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Everything posted by Foulounoux

  1. In rough conditions at Bolougne the hovercraft would come along the beach before heading out across the Channel As observed around 1974 when on. School Travel service week long stay in a hotel on Le Portel sea front
  2. Model Railway Transfer Company finds that it's lobbying finally pays off and changes it pricing model to per digit Now expects profits to rise :-)
  3. A 1970's to early 80's Hertford East ??? Ok 2 platforms but at that time you had the central road and sidings behind the walls on both sides With the length you have you would have to omit the carriage washer line Searchlight signals and a GER signal box https://signalbox.org/diagrams.php?id=435 Colin Oh and must have a green Vauxhall Viva 1159cc sitting outside with yours truly waiting for his father to arrive home each evening
  4. Actually at the time we weren't aware of the deaths. Only the ICE and IC had been stopped at that stage So before making judgments on my character I'd appreciate if you understood the context I was more concerned that DB staff seemed to think it was appropriate to allow passengers to board trains that were ending up in a different destination from that advised and now given the storm potentially putting them in a storm location with no route back Everyone understands now why trains were suspended but at Manneheim there was no indication of the storms strength so the lack of effective communication caused more problems Colin
  5. Just seen a video from Holland and it does seem to have got stronger The storm was it seems called Hurricane Friederike It's the first time I've experienced turbulence whilst still on the runway :-0. And climbing away was "eventful".
  6. Bad day for DB today We were on our way back from Baden Baden to Frankfurt and the chaos first hit us at Manneheim where the ICE to Cologne we needed was terminated First talk of a fire then realised it was damage to the high speed line So back onto the Hamburg Altona service and change at Frankfurt Hbf. All good so far Then at Frankfurt directed to Pl 5.... No train. It was moved to 1a Get on train RegionalBahn and wait to depart ....suddenly display in train changes to S22 and Limburg. Lots of confusion and I and colleague left the train. Asked DB staff for help and point blank ignored Choice now find another train ICE on 6. Or S Bahn. Chose the latter and we eventually made the flight with minutes to spare Then saw that they had stopped ALL long distance trains. Just wonder what happened to the 100+ people hoping to get to the airport who stayed on the Limburg train :-( All in all bad day for DBahn and really bad customer service experience as all staff headed for the restroom to avoid dealing with passengers Colin
  7. Brief glimpse in RAIL magazine three month partial closure of Kings Cross to allow them to change the approach layout to include the reinstatement of the eastbound bore through Gasworks https://www.railmagazine.com/news/network/plans-unveiled-for-237m-king-s-cross-remodelling Number of errors most obvious the claim that the approach was last remodelled in 72 ...ok it was the 70's but a whole 5 years later Edit to add the key word partial
  8. deleted as my original on review wasn't relevant to the discussion Colin
  9. Proper job was Andy ??? from the Barley Pickers In Scrappy Races they parked up at a garage in Avebury. As it was on my commute to work I was strangely delayed getting to work that day
  10. Oh dear I must be a crass clown l prefer the grey blue livery and have been screaming why aren't they doing the blue Pullman in the proper colour scheme for months I just can't afford it now I think it's because I grew up only seeing the later livery ..... And loved both the ECML Pullmans and the WCML mk2 pullmans in that scheme
  11. Those pictures take me back Saturday mornings my father would be on rota for the post for Lee Conservancy Catchment Board in Brettenham House on Waterloo Bridge We would often accompany him as a cheap day out and I can remember getting off at York Road walking up that ramp then back into the Cross to get to the tube Happy Days Colin
  12. Forget the Queen,Pope or Archbishops Christmas messages. This thread is probably the most uplifting message of the season
  13. Knowing the young lady who runs the Cafe Columbus in Le Mans I believe the 72's are very well thought of But then she is French,Female,young,attractive and a very good business woman .. . And yes the wife has met Her
  14. Chirac side of Chabanais for us on the borders of 87 and 16Ironically we are closer to the Vienne despite being in Charente In fact my nom de plume on here gives our location :-)
  15. Jeff I have never had that experience. Have arrived late and had to take the next shuttle and have been dropped to the next shuttle We buy the carnets even though in the last two years we haven't used them all. We do tend to cross out on a Thursday or Friday and return on a Monday so may miss the worst delays We also stay at Calais,Bolougne or Le Touquet to break the journey but also so my wife can have a couple of proper hotel nights as compensation for cooking for the rest of the holiday I think between us we have. Nouvelle Aquitaine branch of RMWeb Colin
