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Everything posted by 96701

  1. My order 10th Jan is on it's way.
  2. Very busy, and very good. Nice mixture of layouts, traders and demonstrators. Well done to all who put it together and ran it.
  3. I've quite enjoyed the last few posts. The trouble is, I've got through an entire bag of popcorn.
  4. 96701

    EBay madness

    I think plugging that thing into my house will trip the main RCD.
  5. As I wrote earlier, Charlie probably has a twist fault where the rail on the inside of the curve is slightly higher than the rail on the outside, allowing the flange to climb onto the top of the rail, and the curve allows the flange to drop onto the outside of the rail. A sliver of card under the sleepers supporting the inside rail was enough to cure my derailments.
  6. Just to put loco running into context, I had to tweak my trackwork to get Hatton's Class 66 to run well. It was the first loco that I bought that wouldn't go round without derailing. I took out a few twist faults (which it looks as though Charlie has on his helix) and it ran through fine. I have had to do no further modifications to get either of my 37s to run okay.
  7. It largely depends on how much you want to pay. I built a pound shop version from an electronic fly swatter and metal tea strainer. A friend with an N gauge layout borrowed it and was perfectly happy with the results that he obtained. Having given it back to me, he built an extension, so bought one of these grass and again was delighted. He did have a recent problem whereby he left the lid off the static grass, dropped his headlight into it (by accident) and ended up with the whole lot upside down on his carpet! His advice? "Always put the lid back on your static grass."
  8. I use a MERG controller and booster powered by a 16V power supply which gives a track voltage of 14.57V when using the ac setting on a multimeter, so the peak to peak will be more. I have no issues with neither the factory fitted sound 37 nor the 37 which I fitted with a decoder and speaker purchased from Accurascale.
  9. Is it a coincidence that rail and bus services are being cut thereby pushing people into cars whilst the government grant licenses for oil exploration?
  10. Indeed. Electric locos were rarely on No 1 road, so it spent most of the time isolated. If a pantograph needed the carbons changing, or there was a fault on roof mounted equipment the loco would be shunted onto any road but No 1, otherwise the contact wire would be in the way.
  11. When I did my training at Carlisle Kingmoor No 1 road was electrified at 25kV and could be isolated by virtue of a local procedure, so didn't involve either OLE staff nor the Electric Control Room.
  12. I wasn't going to get another 66 after buying Hatton's Colas version, but supporting The Samaritans has persuaded me.
  13. Also insulting to me personally as a former Compliance and Assurance Advisor who set up a Self Assurance system that collected data that could be analysed to identify risks that could be escalated to a corporate risk register. That's proper advice.
  14. I'm certainly interested. I assume that Kelbus gear was used to drag the loco up the slope, so looking at the photographs may well prove my assumption.
  15. I believe there may be some people on this thread who are interested in ex LNER ECML trains. This turned up on Facebook, so I thought I'd share. W1 comes to grief at Peterborough. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-cambridgeshire-67240936?fbclid=IwAR0r2gPY3aYFHQWMTHeaPtFhFrJz_-U1N2FdTYQUpCk95u-iFTC7ArpNTbs
  16. Looking forward to an EM1 kit. Whether or not I have the wherewithal to build one is another matter.
  17. Indeed. Being as how my son bought me a Class 92 by Accurascale, since supplemented by a Bachmann 90 and a Heljan 86, I now need to consider OLE and haven’t left enough room between the up line and the baseboard edge. Twin track cantilevers will solve that problem.
  18. Had a thoroughly pleasant few hours buying stuff, looking at splendid layouts and meeting some splendid people. I was impressed with the Flipp ‘em couplings on Wm C Bogg layout. Very neat and reliable.
  19. Are you having problems with cookies / browser history.
  20. Just worked for me on Chrome
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