out replacements. Regards Cav
  15. Thanks for the kind comments. We have aired these on the side of caution regarding coverage of the airbrushed topcoat in order to allow the customer to add the blow over to their taste as it easier to add kore than take some off. The brown is darker than the final finish of the real wagons but has been chosen to work well once overblown with a weathering topcoat. They are intended to make the difficult flaking part easier for the more novice modellers.
  16. Did we say they were inaccurate? Not sure thats the phrase I would use. 😉 Just poorly assembled in one area is all.
  17. The wagons had been delivered to us and it was our own personal QC checks that has picked up the issue. The error does not effect the running of the wagons at all, it was certain detail parts that were not fitted correctly so detracted from appearance of the model as a whole. We have not yet decided what will happen with the incorrectly made stock.
  18. Thank you for your kind words. Although the issue was minor it was enough for us to not be satisfied with them given our ethos. The factory is producing replacement wagons rather than fixing rhe current batch in order to rectify the problem as quickly as possible and ensure the best possible finish to the models. Regards Cav
  19. Thanks for your comment, the first and last wagons for locomotion were not part of the first delivery so we are confident that those will soon be delivered without issue.
  20. Looking forward to weathering 72! 😳
  21. Hi Tugs, the production run is well underway in China and we have recently this week received some early production samples ahead of the Model Rail Scotland for anyone visiting to see at the show. We have been working closely with the factory making final tweaks as the models come off the production lines and we are in no rush to make silly manufacturing mistakes at this stage as we want you all to have the most accurate HAA hopper that money can buy. More news and photographs will be published on social media and our website ahead of the Model Rail Scotland.
  22. I feel at the low areas some distant low saturated landscape/buildings would look good.
  23. Thanks Mike. We have had a couple of people ask us, a lot more asking us to still progress the 4mm one as well. The 2mm version is certainly a project that we would like to progress if the demand is there.
  24. Hi Adam, the 2mm 91 is still very much of interest to us, as is all of our products in N gauge. I model N gauge after all! However N gauge is a much smaller market than OO so we are choosing a softly softly approach with introducing models to the smaller scale, our PGA hopper being our first, due to hit the shops in the next few months. How the sales go with that model will give us an idea on how popular our products will be in N moving forward. Regards Cav
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