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Everything posted by rovex

  1. Does anyone know when in March, Hornby is going to breach its banking covenants? That is when is D Day? Dean
  2. I presume that if any of these got repainted during the war, they would have been done in plain chocolate. Now that would make an interesting contrast. Anyone know when such vehicles might have been repainted back into chocolate and cream after the war, or did some manage to last long enough in Chocolate to go straight into CnC. I'm setting my layout in 1950, and was intending to have at least one clerestory coach, just hanging on in as a strengthener, painted in wartime chocolate Dean
  3. So what does SECR mean in Harry Potter terms?
  4. just think if they rushed out a selection of toplights we could single handedly turn that a five million loss to a profit ☺
  5. Oh I don't know, the people I pre-ordered from must have been among the last - not that I blame them.
  6. I understand that one of the reasons for right/left handed composites was not only to ensure that the corridors were on the same side but also that if their was a dining car between the two composites the first class section of each composite would be arranged closest to the dining car. This ensuring the upper classes didn't have too far to walk for dinner. Well according to Harris anyway
  7. I can breath a sigh of relief,my pre-order is now in stock. Well that is the van thirds that everyone else has had for the last fortnight. I've asked them to hang onto them until all the others arrive and send them all at once. I was beginning to think that after whinging about the lack of GWR coaches I was going to be the only one without any.
  8. Presumably by the time crossrail 2 gets built we will have a new king. The carolean line perhaps
  9. Should we now formally rename this thread. Queue patriotic flag waving. Rah,rah,up the ruling classes. God bless you ma'am etc
  10. Still waiting for mine Unfortunately the shop I've pre-ordered through still hasn't had they delivery from Hornby
  11. Those look interesting. How do you deal with the central axle issues?
  12. Although very common in private companies, I would have thought this was unlikely in a quoted plc!
  13. Not until they've done some GWR non-corridor stock
  14. rovex

    Hornby king

    Nice looking coaches. Wouldn't mind seeing those in more detail. Dean
  15. To be honest it was probably inevitable given the scale of the proposed losses and the loss in shareholder value. So any volunteers for new MD, I have a slot in my diary for a few days a week. Dean
  16. The problem with breaching your banking covenants is, that it can be the beginning of the end - at least for the current company, and could lead to the banks appointing administrators!!!
  17. So if we start saving now thats only £540 for each RMwebber, I'll get my cheque book
  18. Hey, if it gets any cheaper we could club together and buy the Company. Then we would only have ourselves to blame if we weren't happy with any newly produced model
  19. Queue - BUFFERGATE hundreds of posts on the lines of, "why oh why, can't Hornby get this right - I'm never going to buy one of these coaches if they can't even get the buffers right - etc ad nauseam" Personally I can live with it, just glad to have some decent coaches (buffers aside) for my infinitely delayed BR Western Region layout Dean
  20. Thanks Chris. Makes more sense to me now. And thanks again for taking the time to explain
  21. Well i may be being a bit thick. But what I can see is a list of coach types and numbers but not how these were made into sets or whether those were three coach sets or longer.
  22. Given how Hornby have also supplemented some of their offerings after the initial release, hopefully we could see a dining car, composite brake or even a full brake in years to come.
  23. I've got these on pre-order, only I can't remember who with
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