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Everything posted by CovDriver

  1. so looking forward to this 0424am start and a couple of trips on the cross-city route in the morning!! NOT

  2. Woohoo I'm passed fit to return to work !!

    1. skipepsi


      congratulations er I think.

    2. CovDriver


      I thought that but this means less time for modelling work !!


    3. Mallard60022


      Glad you are fit matey. Work = dosh; dosh = models! Remember this on the 'dark days'!

  3. woohoo docotors referral at Bupa today hopefully I'll be back at work sometime fairly soon.

  4. Well that's the front lawn mowed it was that bad it had to have a pre-cut first !!

    1. SHMD


      I'm not plannin' on cutting mine for the next 5 weeks!

    2. gridwatcher


      Twice a week mate....necessary here at present


  5. more items to sell coming soon!!

  6. GCR Diesel gala tomorrow can't wait

  7. 6x class 33 bufferbeams to be detailed is this afternoon's task

  8. Really should pull my finger and get some modelling done I've got a few projects lined up A detailed class 37/5 is first !!

  9. Off to the post office !!

  10. I've also thought to myself the same thing it's very handy once you get to know what your doing and handy to keep an eye on charters and freights !!
  11. Trip to the vets later with my two bunnies for a check up then it's some serious modelling to be done

    1. Metr0Land


      So will they make a new layout every 21 days?

    2. 69843


      Well, they'll build like rabbits!

    3. CovDriver
  12. Ah well another 5 weeks off work oh the joy on the other had plenty of modelling work to be done !!

    1. Swifty11


      How's your arm after the desiro accident!?

    2. CovDriver


      Er leg!! it's confirmed as soft tissue damage just below the knee other than that it's fine cheers mate

    3. Swifty11


      Oops, knew it was one or the other! Still sounds painful, get well soon

  13. Bupa medical next Tuesday so it's get as much modelling done before Tuesday and a return to light duties only at work

    1. RedgateModels


      don't worry, they'll lose the results .....

    2. CovDriver


      So true they'll probably sign me off again seen as it's

  14. Is very tempted to get the airbrush out today it'll be the first time for me to try airbrush weathering!!

  15. well work won't let me back to work on light duties until Bupa have given the ok so that's another 6 weeks off work then!! :-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CovDriver


      I'd love to but on basic pay and my pass is only for LM,Southern and,South eastern and gat-ex !!

    3. Mallard60022


      Would LM get you to Sheffield?

    4. CovDriver


      The nearest I can get is Crewe ?

  16. Great 6 weeks on Light duties and avoid prolonged standing well that's about 95% of my job

    1. Mallard60022


      Good to know you are getting better

    2. CovDriver


      Cheers Mallard

  17. The sun is shining right into my modelling room it's putting me off modelling !!

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      Well go and mow the lawn instead.. : )

  18. contemplating going back to normal DC control and getting rid of my DCC sound loco's ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedgateModels


      and there's me spending a fortune sound fitting my entire operating fleet for Summat Colliery ....

    3. CovDriver


      Don't get me wrong I love the sounds but I just can't seem to get the smooth running down to a fine art for my liking in DCC mode

    4. Swifty11


      Stay dcc! Ive always found it better, and the sound is fun.

  19. Off to the post office for some locomotive transferals this morning !!

  20. Another 10 days off work cheers Doc suppose I should get some modelling work done possibly a new layout within 10 days!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CovDriver


      I'm being tempted to get rid of all my BR blue stock and concentrate on the mid 90's period

    3. Swifty11


      Nice, I'm modern image (hence the pendo picky) but I will be changing my profile pic soon.


    4. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      could be the next RMWeb challenge....

  21. Latest edition of Model Rail has just arrived I may be sometime !!

    1. RedgateModels


      I think I'll have to pop to Tesco to buy a copy on Thursday ;)

    2. 69843


      Stop plugging yourself man. I have to wait an extra couple of months, and the suspense is driving me mad!

  22. While the wifey is out tonight at the Meatloaf concert what modelling project can I be getting on with ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mallard60022


      I'd suggest looking at some of her wardrobe mate, but beware of the high heels.......

    3. CovDriver



      Hugh Ive just had a phonecall from SWMBO saying the show has been cancelled until next month


    4. Mallard60022
  23. after falling between my 350 unit and the platform i'm in constant pain with having to wear a splint for the next two weeks whilst off work so hopefully I can get some modelling done !!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Best of luck with your recovery.

    3. Swifty11


      Ouch! Get well soon mate!

    4. CovDriver


      Cheers guys just got to get some modelling done now.


  24. Bit of a thumping headache this morning !!

  25. going to a retirement get together this could get messy !!

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