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Status Replies posted by BlackRat

  1. Thats the study/ modelling room tidied up (again!!!!!).

  2. I wonder why women dont wear push-up gear for sagging bums?

  3. Frozen planet was superb again last night -the wolf/bison struggle was fantastic

  4. 9.00 am - Saturday 19 November - 2 announcements

  5. There will also be another significant announcement tomorrow morning.

  6. Happily content at work overlooking some lovely Navy Lynx aircraft flying

  7. is feeling exceptionally grumpy about pointless posts and lazy questions this morning.

  8. Crediton - see he's at it again lads but with stealthy manouevres

  9. RMweb will observe the two-minute silence at 11.00 - 11.11.11

  10. making a start on a model of Starcross Pumping House at lunchtime

  11. Bratwurst mit Senf, bitte!

  12. making a start on a model of Starcross Pumping House at lunchtime

  13. Half a pound of sausages.

  14. Big surprise on its way.....:)

  15. More fence painting and weeding today, this time followed by a hot bath and a couple of glasses of something red and tasty! Feeling even more knackered now!

  16. Wish these explosive devices would shut up- sounds like a warzone. Sooner they get banned the better.

  17. Made the mistake of trying to install decoders in some UK RTR models. Forgot that I didn't have an advanced degree in bomb disposal.

  18. Ooh, model railway hand bags at dawn....

  19. So Mr Blackrat this is what I call early. Still kipping I bet!

  20. Is wondering which RM Webber is going to be the first to cut off an ear?

  21. has just compiled the last pages in MI2; just the index and hyperlinks to do now. I'll leave that for tomorrow or I'll foul it up as I'm into my 2nd Weston's 2010 Vintage. :)

  22. RIP sir Jimmy Saville

  23. All exams at Signalling School passed! 95% average! :-D

  24. is worried his 2011 Challenge entries won't get any votes...

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