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Gareth Collier

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Everything posted by Gareth Collier

  1. I thought it was only Dapol that used careless motors
  2. Quick comparison between FUD & WSF in 'N' of the same coach. No remedial work carried out, just given a dusting of primer. .
  3. Bottas, a man under pressure and Hamilton a class apart (with a little help from a great car).
  4. Try here: http://www.operationcrackdown.org/
  5. Luckily I have a thick skin and don't get upset easily, but it really annoys me when someone has an online shop, albeit through Shapeways, but only offers a product in one material which produces poor results and when questioned assumes everyone knows they can ask you for it in another as that 'is the norm'. I believe it is perfectly reasonable when ordering a print to assume that the designer has checked to see if it works rather than leave it up to the purchaser to effectively pay for a test print. Not trying to start a war as I mentioned in my message to you, your designs are a great addition to the hobby, but I know of other designers that get the hump if you contact them and ask if they could change this or that so don't tell me 'most ask, that is the norm' as it just isn't. If you re read our conversation over on Shapeways you'll note I wasn't grumbling, just asking a question to which you were very defensive/dismissive and you only gave a constructive answer when I did start grumbling. Thank you for now making the 'N' stuff available in FUD. I have sorted it out with Shapeways and am now getting them printed in FUD.
  6. After Brighton's win over a faltering/failing Arsenal we've now got 34 points and are top half with 9 games to go. Never in my wildest dreams.....................
  7. Even they have a level playing field these days
  8. Because they are only trialling it at certain games which has to be the worse decision ever. Everyone should be on a level playing field but how can the be when the rules are now different between games. I am sure VAR will help in the long run but trialling it at random games isn't fair to anyone.
  9. Well I've abandoned Photobucket and use Imgur now which is far more user friendly and advert free. A bit of a kick in the teeth for those mad fools that paid the $399. I think Photobuckets days are numbered after this monumental marketing blunder.
  10. I don't get why people are so against paying to watch it. Basically what you are saying is 'I want to be entertained but I want to be entertained for free'. Why should all the teams invest so much money into the sport, the hosts in the tracks and the TV companies in broadcasting it just so you can sit at home in comfort and watch for nothing. Nothing in life is free, someone has to pay and I get the impression that's fine as long as it isn't me paying. Just remember that free to air isn't free anyway in the UK as you have to pay the license fee. If you're happy to pay that then you are contradicting yourself.
  11. I draw up the whole panel on word and printed them on to Crafty Computer paper.
  12. Whilst we are hurtling towards the relegation zone. Let's hope our new striker will be fit for the next match.
  13. I like the look of the 2mm column in the price list. Any plans on reducing any of the kits down?
  14. But surely VAR clears up these controversial incidents? If only it was available.................
  15. Brighton extended the season of goodwill to WBA by allowing them a first league win since August. If we don't sign at least an average striker in the transfer window I fear we're doomed
  16. Still not convinced by VAR. Last night's penalty appeal had to wait nearly 40 seconds to be reviewed as the ball was still in play. What would have happened if another goal or serious foul etc had happened? Would it have been ignored or chalked off it the review had said penalty? How long can play continue before a decision is reviewed?
  17. A couple of years old but some interesting bits here: http://www.modelrailforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37834
  18. Weren't the Mermaids incorrectly numbered with a slightly out wheelbase? Not a good start.
  19. I'm dreading how the cars are going to look with the halo's or how effective they will be. Not sure it would have saved Bianchi having seen footage from the angle that showed him going under the track vehicle and when Massa got hit in the head by debris the lack of halo probably saved him. His helmet absorbed some of the impact whilst a halo could have deflected it downwards in to his chest. Also not sure if Alfa electrics will be up to 70 laps but if it rains it may have rusted already
  20. When they built the Polegate bypass down the road from me a few years back it ended at a massive roundabout with 5 exits and they decided to install traffic lights. It was chaos with queues far worse than pre bypass. Within 3 months they had all been removed and with the exception of rush hour all now runs smoothly. What a waste of money that was.
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