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Everything posted by rovex

  1. Thanks Chris. Very comprehensive and very swift. So do you think if we ask very nicely we might get some? Dean
  2. I'm being lazy by not looking this up for myself but would the chassis be suitable for non corridor stock? If so that's another variation with,presumably, not too much additional expense on new tooling
  3. I suppose its possible. I've designed them as one piece units. But I suppose it wouldn't take much to remove the moving parts. To be honest the discs themselves and the counterweight arms would be best in etched brass. Dean
  4. I've just finished drawing up a single ground signal. Unfortunately couldn't find any drawings for this one and so its "inspired" by photos in VAughans book and elsewhere. I've created a fret that includes eight of these and eight of the double ones and I've uploaded this to Shapeways and ordered it. I'll share the results with you when it arrives (hopefully it will arrive). I was thinking that if this comes out succesfully that I mgith make them available. I only know of two sources of these items the Ratio kits which only represent the single type and some whitemetal ones that I've seen on ebay. Both are relatively expensive for what you get. These come out even in FUD quite cheap. In fact only a little more expensive than the postage. I thought if I bought in bulk and sold them on Ebay at then I can absorb the postage costs. What do people think Dean
  5. As my layout will require quite a large number of these and I can't find a reasonaby priced model for what is something that is only a few millimetres tall I thought I'd have a go at drawing some up myself with the aim of having them 3D printed. I've started with the double signal (as again I will need quite a few of these). The model is based on plans in Vaughns A Pictorial Record of Great Western signalling, but is meant to be more representational then wholly accurate - after all the model will only be some 12 mm high I've uploaded it to the Shapeways site and a single one will cost about £4.50 in FUD. However four together with a strut underneath costs only £5.50 ( and eight at only £7). So obviously the more the merrier to make a saving on costs. It will be interesting to see how a single one prices up. Once I've designed that I'll get some printed and share the results with you all. All comments welcome
  6. Which all rather puts me mind of Hinge & Brackett. Now where was it they stayed when last they visited. Oh yes lovely little village called Loose Chippings.
  7. Well the Accountants have been running the real railway for some time now (and look where that's got us) so no surprise they have now taken over the model one as well
  8. Only her and Alan Bennett have truly caught northern conversation in their comedies. I will miss her
  9. Which is what happens when you don't turn your phone off before putting it back in your pocket
  10. UK ooo UK ooo ' ' u opinion upiuoii I
  11. Would these be the short one sometimes seen just below roof level on some non-corridor stock? Presumably they only listed the destination rather than stations in between.
  12. To be honest I was thinking of doing the same thing, especially since my layout (when trains eventually run) is intended to be a principal station on the mainline from London which would probably get a mention on any coach boards. Somewhat annoying about the Sankey boards, I know they weren't expensive but I don't recall it being clear when I was looking at the website that these were only suitable MK1 stock. Suppose I could have missed it.
  13. I think they must have done, if you look at the Roger Smith Boards, whilst somewhat Paddington dominated, they do include examples for trains not originating at Paddington, Birmingham to Kingswear being one. Whether shorter services within a region, for example starting and ending in the Midlands Region, would have had boards I suppose we'll have to look at the photos. One thing that has puzzled me is what length coach board to use. To explain the ones I bought for a couple of named trains from Sankeys appear half length - Are these suitable for GWR stock or only Mk 1?
  14. rovex

    Hornby king

    Having said I couldn't justify buying one. I have relented but only because it was being offered on ebay at only 75 pounds. At that price it would have been rude not to. Now I just have to be careful not to run it at the same time as the three old versions I've got.
  15. Presumably for those of us not so good at constructing comet chassis we could get away with the chassis from a Hornby or Bachman 50ft parcels van. Are the units on the rooves the ones from the original models or castings? great models by the way Dean
  16. rovex

    Hornby Star Class

    I wish I could get the people who manage our website at work to understand that!
  17. What surprised me with their 'last chance to buy' was seeing the lms non corridor stock there. Especially since have only just recently come out. Did Hornby over produce or overestimate the demand for such coaches?
  18. It's probably me you should be picking on not CoY. In my defence I've got enough castles and kings of the old type that I can't justify to myself or my wallet buying the new ones unless they were heavily discounted. Now had it been something different,a new manor or an aberdare I'd have happily put my hand in my pocket,as I did with the new Collett coaches having bought 12 of these in total. So i think ive done my bit to support Hornby and the trade ☺
  19. Who is this concession,do they have a website and do they deliver. I wouldn't mind a few reduced top of the range gwr engines
  20. But i understood these to be seventy footers, not Hornby's fifty seven footers. Dean
  21. This must be good news for Hornby. Assuming a sensible number of each were made in the first place. It just goes to show that there is a demand for good great western coaching stock. Let's hope if Hornby makes it through its current problems that this will encourage further variants and the long wished for non corridor stock. Mine finally arrived this morning. ☺
  22. Hooray. My pre-order for two six coach rakes has finally been delivered to the shop by Hornsby. Should be with me soon. At last I'll get to handle what all the rest of you have been drooling over for what feels like weeks. Haven't seen any formal reviews of these yet. Although they do look like the best so far. And how good of Hornby to model both right and left handed versions of the brakes and composites.
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