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Everything posted by darren01

  1. good night all.

  2. have done no modelling at all!

    1. binesrail


      will give you more time to work on meeth then ;) lol

  3. Happy 2011 lets hope it get better this year for you all!

  4. Merry Christmas to you all!!!

  5. Me thinks a little over priced http://cgi.ebay.co.u...=item563bed1c16 and they can not even get the wagon right in their description
  6. we have over a foot of snow down here in Devon!!! ..looks like we will not be getting any posts

    1. beast66606


      The Internet still works ok doesn't it ? the posts will get through :P

    2. darren01


      sorry , i should have said "post"

  7. HI That well hell of a nice control panel you have made, wish my one looked like that! Well done , keep up the good work. All the best Darren
  8. Hi Marc Here the the varnish I used ; Vallejo Acrylic Paint Good luck and keep up the good work. All the best Darren
  9. just had Christmas dinner at work....hummmmmmmm

  10. Christmas hoils start today, so starting work on the new layout!

  11. Hi Marc Have you looked at using PVA with a little bit of stain acrylic varnish ,have used it on my layout for the river works very well. Just paint thin layers of PVA over a bass colour ,leave to dry and repeat ,Chris Nevard used the same method on his layouts .
  12. Don't no how they can sell their stuff at these prices http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TMC-Hornby-BR-West-Country-34001-Exeter-Weathered-/260687151968?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3cb22a4360
  13. darren01

    Dapol Class 22

    HI All Boy is my wallet going to be screaming next year, with the BTW coming out and the class 22, have two on order, 3F and 7F as well ……….going to be a poor but happy man! Roll on next year. All the best Darren01
  14. HI Richard Looking very good ,nice and over grown around the bufferstops. Would be good to see some day light shots of the layout ,to show it off to it full effect ,well done mate keep up the good work . All the very best Darren
  15. Got me Class 25 in Green today, been after on for awhile now!!

  16. happy boy got my class 25 in green for christmass

  17. going to bed now ,been on nights and have just spent the last 6 hours sorting out my ebay account that they had lost! good night all ZZZZZZ

  18. Hi Marc Coming on very well ,and if it is anything like the last layout you have done this is going to be amazing! Keep up the good work All the best Darren01
  19. Hi All It really grinds my gears, when you see wagons on eBay going for more than you would pay in the shop; I am not talking about bidding on something, but ones that are set a price, Higher than you would pay in shop in the first place. I would rather support my local model shop and pay a little less and get a brand new one. All eBay seem to be now days is full of over priced stuff, one time you could get bargain, but not much chance of that now days.
  20. good morning and good night.....off to bed ......

  21. mostly today i will be doing 3 link couplings

  22. today i will be mostly doing 3 link coupings

  23. NOw snowing in Devon!

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