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Everything posted by sixoh8sixoh

  1. Morning all. No snow here now, everything thawed yesterday. Awake earlier than normal due to cough but it means I can find out what Chris Evans' first record is...
  2. Evening all! Been another busy day... But a good one. Pretty bushed so heading to bed with West Wing and a cup of tea!
  3. Morning all! Felt like I shouldn't have got out of bed yesterday... One lightbulb blew, taking out the lighting ring fuse, it was snowing so nearly pitch black inside trying to change the fuse! Then got to the car and discovered that when I'd hit a Glasgow pothole on Friday, I'd damaged a wheel and now had a slow leak where the rim was twisted... Wonder if I can send Glasgow Council a bill for a new wheel? Still half dark here, but no fresh snow overnight. Have a good Sunday, all.
  4. Takes a Durham player to save the match! Well, two Durham players! Onions - best 0* ever?
  5. Colly had just gone as I hit the Add Reply button... Not my fault!!
  6. I don't want to put a jinx on things, but Bell and Collingwood have been superb so far today!
  7. *Goes off to google NUH 5630...*
  8. Morning all, still cold and dark here! Busy day today, Stage 1 Debate on the Public Services Reform (Scotland) Bill, so I'm going to spend the day watching that, and hoping that no MSPs ask any awkward questions about my policy area that I'll need to find answers on by yesterday!
  9. 466 to win? Sure we can manage that......
  10. Rats, Duminy didn't get his king pair...
  11. Morning all. There'd been a light covering when I got back to Edinburgh last night but nothing since - until about 10 minutes ago. Blizzard conditions out there. I'm currently trying to pluck up the courage to walk to work... Now, where did I put my waterproof trousers?
  12. Jamie's in storage at the nursery today while we play at removal men...
  13. Morning all! Across in Glasgow dissassembling Paula's furniture to go into storage for a few weeks. Just dismantled Jamie's cot and Paula's bed. Next the dining table... Light (fresh) covering of snow here overnight on top of the existing snow/ice/slush... TTFN...
  14. A day (mostly) in the flat today, doing laundry, tidying up, installing new tv and getting old one out to the rubbish bins. Weighed a blooming ton! It was a nightmare to get down 76 steps from my flat to the ground floor singlehandedly! Spent most of the day listening to the cricket while I was doing all those jobs. Still, the new tv installed very quickly and seems to be working fine. Ironing tonight. Oh, the joy...
  15. Same with my Mum. Seen at the bird table on one morning this last week - 3 pheasants, 5 robins, umpteen t*ts of various varieties, finches, 8 wood pigeons, 1 grey squirrel, nuthatches, blackbirds, a thrush (a rarity these days in our garden!)... not to mention the tracks of a badger coming up to the bird table! England 3 down already...
  16. And the last one too. 4-12 this morning in the first 20 minutes of play (17 balls). 291 all out. Anderson 5-63.
  17. Make that 3... Morning all! Distinctly chilly here in Edinburgh but no fresh snow since yesterday morning. Just a nice skating rink the length of the pavement on my street.
  18. Afternoon all! Happy century! I wonder how long it took to post the first hundred pages of gibberish... sorry, enlightened conversation... on the last version? Over in Glasgow with the littl'un just now. Rather icy and snowy. Took double normal journey time on the M8 too...
  19. I'm safely back in Edinburgh now, though I have made a minor modification to the bodywork of the car...! :icon_redface: Made it over Carter Bar fine and down the hairpin bends (despite an inch of snow on the road all the way from Otterburn), then on the descent into Jedburgh I was clearly the first car coming down since the snow, the car skidded on a hill, stalled, slid gracefully across the road and into a wall (actually, I think it was the parapet of a bridge). Fortunately no major damage and was able to carry on to Edinburgh. There's just a tiny modification to the front right wheel arch... Saw two gritters the whole way, despite fresh snow on the roads all the way from Otterburn, up over Carter Bar, down through Jedburgh, St Boswells, Lauder, Pathhead and right the way into Leith. The only two gritters I saw were on the A1 at Newcraighall (near Musselburgh) and on Great Junction Street in Leith. Where on earth were they all?! :icon_frustrated: It's snowing now in Leith again, and seems to be settling.
  20. Meal and setting were lovely - and free wifi too! Definitely recommend a meal there, though unless you have a huge appetite, skip the starter. I was full halfway through my main course. Very helpful staff, even giving their stranded customers a tow or helping dig them out! Always avoid the A1 if I can, it's such a long way round! Usually go up by Jedburgh, sometimes by Coldstream.
  21. I'm travelling back up tonight if the roads are clear! Ulp! Carter Bar's closed both ways at the moment so if that doesn't reopen I'll need to go via Coldstream. Just up at the Black Horse at Beamish for lunch with my parents, 2 cousins and their partners. Will report back on meal. It's recently reopened after a year close for refurb/extension.
  22. Went along to the post office to get newspapers and milk at 11 o'clock and the car was registering -1. I suspect our average for the decade may be below zero!
  23. Morning all from a very white Northwest Durham. Another few inches of fresh snow overnight and still falling. Where it's not been disturbed over the fortnight it's about a foot deep. The moon (even when behind light cloud) was so bright last night and with the snow, made it look almost like a summer's evening. Think we've had one vehicle along the road outside our house since we got up. Which means either it's NYD and everyone's staying home or the roads are impassible! Think we're having our traditional New Year's Day lunch today - a fondue. All I'll say is, with the snow and the fondue, I just wish I could ski!
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