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Everything posted by sixoh8sixoh

  1. Getting very confused. Talk of Mens Moguls on tv. Something ice or snow related. I assume it's something about chaps putting a snowplough on an LMS 2-6-0...
  2. It didn't take long for the coffee puns to filter through. As it's getting (perco)late, I'm going to bed now and see if I Kenya come up with any more.
  3. Actually, I'm almost the same. I can drink coffee but I am always disappointed by the taste compared to the smell. Watching 6 Nations just now, England really need to get their bums in gear and score some points!
  4. gosh, we had to go all round the houses to get to that pun, didn't we?! Any more like that and we'll have you lili-put down!
  5. Ah, the perils of mostly accessing this on my iPhone now! And Andy didn't tweet it! Having a duvet day today as I left work early yesterday feeling rubbish. Think it's just that the last couple of months have taken their toll on me!
  6. Hmmm... Where is everyone this morning? I'm guessing the server's been down...
  7. I have AA membership as part of my current account package. I've rarely had to use it since getting the Ford Focus, but when I had the Renault Clio, they seemed to be my constant buddies... On the bright side, at least I can't afford a Prius...
  8. Oh dear! Life's never simple, is it! Hope Mrs S gets home safely and the car's reparable!
  9. I had star-shaped bits, but just a tiny bit bigger than the screws in the Mac! Grr...! The Garfield wasn't an Apple approved accessory, but I read that to get into my model of Mac, you need to use two suction cups to lift out the glass. I just happened to have a handy Garfield stuck to my bedroom window...!
  10. Well, I've spectacularly failed to replace the hard drive in my iMac. Instead of one of the nice, easy G5s, I've got a G6 which is a pig to replace the hard drive on. Managed (with the help of a Garfield soft toy) to remove the glass from the front of the iMac, but then didn't have a small enough star-shaped tool to undo the screws underneath to remove the LCD. Booked in at the Apple Store now for Saturday morning... :icon_frustrated:
  11. Scottish Power? Have you moved, or have the Scots invaded? Morning all (just) - been a busy few days but hopefully back to normal for the rest of the working week now. My new internal hard drive for my iMac has arrived this morning so I'm going to perform surgery tonight. Wish me luck...
  12. Afternoon all. Having a boring Sunday. Paula wanted lots of jobs done but then proceeded to spend more than an hour and a half in B&Q faffing about... Going to get chuff all done at this rate...
  13. Morning all. Happy Poets Day. With various things which have happened over the last couple of months, I've had to take a good few days off work. If I make it through today, this will have been my first full working week since before Christmas! Suppose I should really go face it then... Have a good one...
  14. Morning all. We had a light covering of snow about 9 o'clock last night but it seems to have all gone now. Grey but no sign of leakage yet. eldavo - doesn't make much difference, the sculptor probably won't have seen a fraction of that money...
  15. Ddolfelin - Hornby (I think) still produce that kit. On the plus side, you can barely see the dent where it hit Silvio Berlusconi...
  16. Morning all. A little bit of a lie-in for me as I'm off to see the nurse at 9.50 for my 6-monthly blood pressure check. Started making marmalade last night as one colleague had given me spare seville oranges and another spare jam jars. Nearly succeeded in taking the tips off two fingers. Could have had blood orange marmalade. As it is, only one sliced finger, a scored nail and one sticking plaster...
  17. Morning all! Snowing here in Edinburgh. I'm sitting on a steamed up 22 bus across town to a training course. Seems to be taking forever... Hope all patients feeling better today, or at least by the end of today!
  18. The thread exists all the time. You just get even less sense than normal at 6.30 am!
  19. My apologies, it was Spike Milligan...!
  20. Took me a minute but I got there, BoD...! I've always loved Peter Cook's chosen epitaph: I TOLD YOU I WAS ILL
  21. Morning all. Been a very busy weekend, so haven't been on the Internet at all. Been busy moving Paula into a new house. Got to bed at 2 this morning and up again at 7.30. Mind you, for the first time I can remember, I slept from my head hitting the pillow till my alarm went off. On 2 days of training today and tomorrow across town so I'm on a bus across Edinburgh now.
  22. Don't lie detectors need truthful control responses to get a 'level'?
  23. Either that or you've taken a job as a policeman in Nouvion...
  24. Mine seems happy with Llanrwst! I think the iPhone leaves you be if you capitalise a word.
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