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Status Updates posted by CovDriver

  1. Things are on the up the Tax woman in this cae says they owe me money !!

  2. At the going down of the sun we will remember them

    1. KevinWalsh


      They shall not grow old as we grow old

  3. roll on monday morning another 0530 start !!

    1. mickeyg


      Good! They've missed you! Its been in the national news! :-)

    2. CovDriver


      Not a driver just yet i'm on the back as a guard !!

  4. feel a trip to antics is in order for this morning !!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CovDriver


      Kimberley has left I believe I think she left before they moved shops ? As for Dan I can't picture him !!


    3. gwrrob


      I heard they were opening an upstairs too.

    4. CovDriver


      Dave told me that a while back but it's a case watch this space ?


  5. coming towards the end of my week off and NO progress on my Diorama !!

  6. that's 10 days off now and the modelling mojo has returned bang on time!!

    1. mickeyg


      I've found some more scotty-rail pics, but not put them up yet. Will do so after the weekend. I've just booked some Great Discovery Tickets. Going up to Liverpool on saturday. Have a good rest.

    2. CovDriver


      decided i'm going to try and build a diorama in the time I've got off to try new modelling techniques ?

      Enjoy your run about I'm may pop out for with the camera sometime !!

  7. Had a great day at the Redditch show yesterday operating Lochnagar

  8. Home alone tonight and the modelling mojo has gone out for the night as well !!

    1. coachmann


      Has she downed tools....? :)

    2. CovDriver


      yeah something like that I was given a list of jobs to do around the house !!

  9. ###### I've missed the post person who had a parcel for me (new Bachmann class 419 MLV) how am i going to get it into the house now while wife is at home ?

    1. The Lurker

      The Lurker

      Go to the post office and collect it? Perfect sneaking ooportunity!

    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      Look what I won in the raffle, dear.

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      Slip her a tenner & send her off shopping. Theres not a woman alive who doesn't enjoy the dark art of shopping ;)


  10. Another excellent day out on the GCR with a trip on the TPO doing a mail drop fantastic !!

  11. My wife thinks DRS class 20's are ugly and to loud is this acceptable grounds for a divorce ?

    1. multiprinter


      Uncontestable grounds I would say.

    2. chriswild


      my wife has similar fellings about class 37's, women are pretty useless when it comes to trains basically!

    3. Kev_Lewis


      There are a few ladies on here who might argue against that Chris.

  12. First late turn since september 2011 today I might have to phone and say I'm scared of the dark!!

  13. Took a step closer today of going finescale 4mm by making peco track look realistic !! New layout thread coming soon ?

  14. into my 2nd week off and I've not done any modelling at all !!

    1. Horsetan


      I've done even less than you!

    2. CovDriver


      Although I've contemplated starting a small diorama this afternoon !!

  15. Off up to Yorkshire for a few days and staying in a mk2 carriage at Skipwith station can't wait !!

    1. engage


      Don't forget to pack your long johns

  16. has finally given up on DCC and is currently converting all my loco's back to DC operation

    1. DavidLong


      Assume you've tried different makes of chips. I only get decent results with CT Elektronik.

    2. CovDriver


      I've had a Zimo sound chip (class 56) just go pop !! and now a Zimo sound chip (class 47) just doesn't want to do anything but get extremely hot !!

  17. keeps getting static electric shocks and is getting scared evrytime I switch anything on that requires electricity!!

    1. Debs.


      Static shocks are never free; there`s always a charge! :-)

    2. Horsetan


      Have you tried plugging into the National Grid? I believe you can benefit from the feed-in tariff....

  18. thats my first effort with 1100D on a top an tailed test train done !!

  19. mmm do I go out and phot the test train with top an tailed class 37's ?

    1. scottishlocos


      go out and phot them they came past here a week or so ago and were on top form

    2. CovDriver


      yeah think I will got to get to Birmiongham by 2pm photo will be on my flickr later !!


  20. has just recieved his DCkits 2Hap kit anybody got any tips before I wreck it ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Matloughe


      Will you be doing a Blog-Build at all Cov Guard? I am looking at getting a 2-HAP but not sure yet.

    3. CovDriver


      I've never tried the Blogg format but I dare say I could give it a go ?

    4. Kelly


      give the blogs a try, they can be easier to follow than the forum posts, which can get too cluttered for my liking with discussion, so hard to follow the actual progress as such. Not to say the discussion is bad though, far from it.

  21. Now has a copy of Bradshaws guide can I do a better job than Mr Portillo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Debs.


      Have you a pink shirt and a pair deck shoes? ;-)

    3. 46444


      Don't forget the nice line in brightly coloured blazers either!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Green shirt and pick jacket, or reverse to have pink shirt and green jacket - either way, could this be the 'Bradshaws Uniform?!'.... not that I'm complaining, mind, I think it's a great programme!

  22. Now has a copy of Bradshaws guide can I do a better job than Mr Portillo

  23. Now has a copy of Bradshaws guide can I do a better job than Mr Portillo

  24. Now has a copy of Bradshaws guide can I do a better than Mr Portillo

  25. 10 days off and I'm bored already of this snow !!

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