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Status Replies posted by BlackRat

  1. Day off so its whether to weather......or not ;)

  2. With kind permission of Andy Y (RMWeb Admin) I would like to inform you all that our website is now live, a big thank you to all those who have offered your help and support during our first few month in business. Matt :) www.absoluteaspects.com

  3. Three cheers for ex matelots who want to lash you up! xx

  4. it's Friday, and it's again time to contemplate getting the Dapol Class 22 out of it's box for a closer look...

  5. Don't forget if someone helps you that little button marked "like" is a way of saying thanks if you can't be %$££ed to actually say it

  6. Painting trees on a back scene, Bob Ross I'm not!

  7. whens the next MI3 due out?

  8. Has just bought MRJ and is going to the Bristol 'O' Gauge show - what's happening to me ?

  9. Today I shall be at the Trafford Centre Waterstones signing copies of my books.

  10. Does Michael Portillo wear that pink jacket and turquoise shirt in every episode?

  11. So, twelfth night is tomorrow, will our decs be coming down? don't be silly, it's a weekend job. SWMBO would have them up until Easter if she had a choice :lol:

  12. regretting the Chicken Phall I had last night. Best have a good book handy for the inevitable lengthy visit to the lav.

  13. Uploading lost of 1980's banger blue to my web. HNY everyone!

  14. Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit, I did something I've never done before - I took a bus home. I arrived home safely and without incident, which was a real surprise, as I haven’t driven a bus for 30 years....

  15. wonders why the hell some people think I should adopt some position halway between right and wrong just because I run the place? Something's either right or wrong; simple.

  16. Spent the night in hospital with No 1 son having an emergency orchidectomy. Knackered and taking No 2 son Laser shooting for his birthday party this afternoon.

  17. Ohhhhh get home from work to find a lovely package from Brassmasters! Chrimbo leave will be more than enjoyable! :)

  18. Just had a reminder of how high inflation is at the moment - 2x new tyres at £215 each. Ouch!

  19. Roy Wood, Kim Wilde and Quo, what a gig! Mind you the atmosphere reeked of Sanatogen and linament as opposed to anything illegal!

  20. Local radio interviewee quote: "We need better shops in Burslem, Home & Bargain is my favourite but we really need a Primark".

  21. Local radio interviewee quote: "We need better shops in Burslem, Home & Bargain is my favourite but we really need a Primark".

  22. Jackasses on the left, tomfools in the centre and everthings working out right....

  23. Aaargh! CTMK is on the internet looking at knitting books that feature blokes doing knitting. Help, what can this mean??!!

  24. 2 armchair modellers are a sofa, several must be a lounge?

  25. Gallo Merlot. wow!

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