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Everything posted by Foulounoux

  1. Saw this on local news yesterday where the inference was made we are returning to the historic structure https://www.networkrail.co.uk/who-we-are/putting-passengers-first/
  2. So the 89 maps are basically one per department ive reposted the link in an easier format https://trains.lrpresse.com/A-18334-toutes-les-lignes-et-les-gares-de-france-en-cartes.aspx?utm_source=forum&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=POUEY-FDP Colin
  3. I have multiple version of minories and Majories (my version of Minories with extra tracks) as plans. But I'm also drawn to the right hand layout of Newcastle as per photo a trailing crossover over needs to be in place to get from Lh platform to the outbound line
  4. I still don't understand the traffic they are looking to capture - commuters to Southampton Winchester? and given that the majority of the A31 traffic is passing through the benefit would be minimal
  5. CBT published their report today you may have to sign up to access it but link posted below https://bettertransport.org.uk/sites/default/files/research-files/case-for-expanding-rail-network.pdf Whilst I can't argue against the sentiments of reopening lines what struck me was some of the Phase 2 lines they belive should be proposed. Brockenhurst -Ringwood is not one that springs to mind as having potential colin
  6. Logged in gave an error but username was visible so I just pressed home and all ok 


  7. We did make it on Sunday. Parking was much better The college has always had parking issues and parking in the neighbouring streets is not appreciated by the residents But best of all was finding a Bachman 101 Dmu for £85 on one of the stands only issue a scuffed box (Not posting in the bargain thread as it was the only one) Also a nice chat with the EMGS stand and a close look at the peco EM points But best of all was my wife being encouraged by a lady from the St Ruth team how to model in cardboard........not sure it was a conversion yet ;-)
  8. We also had to give up though the car that was parked on the wrong side appeared to have some evidence that others had not managed to avoid it Like you may try again tomorrow Colin
  9. Gordon The fact it's taken 10years is actually an inspiration to those of us still struggling to even get beyond the first rung Knowing that perseverance pays off in the end is such an encouragement So thank you Colin
  10. No problem will try and post the video showing the arrival of Pere Noel when I get home tomorrow Certainly different from the UK experience Three elves doing stories on the way All off the train for Chocolat chaud and pain au Chocolat...my brother managed to clear the stock to prevent wastage And classic line from Pere Noel as he moved into the 1st class compartment Ah mon premiere class voyagers lol All in aid of replacement sleepers for the line
  11. Struggling to upload the video of Pere Noel arrival So for now him making friends with some English Ladies. (Wife and sister in law)
  12. Some photos from the Santa Special run by the Charente Limousin team Departing Confolens we arrived at Manot where Pere Noel arrived to meet us Apologies for posting single images but WiFi in Foulounoux is"rural"
  13. Yes the INNER SUBS were every 20 mins on the Hertford loop and every 20 minutes on the WGC That was the std service pattern. Colin
  14. Charente Libre today Not good http://www.charentelibre.fr/2018/12/13/un-heurtoir-en-travers-de-la-ligne-sncf-angouleme-limoges,3358683.php Use grosse soixantaine d'élus de Charente limousine et de Haute-Vienne se sont retrouvés ce jeudi matin en gare de Saillat-Chassenon, où des traverses en croix barrent la voie ferroviaire. Signe pour eux de" la mort annoncée" de la ligne SNCF Angoulême - Limoges.
  15. Livewire. I forgot all about it Apparently the GWML electrification project has some similar titled "Oneday Maybe"
  16. My brother at the time commuted to Fleet He got off the fateful Poole train at Basingstoke and by the time he got to work the accident had occurred Then it hit him that people earlier that morning he had been stood next to were unlike him not going home that night. Certainly changed both of our outlooks on life what the day before we would have considered big problems became irrelevant We both I think realised how valuable and precious life is Colin
  17. p Remember we had been used to Cravens :-) And there were track improvement also at that time And they were new then So we had a different perspective lol Colin
  18. Oh great you've made me feel old As a Hertford boy I saw them introduced and as a 11/12 year old I even wrote a poem in praise of the 313's Sliding doors and silently gliding...something along those lines At least I still get to see them running down here but 42 years where did they go Colin
  19. Mike I think the other problem is that it is quite feasible to have a replacement bus service especially now the RN141 is dual for most of the route I could see a series of buses some dealing with local connections Limoges -St Junien St Junien - Roumazieres And a faster Limoges-Roumazieres-Chassenuil-La Rochefocauld-Angouleme service The loading on the route is that low that coaches maybe seen as the most effective option The precedent it would set though maybe too much for the region to accept Colin
  20. Removing this from the state of the U.K. Thread The Limoges Angouleme route remains oou and has now even made Le Monde The original Le Monde article is behind a registration but has been reported separately in a French Railway Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/1572451196322528/posts/2263573447210296/ Colin
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