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Everything posted by Foulounoux

  1. Nearholme They may not have been a thing of beauty but they represented a vast improvement on the dmu service with a quicker quieter more comfortable service The Highbury and Islington cross platform change whilst depriving us young trainspotters of the Cross was seen as a brilliant move by my parents. A 10second cross corridor stroll compared to 10 minutes walking at kings Cross to the tube lines was a real benefit especially when loaded down after the sales. Which of course in those days started at 930 on Boxing Day and thus an early morning departure from Hertford North to Oxford Circus was much more pleasant
  2. Another 76 Great Northern Electric veteran I had mixed feelings as we lost the Cravens sitting behind the driver view. But on a cold winters night they were a vast improvement But as we have ended up on the south coast I still get to see them run through Havant every day If there was an rtr model of them I'd have to buy a couple And their brethren of the GNE project the 312's. Outer suburban didn't last
  3. Hertford East to me is a country Minories. A shadow of its former self nowadays I remember it with the central track and release crossovers and sidings both sides neatly hidden by walls...oh and searchlight signals And entry to the fiddle yard just do a model of Ware single track entry......Simples
  4. We have a liber t tag through sanef for France and only pay when we use the tolls no monthly fee We accept the toll fee to get from Calais to Charente faster And it's great fun seeing non tagged uk cars follow us into the tag lanes.....been had a caravan follow us once which as there was a 1.85m high barrier across the tag lane proved interesting But what really annoys me is the same company operates the dartford crossing but I can't use the tag for that To be fair liber t accept it is crazy but apparently the billing has to be separated so uk gov can have some control
  5. Brilliant idea. Looking forward to following this
  6. Agreed and some superb restaurant in Ghent. Pakhuis being a favourite Also Aalst which has a cracking carnival. The nearest thing to medieval debauchery I have witnessed In terms of Markets Aalst Saturday market out does Brussels Christmas market easily
  7. No just a successful team manager ;-) I actually work for a global manufacturing company that upholds very high ethical standards so maybe my worst options are good when compared to others I have worked for hire and fire outfits so do know what bad looks like Back on topic I do hope HS3 doesn't suffer from the professional objectors
  8. But as you said it's a question sometimes of taking the least bad option The rest of my team will come up with better options of Their own accord but one will always object and provide no suggestion of his own so for him forcing the choice works.
  9. Maybe we should do what I do when an employee objects to everything proposed I then present them the choice of one of three options with the guidance that either they choose or I will have to manage it and impose and I really don't want to end up choosing something they don't like So of course option one is the actual plan. Options two and three are something far worse Strangely option one gets the agreement every time. They feel empowered as they chose the plan, they stopped me doing 2 or 3 and I congratulate them on making such an inspired choice Should have done this to the Bournemouth NIMBY's who got the offshore wind farm rejected.. New Gas Power Station in the Winter Gardens anyone
  10. Ooooh our hose evident in one of those Sad git aren't I Great idea though to explain the components
  11. I am horrified by the lack of respect for such esteemed publications Plastics and Rubber weekly PRW is the magazine that launched my employment as a Graduate of the Plastics and Rubber Institute which has over the years morphed into IOM3. Materials Minerals and I forget the last M. However it does mean that my designation as a Professional Member is MIMMM. When asked I explain that it is no longer a professional designation but just how I answer questions mmmm! PRW was however notorious for the front cover having a story each week about the London Rubber Company Or as its products were more commonly known as Durex. Seriously it was a letter to PRW that got me offers of practical training and eventually work so I am ever thankful for the publication Colin Also known as Mr Clingfilm ..
  12. No room it's hemmed in both sides by properties You have freight local tram trains and ICE all sharing a 2 track line. It becomes 4 track before Baden The tunnel is absolutely necessary I think any trips to my boss in BB can wait until November
  13. http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/single-view/view/freight-operators-reschedule-to-avoid-rastatt-tunnel-collapse.html
  14. Sorry that this is late but it was only today I learned of this Between Karlsruhe and Baden-Baden the Germans are constructing a bypass of Rastatt on the key Frankfurt Basel corridor Anyone who has been on this section of line will appreciate the volume of freight traffic it takes The tunnel is an engineering feat due to the adverse ground conditions Early in September (12 August I have now found) I belive the tunnel that is being dug collapsed thankfully with no injuries However the collapse occurred directly under the existing line with the expected results It says something about the German psyche that this has not seen the uproar that a similar incident in the UK would provoke And anyone who has driven from Frankfurt south to Switzerland will understand how vital this rail corridor is I will try and post links Colin
  15. Great to see progress again on this
  16. Came up on my phone and I couldn't see any other posts on here Seems some sort of shunting incident http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/switzerland-train-crash-andermatt-casualties-injured-deaths-collide-police-latest-a7940491.html
  17. The headline is of course the 197% rise but reading through seems most of the routes get an increase as TER becomes a price per km in effect http://www.charentelibre.fr/2017/09/05/nouveaux-tarifs-des-abonnements-ter-en-nouvelle-aquitaine-les-charentais-trinquent,3128944.php?xtmc=TER&xtnp=1&xtcr=2
  18. And as a result global companies take decisions to stop investing in Germany The "rights" that German employees have are now seen as a reason not to invest and in cases to move production to more flexible countries I have heard senior leaders of companies state why would I put a factory in Germany... The myth of German efficiency is well and truly busted based on our experience Colin
  19. rrr Just be aware that these goods may incur customs charges. Duty may be payable and clearance fees depending on how they are transacted. Foul
  20. Echo the last comments I'm currently managing an issue that may impact a customer. Problem is that the source plant can't identify the root cause. So I can't actually tell the customer anything of use. Telling them something that then a day later turns out to be wrong is not a great business generating model So my sympathies with SWR today Colin
  21. It's not just rail and not just the UK I have to educate guests that whilst on the map the distance from our French house to the coast looks the same as a 2hr trip up toward Paris on the autoroute it actually takes much much longer as we found going to Royan one Christmas (Royan was closed when we got there which didn't help my mood) Ended up being a very long day But I remeber being educated about this in O level geography that radial routes to and from major cities were always of prime importance and thus developed quickly as opposed to routes that cross those radials Colin
  22. r A bit unfair as reading the comments below the article the author admits editing erroneously added the temporary wording And until its descent into just a Friday reading list I found it a useful discussion forum Colin
  23. I saw this layout without knowing its name and immediately recognised the pines them the approach and then realised what I was looking at Well my parents lived in Sway after moving down from Hertfordshire in the late 80's. Into a small estate that backs onto the station (up side) It is superb and is operated meticulously which makes watching it such a pleasure Colin
  24. That was around the time I was at Trowbridge College. Cold winter evenings waiting for the 33's heading home to Sway via Southampton I was always grateful for the waiting room Bleak was Broxbourne in a 1970's winter with an East wind cutting you in two whilst you switched from Hertford East service to the faster service to Liverpool Street. At times you stuck with the slower service just to avoid getting out onto the platform
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