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Everything posted by sixoh8sixoh

  1. Morning all! Early start for me and it's going to be a long day! Today's the Stage 3 Debate on the Public Services (Reform) Scotland Bill - so if the vote goes the Scottish Govt's way in Parliament tonight, that signals the forthcoming end of the Deer Commission for Scotland - and my job as their Scottish Govt contact with it! Fortunately that doesn't mean redundancy - I'm moving to a new post (starting on Monday), taking over from a friend of mine dealing with agri-environment policy for the lowlands. As far as I can tell, this involves telling the European Commission what we want our funding to be able to achieve. I overheard my friend recently speaking to someone in the Commission and desperately trying to explain that you don't get a hectare of kissing gates or hedges...
  3. You buy a 2-hair brush and pluck one out...
  4. Morning all! Was on chickenpox watch again yesterday. Fortunately Jamie's now well enough to go back to nursery today, the spots are all scabbed over and most of them have vanished entirely. Feeling very tired and weary this morning. Feels like a Monday...
  5. My Dad got my 1 year old HP Pavilion computer at Christmas 2008 when I got my iMac. The power supply went on it last month and he's not been able to find anywhere that has a replacement for it. Much annoyance, and he's now using Mum's laptop a lot of the time... Sadly I can't get him to go down the Mac route!
  6. Oops. Forgot to post earlier! Walked the mile and a half to the health club this morning, played an hour of tennis with a friend, did over 2km in the pool, got my shopping and walked home. I feel like I've done enough exercise for the day to not feel too bad about spending the next 4 hours sat on the couch watching the rugby...! After a period of uncertainty at work, I'm going to be starting a new job within my existing team on 29th, dealing with agri-environment policy. It's going to be a big change and a lot of work for no more money, but it should stand me in good stead for getting a promotion in due course.
  7. I have done once! Mind you it was high summer at the time, not mid-March...
  8. Morning all! I know the feeling, Mick! Happy Friday, everyone. Only another 7 and a half hours of work then it's the weekend! Looking forward to tomorrow - playing tennis and going for a swim, then the last three 6 Nations games. Test match starts at 3.30am tomorrow too, but I doubt I'll be getting up to listen!
  9. Mornng all! Had an early start this morning to get across to Glasgow to look after Jamie while Paula does a day at work. Jamie very spotty in places. Feeling happy as Jamie's in a good mood despite the chickenpox and because Chris Evans is playing some great tracksthis morning! One minor frustration was that Sarah Kennedy wasn't on Dawn Patrol today, it was Aled Jones instead. I'm sure I'll live...
  10. Afternoon all! Tried posting last night and my post vanished into the either between me typing it and it appearing. Never mind! Can't remember what I was saying anyway! Work's gone from being quiet and dull to manic and interesting, typically at the same time that I need to take time off to look after Jamie... Was in Gatehouse of Fleet for business - facilitating a workshop on the Scottish Land Use Strategy. Did another one today, but I'm not doing the remaining 9 due to other work commitments.
  11. Morning all! Not sure what it's like outside yet, haven't opened hotel curtains yet! Jamie's come down with chickenpox. Still, better to have it early than later on. She seems happy despite the spots so no big drama. I'm not sure if I've had chickenpox before and my parents can't remember so I may be in for a dose... Fingers crossed I won't though! Very pleasant here, in Gatehouse of Fleet. Went for a stroll along the road before bed last night, hardly heard a sound, no traffic and away from the village's main streets, it's pitch black. Something unusual when you've lived in Edinburgh and the north east, where Newcastle, Gateshead and Sunderland's lights all combine to give the sky an orange tint.
  12. Morning all. Woke up more than an hour earlier than the alarm - I soon will be getting up before I go to bed! Must have had a restless sleep as the duvet was 90 degrees rotated when I woke up! Will be late on parade tomorrow. Helping to run an event in Dumfriesshire tonight, which involves an overnight stay. I'll surmise given the location that there may be no net connection for my phone! Enjoy Monday, if that's possible!
  13. I'm the same, I have boxes and boxes of books! Not to mention nearly 20 years of RMs... Caught most of the F1 on the radio, at least Lewis got a podium. I gather Beckham is now injured just in time for the World Cup. At least it might save him from getting sent off for kicking an Argentinian this time...
  14. Good man. F1 and two games of rugby to watch!
  15. My bike's currently inaccessible. Two neighbours' bikes are chained to mine so I'll need to ask them to unchain them first!
  16. Morning all! Robert - I suspect the boiler is 20+ years old. It looked ancient and decrepit when I moved into the flat 7 years ago. On the plus side, it passed its emissions test yesterday with flying colours once it had been serviced. Apparently safe range is below 0.004% CO in the emissions. Mine came out with 0.0006%, which rather surprised the engineers. Looking forward to the Calcutta Cup game this afternoon and the F1 qualifying this morning. Have a fun day, everyone and hope Cramdin Yard performs well today, Dave!
  17. Rats, I'd factored in the tea, but forgot the biscuits!
  18. Well, the boiler itself is only a small part of the cost. There's replacing the flue to the outside world, installing a pump and routing its waste pipe out into the water waste pipe, putting scaffolding or a safety rail up on the flat roof (I'm 4 floors up here), plus a couple of sundry extras like a new radiator and thermostat... I suspect I could find cheaper, but there's also £500 worth of free boiler cover over 2 years in that price (which I currently pay for), and it's a good quality boiler (Worcester Bosch)... Paula got a new boiler and radiators when she moved house recently, but the Scottish/British Gas guys were highly uncomplimentary about that particular brand (amongst a number of other European-made ones)... I guess going with Scottish/British Gas gives me some peace of mind...
  19. Sadly not. I don't think I qualify for any discounts either...
  20. Well, it's fixed for now. But the words "accident waiting to happen" and "deathtrap" were used so it looks like I'm going to have to shell out £3k for a new boiler. Lucky me...
  21. Afternoon all. Two Scottish Gas engineers here now correcting the work that had been done by the last engineer 3 weeks ago...
  22. I did that this morning. Bl**dy boiler's packed in again! Off to work for a shower, quick bit of work, then back home for 12 to wait for an engineer...
  23. Time for a quick switch to 00-9 then, Dd! Morning all. Feeling rather sleepy here, could do with another week in bed!
  24. Morning all! As I woke up 15 minutes before the alarm yesterday I sett the alarm for 15 minutes earlier today. Logical, huh? Still woke up 10 minutes before the alarm.
  25. If you do try to hand those to her, make sure you've looked out the cricket box for yourself first...! Hope she's feeling better tomorrow.
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