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black and decker boy

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Status Updates posted by black and decker boy

  1. It's Friday, wife's out, time for a naff action movie and craft IPA, in a can

    1. DougN


      Sounds nice could. Be better with some modelling mixed in..

  2. Is by the seaside, sadly about to go in a grim office block for meetings and on the beach with a candy floss

  3. Southampton MRS show with Kirkmellington and maybe some extra play features this weekend

  4. Diet is working ;-)

    1. beast66606


      See food diet ? You're doing better than me then, despite cutting down I've gained a bit.

    2. Re6/6


      High fat low carb diet is working s-l-o-w-l-y!

  5. Hornby clearing through mk2e and mk3 coaches on black friday....

  6. Thinks

    1. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Indeed it is. Becomes less of a bargain if you buy a Metropolitan Bo-Bo as well......cos it's cute :)

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      It's rather less than I paid for mine, some time ago.

  7. Has done some modelling for the first time since January and feeling much better for it

  8. is starting a nightshift and now awaiting a 0000-0400 possession

  9. First BBQ for over a year today, M&S ultimate burgers. Certainly pretty good. Now relaxing with a pint of Twelve Days :-)

  10. Today was christening for my son, the sun was shining and the service interesting and fun

    1. Mallard60022


      Well done matey. Many people don't care about that these days.

    2. beast66606


      A great day all round.

    3. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      A great day indeed, little Jack even managed to not cry and have a smile and giggle which isn't bad for 4 months old :-)

  11. is about to start a 10 week secondment in Bognor Regis, summer by the sea :-) but far from my gorgeous little boy (and wife) :-(

    1. Boris


      ###### Bognor...

    2. Mallard60022


      Good Buffet on Barnham Station. Nice Box at Bognor.

    3. 3 link

      3 link

      Oi Boris there is nothing wrong with Bognor I'll have you know.....

  12. Train trip to York and the exhibition tomorrow, yippee!

    1. Leander


      See you there then G.

  13. Looking forward to a few days bonding with new son after a week of 5am starts to commute into Birmingham

  14. Now has a baby boy!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. cheesysmith


      remember, boys love their mummy. use it for blackmail with her at every chance :-)

    3. KalKat


      Yaay!.... goodbye to sleeping nights though! ;)

    4. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      Day 2 and still transfixed!

  15. Is making fruit scones for the first time. Jam and clotted cream at the ready....

  16. Watching it snow before heading to Modelling Saturday by the Risborough club.

  17. Watching it snow before heading to Modelling Saturday by the Risborough club.

  18. Stock take of my kits, looks like I'll be busy for a few years, 24 brass and many more plastic kits to build.

    1. newbryford


      Only 24? Call yourself a modeller....? ;)

  19. Strange footprints in the snow covered garden this morning. Burgular? Santa? No, an escaped horse having a wander!!

    1. Trebor


      it was probably horsetan out for a hack or searching for more brussel sprouts to curry.

    2. black and decker boy

      black and decker boy

      Well the deep rumbling noise as it passed last night would be explained by that!

  20. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  21. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  22. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

  23. Tackling a Golden Valley Brewery, Knock em back. Very tasty indeed.

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