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Everything posted by Sithlord75

  1. Ahhh - missed that - should have squinted myself!!!
  2. It isn't on the outside of the narrow gauge - it's on the inside! You may have to squint
  3. Sorry to hear that Ian. It was good that you were able to join even for a little while. Hopefully you'll be able to make the next one.
  4. I'd say so. I suspect out here on a cane railway (which is about the only one I would think of that goes that narrow) they wouldn't necessarily have the switch rail - the check rail would be enough to bounce it over to where it was going. Just a thought!
  5. The coach looks like the LMS Inspection Saloon, first brought to us by the NGS and then after a period of time, released to everyone by Farish. I could be doing Nigel a massive dis-service of course! Cheers Kevin of Oz
  6. I'd have thought one long check rail rather than two as it would be easier to do - why cut it if you don't have to?
  7. Thanks to the usual suspects for coming along - and to the couple of new people. Next one will be 12 September. Usual reminders will be sent.
  8. Just talking about this problem tonight on the 2mm ZAG Group - thanks for the measurements @Dave Searle
  9. A designer of N gauge locos I know quite well is of the view that if they are needed, then the design is not as good as it should be - particularly in diesels. He concedes that some small designs of steam locos, because you can't scale physics, may need a bit of help. Having said that, he re-worked one of my M7s to move the weight forward and it now pulls much better than the unworked example.
  10. G'day Matt, I tend to make sure the buffing plate is just in front of the buffers. How far is really up to you, as if you are going with generous curves, it doesn't need to be too far, but the tighter the curve, the greater the chance of buffer lock if it isn't far enough. There is a handy mounting jig from the Shops which I have found quite useful. No photo to hand (technically working right now!) but will try to remember to organise tonight - or if you can join the ZAG meeting (details in another part of the 2mm Finescale section of RM Web) I'll be happy to show you. Cheers Kevin of Oz (the slightly north of Brisbane but not far enough to call it the Sunshine Coast part).
  11. That needs a "groan" reaction!
  12. Website also says Silver Jubilee is available in N gauge (so presumably 1:148) for 92 quid. I'd imagine a 2mm (ie 1:152.4) wouldn't be much different in price. Must finish some other projects first however or The Boss will get stroppy.
  13. No 2 (N6.5) meet the as yet un-numbered Jinty. ZAGers will have heard about the Jinty - the latest episode will be shared on Saturday.
  14. For those 2mm Members who aren't on the VAG, but who have read their newsletter and have wondered at the Zoom Area Group that has been organised the details are below. Topic: ZAG Time: Second and Fourth Saturdays of the Month from 0900 GMT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83287616944?pwd=WGRnQkprN1IwcitVRm56OThtMUFVUT09 Meeting ID: 832 8761 6944 Passcode: 222372 Meetings are presently scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, starting at 0900 GMT. Please adjust for your present time zone! The link, ID and Passcode are the same for each meeting as it is set up as recurring. It was found last time that joining before I click start on my computer is possible but you find you get punted and have to rejoin once I do! No, I don't know why. Please note - August has 5 Saturdays in it and so there will be a three week gap between this weekend (23rd as the fourth Saturday) and the next (12th September as the second Saturday). For those interested, it is basically a chat session where hints, tips and ideas are bandied about along with some show and tell. Some people have been able to do little demonstrations for those watching from time to time - it really depends on your internet connection and bandwidth along with the set up you have as to how well it will work. Cheers Kevin of Oz ZAG Co-ordinator
  15. I do my couplings in pairs...
  16. I recently made a Nn2 1/2 jig for 32' lengths using my Photon printer. I've a couple of adjustments to make to help but the first length (only 30' as I couldn't be bothered going out to the shed to find the sleepers at 2300hrs!) is below. I used Code 40 BH for it, because that's what was handy. For what it's worth, I think the NG sleepers from Shop 1 are ok for 5mm gauge but possibly too long for 4mm gauge.
  17. I'm with Richard! But well done anyway...
  18. Yes - not for the faint hearted. However I didn't go too gung ho as I found most of the problem is actually in the w irons - they seen to be too long/big. Trying to fix this is a drama and a half. I settled for removing the buffers and putting them back slightly lower. They still are a bit high, but they don't stand out in the train. Helps that all my Engineer's stock is black!
  19. I agree with you - however in my case, being a fairly tightly controlled (at least wage wise) industry I don't get more than Inflation (and this year didn't even get that - apparently there is a pandemic on and so the main employer in my sector (which is the government) legislated away the legislated wage rise! I could go for promotion but frankly the extra money isn't worth the extra stress. There is also limited opportunities to go up. They are there, in fairness, and I choose not to take them. My original comment about the pricing isn't a whinge - I cheerfully paid up for the BTK after all! - more an observation about how the cost of models is getting more and more out of the reach of pocket money. Not much can be done about it - as SRman rightly points out, the increasing wages in China (although its possibly questionable how much of that percentage increase finds its way into the workers pocket rather than the State) is a significant factor in the changes.
  20. Cost is always something to be debated. Last evening I finally got around to replacing the LMS Stanier Brake 3rd for my N Gauge LMS set - I had traded the original for a bunch of stuff a few years ago and they weren't available at the time to replace then. As it happens, purchasing from Rails I was able to see my past orders to discover I originally purchased the three Firsts - brake, vestibule and comp - from Rails in 2008. The Third Brake is costing more in 2020 than the three coaches combined cost in 2008. Not entirely unreasonable you'd think - but then you see what your income was back in 2008 (I really should clear out the tax records!) and discover that your income hasn't tripled... In this case, the usual argument of "look at the quality" doesn't apply as it isn't new tooling, it just has a different number on the coach side to the original issue. Maybe 150 squids for a basic steamie - it isn't going to get new modellers in now is it? Edit - I should say I don't mind costs going up - I do understand inflation and so forth. However, ideally it should be equal - as a % of my income, the coach is a lot more now than it was. So much for economic theory in this case!
  21. Maybe EFE Rail will bring out an N Gauge LMS Garratt and then all will be well...
  22. I based them of the TR coaches but they are pretty freelance. Just like the loco - although I think this set will look better with a black loco, which is presently on @David Hugenholtz's work bench.
  23. Almost off the Work Bench - and yes 2mm scale if not 9.42mm gauge! These are 3 N6.5 coaches designed by moi to go on Microtrains Nn3 boxcar chassis. Prints by Shapeways. Roof separate to plug in. Fittings on roof by Ultima. Footboards from staples (No 24s but 10s would do) and scrap etch. Glazing is Krystal Klear. I need to actually finish off the far side as a couple of the windows popped on the FB and the middle T. Transfers on doors from Shop 3. The first set was painted Humbrol 63. This lot is one of the green rattles - can't remember which but will go and have a look tomorrow and update.
  24. <pedant> 15A was built by the Victorian Railways at their Newport, Vic, Workshop, not Baldwin (which was where 1A and 2A were built). </pedant> Cheers Kevin
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