  16. Oh and if in one of these insist on a lower deck... Limited clearance on the sump makes top deck a bit of a risk The staff also tend to still start to say leave windows half open then realise maybe not necessary lol
  17. Force 8 and above is all I need to say :-) We first used the tunnel when we got engaged in the Loire back in September 95 (had to think then) We went back to same hotel in the following June for our honeymoon before going on the orient express the Thursday after our return It was a force 7 on our return from the Loire and I rember saying to my wife I hope it calms down before Thursday Of course it didn't and we endured a SeaCat roller coaster start to our Orient Express journey I wrote to them expressing our disappointment that given the prolonged bad weather they had stuck to the SeaCat instead of availing themselves of the tunnel and to our surprise they agreed they had got it wrong and we were asked to join them on a trip in the September to test the tunnel. Classic how to turn a problem into a positive We have used the tunnel ever since and what really nails it for us is how they manage pet travel Twice we have had issues with paperwork due to vets errors and both times they have solved the problem for us. And managed to keep us calm With a house in France we are probably approaching 50+ return trips The car wagons need an upgrade but I guess they will wait until it's clear what arrangements are required post 2019 before making investment decisions as clearly the border arrangements may impact traffic levels and alter the financial calculations
  18. Check out the simsig range of signalling simulators. These use real accurate information in their creation and some have bidirectional signalling
  19. One thing to remember is that the usage of ET has changed When we first used it 20 odd years ago it was mainly car traffic almost every platform was a car shuttle Now it's trucks and vans So it does seem that when they run into problems they will drop the car shuttles to ensure they get the revenue from freight They will also run the trains emptyish if that allows them to regain the schedule and remember overnight they tend to work on the tunnel so sections are oou and capacity impacted Some car rakes also seem to be suffering from age and sections are blocked off hence running at lower capacity That said we are regular users and as long as we avoid peak times we have not had many delays Worst was a bank holiday family BBQ near Calais. Rang my brother who hadn't left the event to say don't bother yet it took us 2 hrs to get through checkin and security
  20. We are working with Nissan to use batteries from ev in home storage applications. Apparently the requirements for EV are so high that once they are no longer performing they stills have significant potential use Combined with micro generation of electricity via small wind turbines and solar this has the potential to really change the energy market. Hence I'm sure some of the big names may try to put barriers in our way
  21. A lot of big corporations are looking for hands on projects to show involvement in the community. If you have such a company close to you they may be a source of labour. My company has moved from just donating to charities to more local and involved opportunities Of course they will still need guidance from a skilled person but it's another option Colin
  22. The missing numbers were in the main low numbered and as it was renumbered more than once it can be confusing Early 1900's. York Rd Arrival and Departure in main shed. PlatEDC loco yard Sub B hotel curve. Plat A 1940's YR 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,10 mainline. 11,12,13,14,15. 16 hotel curve,17 1970's pre clearing the throat. YR 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 mainline 9,10,11,12,13. 14 hotel curve,15. This is how I first remeber it Post 1978 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 mainline. 9,10,11 suburban And then more recently addition of P0 Sources: Paul Anderson and John Christopher's books on the station
  23. That threw me for a moment as being a slightly younger I only knew the loop from the early 70's onwards I initially assumed kings cross was on the left until I read the labels more carefully I had No idea that there were sidings on that side
  24. It was quite a mix for Cambridge Not 317's they came later From Hertford it was a dmu on the shuttle and then a choice The 312's came after the changes at Kings Cross So initially we still could get a 31 and Mk1 or a metro cammel 101 through to Cambridge Then from around 78 onwards change to a 312 to Royston then walk along the platform to catch the 101 shuttle Colin
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