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Everything posted by emt_911

  1. I'm seriously concerned. A kangaroo the size of an ELEPHANT :scared:
  2. I'm ignoring the bit about the toilets. Deesdale Road is one place. How close is it to CQ?
  3. Miricales happen in 2015. Train was on time today
  4. Thanks Hal I'll try my hand at anything and some things just don't work. If that's the case I try and find a different way of achieving similar results. This is an excellent community for learning how to achieve the end results. Especially people like Andy P, George T, Jason, etc. There are also many how will try things and show the results even if they don't turn out as expected. I'll have to have to return the favour and visit your thread tonight
  5. Definitely no modelling this week. Far too many hours working so anything will have to wait for the weekend. On top of that, the signal box project is on hold until the signalling questions and some possible track plan changes take place.
  6. Jaz's challenge for 2015. Make a model of a chocolate shop including the interior out of chocolate. Scale not important
  7. Back to normal. My first train of the year is late
  8. Morning all. Dark and chilly here. Nearly time to find out if the trains are any better for 2015. Although I doubt it with the changes for London Bridge commuters.
  9. I'm going to enjoy Stafford. What a start to the new year to finally meet some of the Lunesters and have a good weekend
  10. Thanks John. I've tried what I learnt from ther 'Anything you can do' thread
  11. I've made it. Found this thread by accident 6 days ago. I've managed to read from start to finish and made lots of notes on the way. Now lots of things to try. What can I say. 'We are not worthy'. Some outstanding modelling to aspire to. Thanks for starting this thread and long may it keep going
  12. While I haven't been able to do any constructive work today, I thought I'd try out a couple of techniques to see how well they worked. One is drying so the effect won't be seen until it is, but I also had a go at improving how my brickwork turns out. The wrong colours were used as I didn't have the right ones, but it certainly gives the right sort of results.
  13. emt_911


    Have to agree with Peter. Got to have you fit to attend Stafford
  14. I can see Andy's reasoning behind this, but, it is your layout so the final decision is yours Peter
  15. Personally I have to agree with Andy. Keep the chimney but compromise the boiler room as little as possible.
  16. emt_911


    Well spotted George. I missed that when I had a look at it
  17. After Clives post (above) how would this be signalled. Information: Region - Southern Time Frame - 1943 - 1945 The Red Boxed area is military. So I am assuming (probably incorrectly) that this would just be ground frames. Any other information I will supply, I just can't think of anything relevant to add Many thanks
  18. Clive, as usual the voice of reason. I honestly hadn't thought about how many levers would be required and how it would dictate the size of the box. Time to do some more drawing to get the answers
  19. Peter I've only just found this. Looking forward to seeing the work done on it with interest and hopefully see you at Stafford
  20. I had a few drinks in there in my younger days
  21. Thanks Jock. Exactly what I was looking for. Looks like I'll be ordering a few different sets once funds are available
  22. I've several ideas for the windows but I'm starting to lean towards etched ones
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